YFW you threw your life away for a meme ideology that has 12 larping followers and become forgotten not even a year...

>YFW you threw your life away for a meme ideology that has 12 larping followers and become forgotten not even a year later by your group who cares more about the flu

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But you keep smiling nonetheless

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n-no he's a true w-warrior and hero of the aryan race!!!! who else could get a gun and shoot unarmed migrants including children in a church!! absolutely based and redpilled amirite? so brave!!!!1111!11

Must be fun being kept sleep deprived and without natural light for a year. No wonder he confessed

Why are shills so mad about Tarrant?

He got more guts than them.

Fuck off shill.

He ruined the life of 51 people, their families, communities and culture. He might have to spend a few years in jail before he goes to heaven, but the people he killed are dead forever, the relative of those will have dead parents, brothers, whatever they lost, DEAD FOREVER, they will never feel safe again going to pray, he made change, more than any poltard ever will.

So no, little retard, it wasn't just a meme, ruining more than 500 lives with a single shooting isn't just a petty meme.

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Because they wish they could shoot up a Trump rally but don't have the balls to do it. He made change forever and it infuriates them that they lost, the lives of those he killed will never come back, and all they have for satisfaction is him being alive in his own room in jail.

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he wishes he was dead

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So do you.

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