Seriously I change my opinion like every day wtf.
HELP: I can't make up my mind whether Corona is real or fake
it's fake unless you get it, then it's real af.
It serves the purpose of saving capitalism from crumbling.
Also, some old boomer might die from it.
So, fake news and kike pysop
No, if you're young you will get through it in 3 days just like....the flu!
Same here. I dont know a single person that has it. Only have lying main stream media telling me to be so scared of it. Idk what to believe
i feel like its in a superposition. some quantum bullshit like schroedingers cat or some fuck or another i cant tell anymore. fuck this
it's fake
You guys are worrying about a 'virus' more then ten miles away from you, I think you should start worrying about the mandatory vaccine that we'll have to take.
Whatever you do, don’t let them give you the vaccine!
why exactly? Will it like fry my brain like eggs?
it's real, it's just your only source of information are politicians and the mainstream media, which are highly unreliable.
no, you'll be tagged and only allowed to participate in society if you have a vaccine.
I think it is very real
The problem is what is the reason for this? Why did the Chinese spread this. My theory is that China wanted to bring down our Economy and become an economic powerhouse.
And probably already have a vaccine.
They are gonna be rich
Not just American Economy, but all major economic powerhouse... Including yours, British user.
>Will it like fry my brain like eggs?
Yes, and it will do far worse things than that too. It’s to keep you weak and docile.
its real and has a cure (zinc, hcq, antibiotic) and its a tool for the biggest psyop in history which is going to bring the NWO
Uk government is effectively disempowered, emergency bill with fake sunset clauses enacted, "democracy" suspended, you no longer have rights
We are being led into a technocratic dictatorship, all bills were pre written and ready to roll out
Mark Sedwill is the shadowy hand behind the dictatorship, they will offer you
>free money (no such thing, it is a poison chalice)
>mandatory vaccines
>cashless society
>no free speech
>no public gatherings, ie no protests
>internment without trial for the "infected" , ie dissidents
>unrelenting immigration
>possible re entry into EU
>5g rollout
>facial recognition
>mandatory ID "papers please"
>free porn
>state enforced LGBT
>state enforced homosex
>state enforced miscegenation
Based boomers .info
In b4 take your sex, have meds
This is serious shit
It is incumbent upon you all to raise awareness if nothing else
As real as white genocide
but if you deny it won't they just tag you as not being allowed to participate anyway?
>implying theres anyway for uk citizens to do anything anyway
we are disarmed. join the nwo, its the CHAD way of life.
>Hundreds of thousands of europeans infected
>Kills literally nobody besides 80 year old chain smoking retired coal miners with 1 lung
It was, is, and always will be a total fucking nothingburger.
This meme beer flu only exists to divert out attention from the world's economy collapsing and printing trillions of dollars every week
I wonder if this could be project blue beam after all, it serves the same purpose of us fighting an enemy and it bringing everyone together while giving up all form of control
You had almost 1k corona deaths just yesterday... How can you call this a nothingburger as an Italian?
Same, wtf, maybe both sides are being played by the same people
Its as real as common cold.
Oohhh no its fucking nothing, but please fixate on that and not on economy collapsing or degeneracy.
Shes actually not white, don't let her fake hair color fool you,.. that there is a yiddle diddle.
Kike in disguise.
Flu me do me you can never coom me
Literally 0 beer flu deaths.
Read the death certificates.
All of them cancer patients.
You sir, are a woman.
Anyone with daily death statistics vs corona death by country? Or at least just daily deaths.
Belgium has this but it hasn't been updated since end of February 2020
Trust Me It Is Real
I Am A Real Person and I Died From
Common cold is brutal last year I was coofing for like 4 weeks
>>Kills literally nobody besides 80 year old chain smoking retired coal miners with 1 lung
1-5% mortality rate depending on how overwhelmed the medical system becomes... totally just the flu bro (0.1% mortality rate)
“I don’t know anyone who has it so it can’t be real” is beyond brain dead. 100K Americans are known to have it among 300 MILLION citizens. That’s less than 0.04% of the entire population. Especially if you live in a rural area, you wont have cases for a moment. What’s important now, is that it stays that way. Stupidly ignoring it is going to get millions killed. And it’s not the mainstream media. People from all social medias are talking about it; where it’s spread to, and more importantly, HOW NOT TO GET IT. Safety is the main way to make sure it stays under the 0.04%. Don’t be stupid and stop trying to scare yourself.
Yea it’s like that cat in the box that’s both alive and dead because if you open the box to check if the cat is alive a Chinese person will come and eat it.
1-5 is literally flu.
You can take your horseshit 0,1 and shove it.
I would say where the bodies but then I thought I never see cancer dead bodies or road death bodies or just old people bodies
Sorry i quoted you by accident.
Yeah man even the common cold can be a bitch.
Its not killing anybody you fucking retard.
>Your official mortality rate numbers for the flu are horseshit
>My personal made up numbers based on my feelings are reliably
If this is how polish science works, then I'm not surprised your country is such a shithole.
But there are no actual tests for it. I've seen countless videos on YouTube showing completly empty hospitals. I need to see some real proof
Why are you talking to yourself?
Did you forget your VPN you fucking weirdo
Fuck outta here with your (((science)))
>all the people who die in hospitals with the beer flu die from the beer flu
>On re-evaluation, only 12% actually are the beer flu
a latina bleaching her hair isn't white silly american
Yes kid, your 0,1% for normal flu is horseshit, and so are your imaginary numbers for the beer flu.
Fuck off, schizo.
Go watch more TV and shit yourself over nothing.
The test kits have 85% false positive
No one knows anyone who has it except a small few and most of those are people who don't actually have it
I hope the US starts sending people back to work so you niggers get fucked into the dirt.
This post is Garbage
It takes 2 weeks of pure hell and another 2 of recovery plus one more to seroconvert and be clear.
Its fake dude
You forgot the first 2 weeks of Asymptomatic living life
>I don't want any deaths from the coronavirus
>Therefore there are no deaths from the coronavirus
>You are the schizo for using official numbers instead of the ones I come up with on the fly
Lmao imagine believing that.
It's real and Q boomers are retarded. Still waiting on those 6 gorillion sealed indictments.
Do you have enough faith to go out and lick doorknobs? The answer to that will help you decide.
Sorry Germany wasn't all that it was cracked up to be, muzzie.
There are literally no deaths from the beer virus, yes.
Keep crying schizo.
>Real Virus
>Real Pandemic
>Grossly inflated death numbers
>Grossly under tested/under reported infection numbers
>Mass panic and delusion is real
It's real but not anywhere near as deadly as it is being made out to be.
I got symptoms within 3 days after that I had 2 very fun weeks not knowing if my heart was going to hold or not, I became pale with purple lips for about 2 days, the first week was the worst but the second wasn't better
>Normal flu has 0,1% mortality rate
>Official numbers
Its time to stop lying, rabbi, oy vey.
Go kiss a chink and get it slav nigger, then tell us about your symptoms
Lmao ok send it.
Well done, you had influenza
You should lose some weight and work your pulmonary system
Unironically my aunt knows two people who have tested positive and died already. Indiana if you're curious.
how about you walk in to a hospital in a hot spot and see for yourself
Will all of this blow over?
The Mark of the beast is here:
Why were the Chinese spraying steam everywhere?
More corona tinfoil and predictions:
Lmao of course.
Probably died from a heart attack from being a land whale.