THE HAPPENING OF HAPPENINGS! #6 Infiltration Instead of Invasion Edition!



Archive of 2016 threads: mega. nz/#!3khERaZJ!a-S98SUx0bPsWWqwQjmuHWZBHtQ_tHcX9kFl40sgQ_A

IMPORTANT SPEECH (all JFK important)

l33t h4x03 Matrix Theme

Qrelated Amorphous archive

Please give QRD for newfags if possible

Attached: polnothingisbeyondourreach.png (550x550, 295.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:!9ZtzjYYT!JwZDuyynCcwW0WB6tsDZjzfPrCHw0pRgdNkyfBuqN-o

>cryptic message posted on Yas Forums
>some user suspects it's the key to WL insurance docs
>autists start doing their thing
>complete chaos
>shills in damage control
>nobody knows anything
>could have been a larp from the very start


I’m oSUgWDJ4 from the previous thread. Let’s go!9ZtzjYYT!JwZDuyynCcwW0WB6tsDZjzfPrCHw0pRgdNkyfBuqN-o

>the plot thickenss dun dun dunnnn


opGJwTHf7w USA 032920 03:22:50 No.250806555

Htfraees ESP 032920 04:04:39 No.250810555 code from image

base64 translation:

double checkers

/8A2X9D! AUS 032920 04:11:55 No.250811280
echo -n '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' | base64 -d > encrypted.file
openssl enc -d -aes-256-ecb -K '6123A54F5710746E360C8D64C5C2A68B1B46EDCB7BEB5AE6BF5A8E5935E35D9D' -in encrypted.file -out

Checked checked

Can I finally get a fucking tldr on this?

Triple cheeked

bitstring 9gg+/Tao USA 032920 04:29:54 No.250813068

lets goooo

Attached: 1585457358379.gif (350x350, 264.4K)

I'll dump a QRD on what happened in 2016 with all this picrelated

Attached: 067e45f229515a40080cccacef11d34b534109c4b9e6744c7d23f5f991badd45.png (1876x781, 131.9K)

So what can we do with this user's 4:30 in the morning. There is a deadly virus all over the globe. You need your rest. Look, pornhub premium is free right now why not just go to bed look at some free porn and get some sleep. The government is going to be sending you a check soon. Just relax and stop worrying and a bunch of spaghettigate nonsense.

Get some sleep man.

cant post the QR for some reason and thats mainly the reason why these threads are made

Seriously guys, are you proud of yourselves? Fantasizing about literal nothing numbers? For 8 hours? And what you reached? Nothing. I was like you but this place is no more for me anymore. I ashamed my parents browsing /g/ all night long. Now I manned up, starting doing exercise, dating with girls, and sleeping well and regularly. Now my parents are proud of me. Stop ashaming you parents. I was like you but now no more, and I am a better person now and you can be one too. Don't waste your time in what are fucking nothing numbers. Especially now we are all in quarantine, we should remove the power chords of our personal computers, and spent more time with our families. This quarantine give us the most precious thing: time with people we love, time to better ourselves. We should not waste this precious things for tin head conspiracies and nothing numbers, good night guys. Be strong, you can be better than this. Just watch yourself to the mirror, a special person is there, and your parents could be proud. I saved myself, now you can too, I believe it too my fellas.

Attached: 1585461727914.jpg (212x250, 9.08K)

I'll wait till someone else decodes this incase it's something really top secret government sensitive data like their private tendie recipes

hello shill fren

QR in question

Attached: 1585446699400.png (16x16, 250)



Chinese spies have infiltrated every level of our government and media, Trump's campaign from the start (he's a front man, an actor) has been an effort to detoxify our systems of the chinks.

This virus is likely Chinese retaliation. They can't control America's economy? Destroy it.

Attached: 1583207593263.png (600x600, 185.19K)


ultra omega based OP poster

Attached: 1561244088118.jpg (476x393, 32.02K)

It looks a lot more like a key when you invert it.

>Reposting from the previous thread

Yeah, we're missing something.

Here's some Python code that should decrypt it, with output included: (embed)

It is a valid decrypt, but the result is gibberish. Same if you try to reverse the byte order of the key, or reverse the bits per byte.

This is the bitstring I parsed from the image, and which several other people also got:


Someone else is calling this the inverted bitstring, but I think it's just the regular one. (Maybe they're confusing 0 RGB for white instead of black?) Either way, it doesn't work inverted or not inverted.


- They just encrypted some random bytes to troll us and waste our time
- We're not getting the proper string of bits from the image, or not converting it to bytes properly
- We're not decoding the ciphertext properly (though I don't know how else you could; it's just plain base64, so it would mean they did some other thing which they didn't mention)
- The bytes look random because they're also encrypted, but with some other unknown key

Either way, not sure what progress can be made from here. You can try slicing and dicing the key bits some more, but I feel like that isn't the right path. I would expect the image to be read left-to-right row by row. But maybe it is supposed to be read vertically or some other way.

