What does Yas Forums think of Mister Metokur?

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He became irrelevant a least a year ago. His Twitter used to be based, but is now filled with pointless takes, doomerposting, and circlejerking Reddit-tier subtweeting. His taking down of Sargoy and some other faggots was glorious, though.


Fuck eCelebs.

One of the few guys on the internet that are actually consistently funny.

>he became irrelevant
Imagine unironically saying that. Seethe more, babyfurfag.

Ol Jim is a true and tested Yas Forumsfag, something many retards posting here will never be.

>tfw he made Eugene "It's a just flu" Gu buttmad over his shitposting


He IS irrelevant, and thats a fact.

Alright, towards higher end of shitty ecelebs. Atleast he’s not cringe or outright retard. Can read some scientific studies so he’s on the higher end

Hes irrelevant you fucking g*rm

He’s got a good voice but he really is a boomer in the body of a millennial. It always surprises me how behind he is on info or how he chooses the most sensationalist articles to freak out about. Still, every once in a while he’ll host something genius like his Mandar/David Stay stream.

Other then that, he has that unique ability to remain completely casual online while also not being a faggot. It’s a skill rarer than it sounds.

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Married life has affected the quality of his content.

based but irrelevant

Lmao he is irrelevant he has no impact on any platform or in real life. The only mark hes made was being a drama eceleb for aspies 14 yrs old and hip boomers

High school level E drama and neckbeard worshippers who think they are more intelligent by virtue of worshipping him.

i fucked jim in college. AMA

I like his content, but I wish he'd go back to making fun of retards instead dog posting about coronachan. I wanted to keep informed before the happening was upon us. Now that it is, I don't need the warning anymore.

I bet u anything he is jewish

>he has no impact on any platform or in real life

No shit retard, he straight up says all the time that he's not trying to "make a difference" just laugh at spergs

That and he kind of just cycles through old or questionable news. It’s not as bad as his Sargon shit, but it’s definitely getting old.

>not as bad as his Sargon shit, but it’s definitely getting old.
I loved him kicking that horse to double death though

Living embodiment of
>I told you so!

seems like a great dude. hot takes. knows about the eternal jew menace but doesn't harp on it like a wignat faggot, for good reason

>body of a millennial
He's gen x but the way he chain smokes is probably going to kill him well before any boomers.

Fat eceleb with yellow fever

nasty pillpulling drama queer who stepped to saint terry. probably one of fuentes' boyfriends or maybe not, either way

How many more times are you going to spam this fucking thread?

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ia here holy shit

Where's the stream, Jim?

I think that's the faggiest logo I've ever seen.

that's embarrassing

He's entertaining and mostly just laughs at retards on the internet. He's barely even Yas Forums related at this point so you faggots really should stop making threads about him here.

dramaqueen trying to shill coronachan for shekels, probably the sole reason why Yas Forumsacks freaked out about the fucking flu

yes, people who publicly criticize jewish power must be called gay, thanks for reminding us, kike. i forgot

what the fuck are you talking about. what makes you think i was spamming metokur?

I like his videos although they aren't perfect. And he shouldn't have made the one about Terry, though it wasn't really harmful.

>He became irrelevant a least a year ago.
pretty much all of the internet became irrelevant after 2015

>he became irrelevant
>x became irrelevant
yeah after purging edgy/right wing commentators off every platform they become "irrelevant"
that's what they want you to think
if these people were given space and the platform they used to have they'd be just as relevant as ever
now that they can't say antyhing and it's impossible to follow them consistentlty on any platform you just forget about them thus they "become irrelevant"

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I got tired of it, but it was mostly because he’d hype up some dirt he’d have on them then it would end up being fairly tame or speculation. I also can’t stand Sargons voice or shmuckles so having to hear Jim play clips of them on stream was pretty grating.

The furry and pedo takedowns were good, too. I was there during both the last Ross and that fat lying furry. Jim does none of this anymore. The "weather reports" thing is gay cope for being washed up. Pretty sad, though he may come back if he stops being a doomer (again).

Jim is the boomer we are doomed to become.

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Sadly, I agree with you.

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I think you stay up too late Jim. But I love his streams and videos. Sweety Squad

If only he didn't use half his streams reading out superchats I might still watch them.

Jim is a funny cunt


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He's based and redpilled

>it's just a flu bro
Imagine actually still clinging to that bit of cope.

he literally does 1-1.5 hour streams and then does superberries, are you new?

You're right, the flu is actually more deadly

>flu totally fills your lungs with glue bro

have you bought the dips too?

I can't tell but Yas Forums moderators a fucking cocksuckers.

>muh lungs get attacked waaahhhh

>0.5% death rate in Germany
hahahahahaha cry harder happeningfags

and 11% in italy

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Hey Jim

He has an Asian girlfriend, so bad.

The day he turned to stream about anime was one of the darkest.

did you know, theres this manga called berzerk, theres someone who gets fucked by a black guy

yea Jim's great his fanbase not so much

Nigger Nerds Rise Up!
Stream.me days were glorious.

He's alright

He has an Asian girlfriend, so I'm not too keen on him with regards to that.

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>1 post by this ID

yes because shitalians and spaniards are gentically inferior

Still waiting for Deviants after dark and more /x/ files

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