The entire Balkans should be Greek again

The entire Balkans should be Greek again.
Nobody needs Bulgaria or Croatia in 2020.

Attached: file.png (596x383, 73.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody needs Greece or Italy yet there are still there

The entire balkans became southern Italy after 300CE.

Greece has an impressive culture, Croatia has nothing

Suck it gaygreek

Attached: 1503731012678.png (780x866, 340.52K)

slav subhuman

Greece had impressive culture 2500 yeats ago before they became turkish rape babies

Attached: rape_statistics_2017.jpg (3788x2896, 849.76K)

"Slav" lol

Attached: b8e00ca9bcc7e8b3b2f9e00c790e45f9.jpg (693x960, 117.5K)

what's the balkan problem
someone balkan up the wrong tree
you balkan doing something


Are you mad because Greeks are pure while Croats are mixed with Slavs?

I don't care who owns the Balkans, just so long as somebody unifies it into a real country, not all the fake meme countries that it currently has


Choose one

Do you understand that no one will take you seriously until you have that meme bootlicker flag

>I don't care who owns the Balkans
Greeks are the rightful owners

im a fascist


balkans were never fully greek, kostas

He probably doesn't even live in Greece, heprobably lives in some mut country like USA or Australia and has one Greek grandparent and larps. that's why he uses meme flag while defending

Croatia is 15th safest country in terms of crime
Where is Greece? Or Italy?

It doesn't matter who governs this region, the average IQ is still 90. A lot of white nigger shit goes on here. If it wasn't for tourism people could only survive my farming and fishing. It's a good place to isolate if you're a foreigner, because for some reason the locals are so proud that they think you're below them.

Stop feeding the troll or larper or whatever he is, just troll him back

Greece should conquer Istambul, rename it as Constantinople and turn it as the capital of the resurrected Eastern Roman Empire.

Attached: Revive Roman Empire's flag.png (800x581, 138.71K)

it was

Attached: file.png (889x799, 203.97K)

It would be damn nice. We miss the wars with the East Romans

You're mentally ill and need help. You make these threads everyday. Please stop and get help.

Πόσες φορές πρέπει να σού πω ότι πρέπει να σταματήσεις να γράφεις φασιστικές μαλακίες;

Αυτό που κάνεις εδώ κάθε μέρα δεν είναι ζωή.

dont reply to the turk you dumb retards
he's pretending to be an obnoxious greek on purpose

>Croatians are stupid
That's probably why first guy that talked about relativity and subatomic particles is from Croatia, also the guy who invented alternating current, also the guy that invented parachute, also many of first printed books are on Croatian

Just shitty and cringy take

This is false data

Croatians won't break into you house but if you leave anything of value out unattended, don't expect it to be there later.

They won't beat you for no reason, but you can find trouble if you want it. I suspect a lot of people have been buried at sea.

do you think serbs are turkish rape babies

and that's tesla, who's a serbian, this is like black people taking pride of the innovations of elon musk

One guy wasn't a retard. That doesn't excuse you faggots parking in the middle of the road or in front of my driveway. Or poisoning cats.

Ethnice Serbs from Croatia? You might like the Serb who's team discovered Azithromycin in Croatia?

Note that ethnic Croatians are scum. Catholicism has rotted there brains.

Not all of them some certianly are,but there are lot of tall Dinaric chads, I don't even think that about Greeks, I just said that to troll OP Larper and even if they are "rape babies" that doesn't make them less valuable, if they love their country and our productive they are great. People should be judged based on their actions, not their genes

He is ikibey, a Turkish troll

mean*** their***

Sorry. Phone posting.

>same memeflag gayreek making the same thread again



that's another guy

Tesla was half Serb half Croat

We have more culture in our dickholes than your made up nation in it's entire existence hvart shitstain the Serbs should kill you all...

>Admitting you are in league with cringe faggot ikibey
Dumb roach

Pic related is 10/10 in GreekHomoland

Attached: Screenshot_20200328_093924.jpg (636x450, 81.7K)

do you have evidence for that

He's a psychopath roach not Greek, you retarded bulgar

go back to turkey you shitskin

>hurr durr we have culture
>genocide good
You sure proved to me that you are nation with culture

Also if your small brain doesn't understand this was sarcasam

> from Croatia
Austrian Empire.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_Habsburg_Monarchy.svg.png (1280x853, 940)

>Greece has an impressive culture, Croatia has nothing
Says a memeflag

Got more culture in this small town than your country(PROBABLY America.)

Attached: hrvatska1.jpg (400x300, 69.05K)

His diary maybe where he clearly states that he has Croat roots, his surname that was used only by catholic Croats until some of them converted to orthodoxy, his surname is also linked to medieval Croatian noble family, Nikola Tesla stating that he is proud of his Croatian homeland

this city was made by italians

>Shitalian city later inhabited by hill niggers.

Attached: cdb.jpg (499x499, 18.59K)

kings landing? i was there last year, loved it


Everyone on Balkan is mixed you dumbasses. Illyrians were here and they got mixed with Slavs, and that's what we are

No it wasn't, as every Dalmatian city it speeked Slavic language by 11th century(this is actually a fact coming from Holy See) and later Italians stole them and claimed they were theirs

Illyrians were seen as inferior savages by Greeks

Croatia is not fucking around tonight

can you show me the quote of where he says he has croatian roots. And he said this “I am proud of my Serbian origin and my Croatian homeland.” an american can say he is proud of his american homeland, that doesn't mean he is a native american.


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You are the definition of a 3rd world irrelevant t*rkish shithole.

Cope harder shitskin.

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> Dalmatian
> Respublica Ragusina
Larp more hill niggers.

Attached: jc2amv4.jpg (500x328, 40.06K)

>Illyrians were seen as inferior savages by Greeks
And you got that out of your ass?

From inventors I listed only Nikola Tesla was from Austrian period dumbass and this pic was his passport, issued by Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia in the name of his royal and imperial highness Franjo Josip I.(Franz Joseph I). Only Croatia and Hungary had their own passports because they were considerd separete from Austrian Empire, they also had separete citizenship

Attached: 425px-Putovnica_Nikola_Tesla_01082.jpg (425x600, 40.41K)

Read his diary and stop being butthurt, I'm not library

Illyria appears in Greco-Roman historiography from the 4th century BC. Illyrians were regarded as bloodthirsty, unpredictable, turbulent, and warlike by Greeks and Romans.[46] They were seen as savages on the edge of their world

Also read about Tesla family history