Beyond thinking of other ways to convert the image to bits, or encoding those to bytes (you'd expect it's just a sequential list of bytes, but who knows), don't know what else could be done. If another possible AES key turns up somewhere, you can try using that to decrypt the decrypted ciphertext here, I suppose.

I know someone who works in china. He is a teacher and he says people regularly tell him that china is going to fuck America up. Says he's very concerned

the shills are strong today

Please stop panicking! China has a cure! Your whole family is now blah blah youre all getting vanned anyway

Do all the breaks / in the 64 bit tell anything specific that might help?

And, is it possible to tell the length of input from the output?

Not actually a QR code. More like a barcode. It's just a bunch of 1s and 0s / 0s and 1s. QR codes are a particular structured way of organizing 0s and 1s.

Im fucking stuck right here, this is where my knowledge base ends


Must be a sign

this is all new to me, but that's not how I interpreted OP.
I saw it as OP saying some ascii was encrypted using aes ecb pcks7 which resulted in the 64 bit output in the OP.
so using something like this
you could decrypt the 64 bit back to ascii, which is then probably the thing you need to decrypt the insurance files.

The problem is that site doesn't handle the size 7 buffer. According to
it's possible you can just remove the trailing buffer, but you would have to know the length of original input blocks.

The 64 bit in the OP also has line breaks, so that may relate to initial and final block size, but idk, i'm learning all this on the fly.

user. You still there?

It’s like the same shit the nothingburger shills say except you seem to admit that it’s real.

YOU get some porn and sleep

Attached: 0086.jpg (2495x1663, 307.44K)

Well user if its chink origin why not be read vertically and possibly R-L like chink language? Youre welcome in advance.

We need it to read oppositely then. QUICK TURN YOUR MONITOR UPSIDE DOWN

I'm chillin.

are you supposed to convert that image into ASCII first in some way?

Love you based OP
You're still a fag tho

Reddit should start their own country. Think about it: it would have a much higher IQ than most other countries. We could ban tik tok and fortnite, and every computer sold has to come with Minecraft preinstalled. We could also ban emojis too.

We all have very good ideas about society and government, so I think we would be far more efficient. I've seen so many posts with so many good ideas, not to mention our country would be the most progressive and other countries would look to us for direction. We would easily become the next superpower. If everyone left America for a new country, we would easily surpass America.

We could make Keanu our president and have PewDiePie on the flag. It would be the most wholesome country too!

Those are just some ideas I have and my own opinion.

Attached: 1378979.jpg (980x620, 69.79K)

So this thing is in a dead end. What do we even think is inside the insurance files anyway?


>And, is it possible to tell the length of input from the output?

Yes. It's the length of the output, but rounded to the block size. The block size of AES256 is 16 bytes, so that means if the input is 12 bytes bytes, the output will have 16 bytes. If the input is 30 bytes, the output will have 32 bytes.

The output length here is 1136 bytes, so we know the input is between 1120 and 1135 characters in length. (Might have the math slightly wrong there, but it's within that give or take a few bytes.) And bytes essentially means characters (including spaces, punctuation, etc.), so the input is roughly around 1136 characters long.

I think knowledge base doesn't even matter here. It's more like creativity and puzzle-solving ability. The knowledge base stuff is simple; we've already followed the steps. The question is if OP used something creative or weird when making the key image which we haven't figured out yet.


Attached: Screenshot_20200329-154944_Opera.jpg (1080x2220, 543.97K)

rather than decrypting the file, why don't you try /encrypting/ it?

Attached: erotica-asian-md5-9666160B331278CBD72E84CDFEF38823.gif (360x500, 3.32M)

Bump. Captchas are really killing me.

captcha thread-death incoming

I keep saying if you niggers fuck around and start a frazzledrip torrent it's going to break the fucking internet.

I mean it already did once might as well do it again properly this time

This is me. I was also the one who suggested exporting from GIMP in Raw Image Data so that you don't have to manually type the 1's and 0's (if you wanted to try your rotational schemes, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, etc, this would simplify your efforts).
I'd just like to point out that I, personally, believe this is a LARP. See my comments in previous thread regarding PKCR.

if frazzledrip is true, it's going to break the fucking world

Attached: watch the world burn.jpg (640x640, 43.21K)

You sure it was you ?

These threads are being slid, keep directly linking them to keep a fresh stream of people coming

ah, speaking of PKCS, has anyone considered that the resulting text might be a signed message? it does say PKCS 7.

>first palace
>sacrifice chicken
seals are being broken right before our eyes

Attached: K2tTR4S.jpg (696x799, 104.11K)


Q = Quakers.1656



literally this lmao
I was just going on a fucking hunch, but the shills came quick.
post passwords you want me to try but it could be anything.

Attached: 12.png (492x29, 1.61K)