/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2686

► Detected: 664,941 (+1,862) ► Died: 30,894 (+37)
Live: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 202 countries and territories infected —
— 66% more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —
— 2,084 different strains have been sequenced —

South Korea leading expert recommends wearing masks

Coronavirus spike already visible in mortality rates from Italy

Spain mortality rate goes up 17% due to coronavirus

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

Virus doesn't show up on throat samples

Italy first case tests positive again after "recovery"

Rapidly mutating

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

Olympics for 2020 cancelled, postponed until 2021

CDC lab for test kits contaminated

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

"Germany doesn't test post-portem", Spanish biologist

06:01: First death in Monaco.
05:35: 978 new cases and 45 new deaths in Germany.
05:02: 60 new cases and 2 new deaths in Norway.
04:50: 2 new deaths in Brazil.
04:48: 250 new cases in Austria.


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OP here, argibro is online. Argibro thread:

Argibro thread:

Argibro thread:

Use his thread.

\Not this time, Mutt.

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thanks for baking op

>Dead: 30,865
lol, still only 30,865.
How many days has it been stuck at 30,865? Four days? Five days?

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Please don't get sick Gary

thoughts on this lads?????

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gay larp

>more threads than deads
Member when they used to say that? Shills BTFO

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Wrong thread, Gary

I don't want my asthmatic girlfriend to die
I don't want my cancer survivor mother to die
I don't want my grandfather to die
I don't want to die

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Has anyone else noticed that junk mail has almost stopped? Those jobs are non-essential. I used to get at least two letters of junkmail per day. I've received 2 in the past 2 weeks. I haven't even had any mail in the past 3 days.

This virus keeps getting better.

cunny cunny cunny

i love cunny

Argie bro will continue to bake from here


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>wake up at 6am to the sounds of my neighbor dry coughing in their apartment above mine
>kept doing it for minutes
Should I call the doctors on her if it keeps going? Some people in this block are just boomers who don't give a crap about the lockdown.

...what the fuck
>Not sure if this is the fake thermometer produced by Zhang Xuandong in #China, who suggests producing fake thermometers and selling them to the US so more Americans can be infected with #CCPVirus. You can preset temperature with this thermometer, so the result is what you want.

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Normies Cant Handle It

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it’s so catchy and relaxing 5 hour loop here we go

Post more snail

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Most countries are actually being commie tier now with the lockdowns

Based, she's been one of the few people calling china's bullshit out.

Take heed of my warnings and prep, she cautioned, for the coof will fall on the just and the unjust alike. Let he who is without mask sell his vidya to buy one.

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This is the actual hoax the media has a vested interest to make you believe so you'll get your wagey ass back to work for mr shekelsteins stock portfolio.

This is the flattened curve

Can't go to work, so you immediately have to start molesting children?

I must live through this. My curiosity is what makes me human. I need to see the world of 2021 for myself.

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I didn't prep AND my work place (Krispy Kreme) won't shut down so I can collect unemployment - still forced to work with general public. What are my current chances of survival?

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Kill yourself, narc.

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what the fuck?

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The only actually socialist state in the world is corona free you slanderous liberal swine.
It was with the foresight imparted by dialectical thinking that comrade respected supreme leader kim jong-un ordered the closing of the dprk and immediate public guidelines to mitigate any internal spread (which has yet to occur) should it happen.

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How is it possible that australian numbers are taking so long to skyrocket? No one takes lockdown seriously and surely we have more chinks coming and going than italy or spain? Whats the deal?

What's your blood type? I guess it's affecting A blood types more.

Women and children hardest hit, every fucking time.

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they had one guy and they shot him

>going to work 5 days a week in a building that sees around 200 people daily in santa clara valley
am i going to make it?

When you hear someone cough from 10 feet away...AAAAAAAAAAAAA

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>still more alive people left in the world than number of threads
Take Vitamin C. Like 2-3 grams per day.
If you have ever symptoms ramp it up to maybe 10 grams.

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What flavor of cope is this? Have you ever seen the spike in domestic violence in cities with football stadiums when the local team loses? People are fucking fragile as hell.
I guess you get reallllllly bored or something
Collateral damage. Start thinking about the implications of whats going on. Its going to have ripple effects that touch everything

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I can't stop jerking off and getting drunk. That's all I've been doing this entire quarantine and staying up to date on coronavirus.

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This year I planned to volunteer at an SPCA and help build affordable housing for homeless. Instead, I ended up cheering on a deadly virus to reset the world. I was scared of myself, realizing I was actually a terrible person. But, I guess this virus will bring out the awfulness in all of us, won't it?

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0%. Matter of time.

bad testing? are you importing kits?

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Only people returned from overseas are tested and its the one that takes 3 days

in 20201, it's still not over

Do you have a lot of spare ICU beds?
Can't die of lung damage if you're being force-fed oxygen.

Unverified rumors.
Since january the DPRK has had mask wearing outside of your house mandatory for everyone, closed off the borders, and has had its propaganda trucks driving around reminding people to wash their hands. Furhter all public places have been sprayed down with disinfectant twice daily.

They took these measures in january, and have continued till today.

seems pretty weak-willed

Domestic violence is generally reciprocal. Two people hitting each other. Women just as likely to be abusers or abused.

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Does rhesus factor matter as well?
My wife is A- desu

>sell fake tests
>sell fake masks
>sell fake thermometers
>expect not to be nuked to oblivion twice
They are truly retarded.

nice i wonder how many have starved since january lol

Nah I am having the time of my life. I got laid off and am collecting unemployment now

That kitty is so damn adorable