prove that the Earth is round
>Pro tip: you can't.
It can be done, you're just too fucking stupid to do it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>What is the Erastothenes experiment

Are you illiterate?

imagine being this fucking retarded

It's not an appeal to authority. It's the name of a repeatable scientific experiment that proves that the earth is round.

And have you yourself repeated this and are conveying your results?
Oh what's that? You're just name-dropping? And that's good enough?
>It's not an appeal to authority.
ok retard

>prove that the Earth is round
every other celestial body is round, therefore, earth must be round.
doesn't get more deduced that that.

If you don't believe it then go and do the experiment yourself.


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Great, so you agree that you did not provide an argument from first principles, have mis-read the post, and are therefore illiterate

Imagine going to a thread titled "I heart science" and then engaging in name calling.

I bet you're, like, really smart and stuff

>I heart science
>Repeatable scientific experiments aren't proof

The flat earth club is a joke

now you're using the fallacy fallacy.

>ask for argument from first prinicliples
>doesn't give it
the end. can't move past that.
>It can be done, you're just too fucking stupid to do it.

If you’ve ever seen a lunar eclipse then you know the shape of the planet

Keep walking in one direction and end up back where you started.

Someone with a brain?!
Would you care to articulate for the Austard?

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>"Please prove a scientific theory without relying on scientific experiments"
brainlet thread

Nah. I like the thread tho, good work

OP is a fag,
Fags are gay,
Therefore, the Earth is round.

See? Easy.

Did you learn a science term today, big boy? “First principles” literally just means the foundational axioms of some sect of science. That means there are millions of first principles. None are proven either. They’re simply taken as fact (i.e., an axiom)

Are you upset that you haven't solved it?

If only the Austard understood

When shooting long distances you literally have to take the curvature of the earth into account.

No you don’t

for the longest time I have not been able to pick a side on the flat or roundness of the earth.

However the last 2 years I've discovered a bunch of knowledge that suggest that the earth is round. possibly hollow / with chambers. Flat makes the least of sense.


a few reasons. the main reason is just the knowledge of the 7 hermetic principles of the universe. THe one many people understand although it has many levels to it. The phrase "as above so below" explains why the earth is round.

Cells are round spheres.
planets are round spheres.
As above so below.
At the core. atoms are electrons and protons orbiting.
at the core planets are exactly the same but a much bigger scale

also watch this video. this one really made me become sure of the earth being round.

crossing the event horizon was one of the most significant videos that teached me a lot

This claim has received significant pushback from trained sharpshooters. Same with civil engineers and accounting for curvature with bridges and rail.

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That’s OP’s point. He’s testing the basic intelligence of the average Yas Forumstard. Most user on this board can spout science but don’t actually know what is going on. I can bet 90% of people here don’t know what c stands for in E=mc^2

wanted to add to this, the actual translation of the bible says the earth is a sphere. it got jewwed. I learned this from a Yas Forums thread . yes it was backed up with evidence, no im not gonna go get it for you.

Fact, global warming proves the earth is flat, because the heat acumulates on top, otherwise in a round earth the heat would violate thermodinamics creating more energy in heat form than possible on earth

>c = speed of light
Exactly. These tards think you can see the curve from a plane, when the theory they are advocating for would say that you must be much, much higher up to percieve it. These people are literal niggercattle.

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>I learned this from a Yas Forums thread . yes it was backed up with evidence, no im not gonna go get it for you.
OK well if you feel less lazy you know how to google the word "archive"

>not including the momentum term

> Clearly not the point, STEMqueer
Don't vote or breed

I love researching simple ways to disprove conspiracy theories. It works out my mind. For what you just mentioned, to be able to see the curvature of the Earth, you would need to be high enough so that the “edges” of the sphere(oid) become visible, instead of the horizon one sees while on Earth. This is why the horizon looks completely flat all around. You’re not supposed to see curvature at that level, because you’re seeing an imaginary line all around you where the Earth drops off

Well here is what I do know I live on the beach. I've watched many ships come and go over the horizon. They don't just get smaller and smaller. They sink into the water as they leave and rise out of it when they come in. Also, if you are on a ship you can see much further from an elevated deck than the lower deck. Line off site is a thing and you can see it easily on a large ship, with binoculars. Even old sailors knew about this, that's why ships had crows nest back in the day, because the earth has a curvature.

Alright, flat earther. Explain this:

Why is the Moon the correct way up when viewed from Australia but appear the wrong way around when I look at it from the northern hemisphere?

found the big brain

(upper left of pic related)

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Because you're toilets are retarded, and don't know which way to spin.

What about it? I’m too small brained to infer what you’re saying

>Alright, flat earther.
I am the OP, who claimed you can prove the earth is round from first principles.

Guys are all Australians this illiterate? Is it the unfettered drunkenness or FAS or wtf?

Ours spin the correct way. You've got crappy american toilets that don't work properly.

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You seem very sure of yourself and your flat earth theory, but cannot answer even the simplest questions about your theory.

You're probably not very intelligent imho


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Where the fuck did that guy find a football field that is curved like that? Bad engineering

Alright touche

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Oblate spheroid but anyway

>Sun is round
>Moon is round
>rocks are round
>sand is round
>dirt is round
>your head is round

It just makes sense bro.

My testicles are flat explain that

This also. Radar horizon is 2 root H plus 2 root h
Should not the case in a flat earth scenario

Locally it appears flat, like if you zoom in close enough to a point on a curve, the curve with flatten, but if you zoom out, the curvature becomes more apparent. To observe the curvature, you need to zoom out far enough, like by standing on the summet of Mount Everest.

What is a horizon?

You're a tranny?

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>he doesnt store his pee in his balls

Does the Coriolis Force exist? Then the earth is a rotating sphere.

>standing on the summet of Mount Everest.
>What is a horizon?

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Am audibly laughing thanks leaf
I highly doubt you’ll see the curvature from Everest