Italy hate thread, do I even have to say why?

Italy hate thread, do I even have to say why?

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Show flag you italiano ricchione

Shut up pasta boy

Because they were fascist totalitarian bootlickers that genocided Croats and Slovenes and stole their land

Hey, paesano! Chef Boyardee discovered America! Show some respect!

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No value was lost

>memeflag streetshitters SUBHUMAN
>tries into country bants

Italy is a best. Shoo shoo.


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Best at infecting everyone

I regularly travel from Istanbul to Rome/Milan to fuck Italian girls.
Something about muslims really makes italian girls wet for some reason. I was fucking this girl in rome in my hotel room once, blonde hair green eyes and she was cumming so hard I asked her are you okay? She said yes its just so hot that you and me are fucking so close to the vatican. Damn still diamonds thinking just about that encounter.
Its only a 3 hour flight can’t wait for the airlines to fire up again

This is now Italy Love Thread

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This is now a Italia hate thread again, but only for its legitimate rival. For the other its still a love thread

Italy literally taught the rest of the world how to eat and they somehow still manage to botch dishes with only 5-6 ingredients. Even fucking GRANITA that has water, sugar and lemon juice as ingredients is still downright horrible in other countries. It's literally like the rest of the world doesn't KNOW how to eat anything that isn't junk food, horribly gross or that takes tons of ingredients and hours to make.
France, Spain, Greece and basically countries close to Italy still have good food though.

>Italy literally taught the rest of the world how to eat and they somehow still manage to botch dishes with only 5-6 ingredients. Even fucking GRANITA that has water, sugar and lemon juice as ingredients is still downright horrible in other countries. It's literally like the rest of the world doesn't KNOW how to eat anything that isn't junk food, horribly gross or that takes tons of ingredients and hours to make.
>France, Spain, Greece and basically countries close to Italy still have good food though.

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checked for truth, these memeflaggot larpers can stay mad

I like Estonia, good place with good people. Just relax bro you're okay

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Ok jew

You are a kike mad for that painting, we get it

>Italy literally taught the rest of the world how to eat and they somehow still manage to botch dishes with only 5-6 ingredients
you guys only use cheese and tomatoes

>Italy literally taught the rest of the world how to eat
I conscientiously object on this

>checking digits in 2016+4

Cringe. Are you 14?

>Italy hate thread
How dare you

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I cant believe they actually had a hug a chinese person day in Italy. I think that has something to do with all the deaths caused by COVID19. Nice going Italy.

At first I was like
but then I was like

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We've never been great after Rome left us.

French cuisine is amazing but it's not "every day" food, way too high-calorie and elaborate for that.
Italy has many dishes that are both tasty and healthy and you could eat them often without getting fat. See: carpaccio, caprese salad, chicken cacciatora, bruschetta...
People who think it's just all pasta and pizza are misinformed.


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Dirty fucking wops

Fuck Italy for spreading corona chan

Excuse me faggot.
Fuck off!

Found the fucking kike

Fuck you israel, close thread.

Italy dindu nuffin. Italy’s a good boy

is it because you're chinese???

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Fuck jew shills, kys your self

>he doesn't knows

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>american virus
>hurr dur fuck italia

mutts going to pay for this


Stop shitposting and go eat your fucking dinner bat, Lang Xing Xeng.

French food is far from elaborate. A lot of dishes are amazingly simple, and mostly rely on choosing quality ingredients and following a basic recipe, like Burgundy Beef, Andouillette au gratin, Carbonade, Breton galettes...

Though I agree most people are wrong about Italian food.

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He's not far off.
The sole purpose of a tomato to 3balls was to smash into the forehead before battle.

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Nice fantasy Mohammed

>do I even have to say why?

One point for you

Croazia è lei?

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you muslim men are physically inferior to domestic cats, stay on porn hub and keep your fantasies to yourself, you think anyone but your retarded women would voluntarily touch you KEK that's funny


First calm down
Second show your flag kike
Third there are lots of reasons to hate Italy and Corona Chan isn't one of them

Instead talk about :
- how they claim Mont Blanc when it's ours
- how they claim Rome is more beautiful than Paris
- how they brag about food
- how they stole the 2006 world cup
- how they falsely claim the Mona Lisa

...and the everyone clapped

>genocided croats and slovenes

>- how they claim Mont Blanc when it's ours
>- how they claim Rome is more beautiful than Paris
shitholes. one has gladiator bones.
>- how they brag about food
>- how they stole the 2006 world cup
>- how they falsely claim the Mona Lisa
countries can paint?

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Your like Italy's twin brother stfu piere

Mega based rock thrower post.

Mont blanc is ours
We founded both rome and paris
We have bets food
2006 world cup is ours, never froget
Mona lisa is ours
And we created france

Ofc not, it's very clear that you like anal penetration performed on you.

Imagine being genocided by italian kek

Mont blanc is ours since the early 1800s frog, deal with it

Our food is objectively the best of the world, being healthy, tasty, cheap and simple to make

Keep your sandniggers on a leash next time

Mona Lisa is made by italian hands, as such it belongs to us. With out that little picture your precious Louvre would lose half of its visitors, be grateful

>implying those incompetent fucks could genocide anything than themselves

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Go back to Jew York, Wolowitz-Sanchez-Yeung. I won't hear a single word from you, but sure as hell corona would


>Rome is shithole

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The old mafioso elders are being decimated by the coronavirus

Do I have to remind you that we built your navy? And most of your air force? You depend on us, faggot, we own the main war tech conglomerate in europe. Digging out half hearted meme battles from 80 years ago won't change anything. What about you, conquering the literal Sahara and leaving just before they discovered oil?