All of you on here are big on words but if a woman starts loving you...

All of you on here are big on words but if a woman starts loving you, you'll be crying about how much equality is needed and how it is her body and her choice.

Bunch of misogynists just because you're not getting any, that's why you support Trump too. Your who ideology is based on you not getting any women.

And IDUBBBZ proves this! He was like you, yes you. An alt right troll. Yesterday he admitted that there was nothing wrong with his girl posting nudes, and that women decide what to do with their own bodies! Big shock!!!! That we should treat other human beings as equal only if we are having sex is the typical thought process you retarded alt right incels.

Y'all should look at this man as an example and change your opinions to more rational ones, before by some miracle find a girlfriend and see how retarded, hateful and bigoted you are being

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Ayy lmao


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hahaha i had sex womans since i was 15, when you dont had the thirst you can see how ugly they are in their insides, they dont care about us, the love is a facade.

thats why hookers should be legal so everybody can see the reality.

if you're defining it as "everyone who isn't a literal commie", sure, whatever

Is that Carl the cuck?
What happened to him?

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So, is this the power of the pussy?

He used to openly say the n-word and defend free speech and shit.

>if a woman starts loving you
Lmao stopped reading there, women are incapable of love. They might seduce you, they might manipulate you, but they'll never love you.

>The incel psyop argument that isn't one
Back to the lefty/pol/ halls of pseudo-intellectualism with you likely literal faggot OP

Oh please. I'm happily in relationship and I think that women are just worse men. They still should have equal rights even just to weed out the least useful ones. Make the future generations better.

if she loved you she wouldn't be a fucking whore

Jokes on you, a woman will never love me because even I don't love me.

Equative equality doesn’t exist you removed that privilege the moment you decided to take another humans life. Abortionist original purpose was to protect the guardian from harm. This is not reciprocally recognised when you kill life inside the place of birth and sanctuary. Responsibility abandonment causing premeditated death to life. Human life. Because that is what it is despite lies and using science to devalue life when in reality it’s value is existence. The only reason it’s allowed is because it’s a business and you have manipulated the system so you may kill your offspring. You think life is property? You have lost the meaning of life the responsibility and respect for life to appease a minority and vote garnering. A tool used also to liberate but what is liberation without the freedom to survive once created? But most importantly you disregard the universal concept of life creation and reproduction by destroying life in this safe place( safeguarding) you have lost this function and fundamental privilege offered to you by the laws of biology and evolution.

>All of you on here are big on words but if a woman starts loving you, you'll be crying about how much equality is needed and how it is her body and her choice.

I have to agree with this, str8 men are petty like that, everyone here is desperate for a girlfriend, if a feminist alt left SJW girl offered they would become their slave and would agree that black people are superior and yadda yadda.

Their morals last until they get in front of pussy str8 men put in a pedestal.

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Exactly my point! God I hate white men

>Blah blah blah
Nice essay fag

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>cock gobbler
>gobbles your cock

hey you know what this bitch is alright

I would rather be muslim


>All of you on here are big on words but if a woman starts loving you, you'll be crying about how much equality is needed and how it is her body and her choice.

so your saying misogyny is all women's fault?

OP is a faggot

>another casualty to the kali yuga my man

Sveden gets it. the sooner you get this viewpoint, the better.

> outing yourself like this

That's enough
This is just paphetic at this point

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He’s literally a cuckold, this is from her only fans.

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i have a girlfriend and her and i think his a fucking low test loser yeah maybe his making money but his arguments in the video were fucking so gay honestly what a fucking faggot

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fuck you kike shill, suffer greatly in the wasp nest

>Basedboy the post
I sure hope you are using a proxy and that we don't have people like you voting in this country

Also literally who or what is IDUBBBZ?

I know this is bait but some people honestly believe that you go from being based to being a feminist just because you land a woman.
Might be true for some but not for most


sage e-celeb-fag

>fake tits

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You can tell a lot about a man by how he's trained his dog. Women are similar. You lead with the leash, do not be led.

Wrong, in fact the more intimate time spent with women, the greater my desire to be alone.

At least she realizes she is ugly and is hiding it behind an ugly chimp mask.

>Also literally who or what is IDUBBBZ
A youtuber who's getting ecucked by his gf

some drama about finally coming out as aids skrillex bf

Not true you fucking simp. My fiance no longer believes she should be allowed to vote or work. You're just a pussy.

Absolutely based, user.

Ian, you missed a trick: you should pelt her relentlessly with eggs in all of her onlyfans videos. You'll literally have your cake and eat it. You'd have found a way to make simp culture funny.

But no. You regressed to an insecure fourteen year old and tried to rationalise the situation. There are body language liar tells at ever step of that video, and the only person you are lying to is yourself.

Truth is we wouldn't have given much of a fuck about your girl becoming an e-thot in the middle of an unemployment crisis. You could have made it funny and printed simpbuxx hand over fist between the two of you. Where we do give a fuck is that she clearly holds you in contempt, chap. So now you've got a girlfriend who doesn't respect you gaslighting you into believeing she's doing this shit "because she felt guilty at not bringing in the same amount of money as you".

You are a gay nigger retard. You're going to learn this the hard way. Pelt the cunt with eggs until she either fucks off or gets with the programme.

