What the fuck? Anyone see the patter here? Why is this happening? Fucking bizarre
Go look at the top 20 google trending search terms
Other urls found in this thread:
Just post a Screenshot Faggot.
big nothing
nigga tf types "dog" into a search engine
>Literally built for BBC
why random animals
he looks like he fucks white girls
Oh fuck what did they do
Why is that nigger's skull so long?
i didnt even know there was a "trending" page on Google.
Fuck him and that retarded keyboard.
click on those results first nigger and then you will get the context why it's first thing people search for
Those trends are fake.
Are they seriously trying to tell me that more people search for twink than corona or covid?
Porn, virus info and specific happenings tops the search results.
Were there ANY news stories in the last week that involved a lion?
Wow you guys are dense. 11 and 12 are twink and bear.
Another indication society is overflowing with fags and whores. No men and women anymore. Not even a distant memory of what that used to mean.
Oh another Jewish genocide meme?
Looks like Replicant remaster
Seriously guys, are you proud of yourselves? Fantasizing about literal nothing numbers? For 8 hours? And what you reached? Nothing. I was like you but this place is no more for me anymore. I ashamed my parents browsing /g/ all night long. Now I manned up, starting doing exercise, dating with girls, and sleeping well and regularly. Now my parents are proud of me. Stop ashaming you parents. I was like you but now no more, and I am a better person now and you can be one too. Don't waste your time in what are fucking nothing numbers. Especially now we are all in quarantine, we should remove the power chords of our personal computers, and spent more time with our families. This quarantine give us the most precious thing: time with people we love, time to better ourselves. We should not waste this precious things for tin head conspiracies and nothing numbers, good night guys. Be strong, you can be better than this. Just watch yourself to the mirror, a special person is there, and your parents could be proud. I saved myself, now you can too, I believe it too my fellas...
Bear here.
Fuck you and your failure to be Canadian.
Aww shit, Penderecki died...
first top 3 searches in Poland:
1. death of composer Krzysztof Penderecki
2. advices about corona virus
3. holy mass TV transmission
exactly. lion, dog, cat, horse, elephant, bear, penguin, wolf, duck, all in today's top 20. tiger, shark, etc in yesterdays. i check google top 20 multiple times a day and this sort of coincidence never happens. is there some kind of animal event or....? the content to each key word is completely unrelated, this isn't organic at all. wtf
I found it
Is that 50 cent?
lion, dog, cat, horse, elephant, bear, penguin, wolf, duck, all in today's top 20. tiger, shark, etc in yesterdays. i check google top 20 multiple times a day and this sort of coincidence never happens. is there some kind of animal event or....? the content to each key word is completely unrelated, this isn't organic at all. wtf
God I wish that was me
some cunt building an arc
lions roaming the streets in russia I think
>Eberyding I dond undersdnand is a conzbeerasy!
Google is fucking around again, feel free to engage in masturbatory apophenic conjecture though, I know you will anyway.
lion +
dog, cat, horse, +
Did a pajeet write this pasta?
slavic countries will inherit the earth (unironically)
You ain't never felt sad and needed to see a heckin doggo?
elephant, bear, penguin +
chinks looking to stock up on meat
They have unleashed the AI. God save us all.
and then wolf and duck. shark and tiger for yesterday. all unrelated content. something is fucked about this. the thing is, i check google trends 5-10 times a day for about 10 years now. this never happens. why now?
>i check google trends 5-10 times a day for about 10 years now
But why?
Yea its summerfag 9 year olds and schools cancelled, give it a week and itll be duck sex and lion blow jobs, thanks alot jews.
are you a fucking idiot? 9 of the 20 top searches are random animal names? all unrelated content. i periodically check google trends for news fr 10 years multiple times a day and nothing like this has ever happened
Elephant, Bear, Wolf, Penguin
Goys, i think someone wants us to build an ark.
it's the middle of the night in the US and people are googling news stories
why are american posters on Yas Forums so fucking stupid?
why do they think everything is a conspiracy?
something to do with the standard of primary education in USA i guess.
for top news. are you kidding? you don't think it's relevant to see what the world is looking up en masse? it's the easiest way to keep up on current events
so they're googling random animal names you utter fucking moron? 9 out of the 20 searches are random animal names and none of the corresponding content is related. you're a fucking idiot, this isn't organic
Everyone seems to be talking about that tiger king doc on twitter, maybe to do with trending animal related docs
I don’t trust it, and today is perfect example of why, it’s censored garbage like twitter trends, fuck google I’d trust godlikeproductions more
It‘s because of all the kids at home that need to do stupid school assignments.
who knows.
maybe google are testing algorithims or something.
but thats not what you think, you think it's some kind of sinister occultist signal from the global elite paedophile sex cults.
>why do they think everything is a conspiracy?
Being raised on Hollywood makes them them think everything is more significant and connected than it really is
Good. It only took a fucking decade to get an english release
Plenty of animals. What do you think it means
Who the fuck goes to Google and just types in "dog"? What is the purpose of that?
Confirmation that more people search for gay porn than straight porn.
Little children are home. They just googling animals.
nope. Q tards get the oven along with jews and narcissists. it's just that google trends is always where i get my news and this sort of thing never happens (9 out of 20 key words are a single animal name?). there is some kind of fluke happening with google and i simply want to know why.
Nothing unironic about that
Slavs are the best whites because they have a soul unlike Germanic robots who are chinklike
And they aren't as open as Meds (also fairer features)
>i check google top 20 multiple times a day
little children all have phones and laptops etc to type in random animal key words. it's not like they're away from google at school
OK I'll round up a couple of penguins and a couple of elephants; you get the wolves and the bears.
>elephant twink bear wolf
Maybe the furries are plotting a coup?
This is the simplest answer here
google trends, twitter trends, etc etc what do you think i have all day to sift through content? fastest way to get to the heart of what's happening on the internet and off
ZA results:
1 Lion
2 Tiger
3 Patrice Motsepe
4 Shark
5 Dog
6 Elephant
7 Panda
8 Lion 3D
9 Horse
10 Snake
11 Cat
12 Wolf
13 Bear
14 Penguin
15 Woolworths online shopping
16 5G
17 Duck
18 Giraffe
19 Hedgehog
20 Precious Moloi-Motsepe
Look, there's only two possible answers here and only one is likely: either a bunch of people are googling lions for some reason or Google is fucking with the algorithm. I'm not sure how much more of an explanation you expected, it's not like anyone who knows exactly what happens with the algorithms both posts here and will answer accurately in your thread. I believe you might be retarded for thinking this has any significance whatsoever, either that or Corona quarantine is making you stupidly bored. Regardless, this thread is gay and so are you
agreed, but still doesn't add up. like i said, i've been checking trends for many years. this sort of thing doesn't happen unless there is some kind of animal convention or the like