>proceeds to send a stockpile of PPE to the chink subhumans that made this entire mess in the first place while his country shits itself on the world stage yet again
>trumpniggers will absolutely attempt to deflect with whataboutism and how it would have been so much worse if the blue team had won in 2016 instead of red team

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3 years down, almost 5 to go.
Keep going, your screeching and seething have been an endless source of entertainment you pathetic cunt.

Pack the churches folks. Jebus and Trump will protect us from the chink flu. Show the liberals who's boss.

>if you no support me team you must obviously support blue team ooga booga
Party cultists get the rope first, faggot

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Why do you MIGAniggers have zero rebuttal

Nothing matters anyway.
What does it really change against the sea of interia?

>MIGAtard IMMEDIATELY resorts to the stale “h-heh, f-five more years haha we’re STILL winning” rather than making a proper counterargument
it’s like clockwork at this point.

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I was a magatard until I realized trump is literally doing everything he can to tongue Chinese asshole even as they openly blame u's for the virus.

Give the country to chiba faster trump. Listen to Kushner and ivanka, trump. It's literally just a flu right trump?
And I keep getting told his "instincts" are top tier

fpbp. seething faggots just cant handle the genius of trump. try suicide you stupid cunts!

you wrote so much faggot text and said so little. kys

>unironically using “yeah, what he said!” as a defense
the absolute fucking S T A T E of r/ptg/

tell me moar about your concerns you stupid faggot shill fucktard.

KYS you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker.

It’s more fun to watch you retards desperately struggle to convince people that Trump isn’t a drugged-up, down syndrome bull rampaging in the biggest china shop on Earth. Seethe, cope and dilate Trumptranny

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Are you really ,a king the case that the bend over behavior is good? Please, tell me how "trump not calling it China virus to protect Chinese nationals" is a good thing. Red pill me on that one.

t. absolutely SEETHING trumpoids without any arguments whatsoever

what in the fuck are you trying to say you retarded anonymous nigger ?

You MIGA retards are insufferable. Hillbilly fucks.

>almost 5 to go
LOL I think the UN should come together in that case and make a united effort to nuke your dumb country for the world's safety, lol

>hurr seething
do you think anyone gives a fuck what faggot anti trump paid brock shills have to say? go suck some diseased leftist cock you pathetic shitbags. you have no power. no message.

lmao. the only thing the UN is good for is smuggling people and drugs

>you have no power. no message.

german cucktard thinks he has a say in the world. No one listens to your faggot country. we crushed you how many times in the last century? roll over bitch the adults are talking.

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>anyone not openly choking on trump cock is le ebil shariablue shill boogeyman
I see the ol’ paidshill.txt is still going strong. Update your text files, it’s getting kind of stale seeing lowly NPCs spout the same canned buzzwords all day

also go back, fag

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drop the meme flag you dumb kike. share your impotent message so we can laugh and shit all over it.

Jebus was the home of the Jebusites, cringetard.

>n-no u! hurr durr you are the REAL shill! im a real human with real thoughts I sware guise!
what's next you cunt lipped faggot?

>shill projecting
Post an argument or kill yourself you dumb faggot

>can’t do anything but furiously shit himself and spam adhoms at anyone who disagrees with him
way to push your “argument”, you actual mouthbreather. Now run buzzword.exe again.

>argue with me! Im lonely
was there a statement that needed an argument? you are just pathetic piece of shit cunts that require no forensic intervention.

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Im gonna require a sauce on that yangbro

>autistic screeching

>muh memeflags, REEEEEEEEEEEEE
make me, retard.
You're are more of a shill than anyone, or just too low IQ to understand the message. You call me a kike while at the same time worshiping one. /ptg/ and Qoooomers are the biggest shills on this board.

trust the plan

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>threads an ad hom against trump and supporters
>is hurt and reees when receiving same treatment
did i hurt your feeling you wrecked shill?


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Youre such a useless faggot

Pointing out what someone does isn't ad hom you retarded nigger

>green text makes me right when I have nothing of value to offer!!!! guise!! hurr! durr!

Correct. This pathetic late night orange man bad thread is nothing but worthless kike shills raging as always. Trump is fine as always and you are seething worse than wapo.

seethe more you bankrupt piece of shit cunt

Another shill with no argument, funny.

>has trouble reading
it's ok. socialism will provide for blind faggots too

>calling someone an idiot for acting like an idiot = diarrhea-ing buzzwords and throwing a tantrum because you think everyone is le big bad shills but you
R/the_donald really has turned this board to shit.

It's true, fellow chosen one, I too hate the Whites.

Want to go jerk off to legal replacement and black employment numbers with me?

The left cant meme

Keep obsessing tho, if you are busy being a faggot here thays less cp that youll download

Be sure to pack the churches on Easter Sunday and shake everyone's hand for me.

>trumped up trickle down


imagine posting like thinking you actually fit in with the rest of this board. Back to your containment subreddit you seething faggotron

>implying the team's make a difference at all and that this isn't all the jews fault

>trumpniggers will absolutely attempt to deflect

I've been doing this since Trump was running but I can't lie, I can't do it anymore. I think he was the right man for the job from an economic perspective but he's just not the right man for the job when it comes to dealing with a global viral pandemic.

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Americans are idiots

I support trump because I knew he was going to stir chaos and lead America down the drain. Almost had me worried for a little while but he finally pulled through with the coronavirus

>>Ohh look, more delicious salt!

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This is good b8. But everyone knows that LITERALLY no one supports Trump these days. Well except boomers and kikes.

>y-you dont belong here! only anti trump posters are the REAL Yas Forums!
can your skin get any thinner? what a massive faggot kek. im comfy right where I belong triggering a bunch of kike cunts

>implying I ever said anything like that
This isn’t 2016 anymore faggot, Yas Forums stopped being a /ptg/ hivemind around late 2018/early 2019

We need to replace him with Joe Biden
Joe Biden is the senator we need

Why are you acting so defensive about your meme flag? What are you trying to hide?

Do you remember 2016? DOUBLENIGGER

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what movie ?

Dreams of My Father

well good that you finally admit that. is iseael jumping ship now that america is finished?

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Too bad all the Boomers will be dead by November

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