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Looks like a dude. A fat dude.

That's the gf? What an bugly whore.

Come on, man.
It's just CIA creating fake drama to cover up the economic meltdown, and distract Yas Forums from the coming inflation.

ok schizo

ya jealous mate :^) she is heavenly

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>her body and her choice
Men have no say.

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yet simps throw their money at her

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t. Still butthurt that she left you for someone else

/incel/ - internet celebrities

fucking when?

t. Roastie

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Or it's a talented comedian getting fucked by a gold digger who has chosen to humilate him first.

Ian, throw eggs at her. She says she wants to help, right? Well, How To Let Your Girlfriend Help Your Youtube Channel Out In A Time Of Mass Unemployment.

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What a bunch of horseshit. I'm in love with a woman and I don't believe in equality at all. Nor do I believe killing babies should be tolerated.

Good for them, she's making easy money from pay pigs. I'd make my gf make feet videos on the side to sell for easy money. All you incel losers would buy it up and I'd spend it on something useful while we both laugh at how pathetic you are.

Built for BBC

Jesus she is ugly as fuck. How could she manage to have a harem of simps and a mega cuck millionaire husband


nope, sorry mate.

Its a pile of cells that gets aborted you fucking retard.
Talks about not killing babies but cheers when Mexican kids die at the border.
Kys lard

>I'll gladly sell my one true love's body for money, and then laugh at losers hahaha

You see something wrong here buddy

Lol get over it bigot.
Letting your gf take pictures of her twat for strangers just means you're super secure and alpha.

No, I'm serious: Women call the shots, and men are their lackeys. This is not a state of affairs I am prepared to defend, I'm merely calling it out.

Tits are nice but she needs to lose at least 10lbs.

I have a wife and a mistress and I still hate niggers and Jews.


>esterday he admitted that there was nothing wrong with his girl posting nudes, and that women decide what to do with their own bodies!
His best content cop yet

All life is a cellular you ignorant barbarian. That's just a talking point baby killers use to dehumanize their enemies. Which just so happen to be helpless babies.

Kek does anyone even watch JoJo on Yas Forums. Funniest reaction image ive seen in a while

>critical mass of simps and oof levels

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>what we don’t know is that h3h3 has his entire family at gunpoint because he truly is redpilled and is forced to do this for the sake of his family

>hookers should be legal
Can confirm.

>God I hate white men
There it is

>All of you on here are big on words but if a woman starts loving you, you'll be crying about how much equality is needed and how it is her body and her choice.

Oh contraire mona me.

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>All of you on here are big on words but if a woman starts loving you, you'll be crying about how much equality is needed and how it is her body and her choice.
>tfw have a wife who is more racist and misogynistic than I am and came to me laughing about Idubbz
>tfw when realize simps like you will never have that effortless relationship, you will always be a pandering cuck

>equal rights
And you should be locked up in a padded cell, wearing a straightjacket.

One quick way to determine if a woman is a cunt [jumpcut zoom to something in the backgorund and back] Does she have fake tits?

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Why not just piss him off and send these straight to his dm's. I mean like, add disgusting comments, keep spamming them and show him what he has created. I think that would break the man in the end, like a full on fucking downwards spiral thing

I want to pin your soft scandiboy face onto a pillow and rape you so hard you can feel your ancestors shame you pathetic nordcuck

>what is IDUBBBZ
Lemme guess: If it ends with a Z, it's something for (wannabe) niggers.

Imagine paying for this.

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>One post by this ID
Remember to put "sage" in the options field lads!

>All of you on here are big on words but if a woman starts loving you, you'll be crying about how much equality is needed and how it is her body and her choice.
That's where we a getting in a territory of pure fantasy as such turn if events impossible for me.

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This is true. Most people turn to simps once they are in relationships. Another example is men's testosterone levels declining.

Gray, Peter B., Chi-Fu Jeffrey Yang, and Harrison G. Pope Jr. "Fathers have lower salivary testosterone levels than unmarried men and married non-fathers in Beijing, China." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273, no. 1584 (2006): 333-339.

If you don't like this particular study, there are plenty others. Take your pick.

Men become wimps in relationships, which is also part of why it's so easy for women to divorce rape them.

Question: Why is it that your little brother, Sweden, is so full of cucks while Norwegians tend to be more conservative?

Can you stop your neighbors to the south from embarrassing your ancestors?

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icuckz turned himself into a little bitch for this? this whore looks like a fucking horse

> but if a woman starts loving you, you'll be crying about how much equality is needed and how it is her body and her choice.
Wrong it’s my body now

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ok faggot

>that's why you support Trump too.

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looks like the gay mexican at the taco truck.

oh that is hideous. You would think that some youtuber like him who has videos that can destroy channels and twist the way nocs think could get something better.

There is nothing wrong with being a simp, a cuck, or a whore with a bf that's a cuck.

>I'm in love with a woman

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>sell her body
Lol, no. You losers wouldn't get her body. You'd get static pictures and videos like pathetic cucks because you can't get a real woman.

Sounds like you have an economic incentive to hop on my dick, cunt. But by all means, continue whining while your onions fueled movements are steamropled by reality.

How does that make me a brainlet?

Saged. I only read first paragraph btw. You retard lol.

>bacteria are humans and we should protect them