And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

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How does this guy ruining his own life impact your own life? Let him do what he wants and let darwinism take its course.

Well, that is someone's son, maybe think about that user.

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See you fags on monday

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Back in my day we'd have beaten this fag up and got a £5 fine.

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Because OP is unable to control that guy and that's the fundamental problem here.

this is the future of all white bois
the only good white boy is a girl(male)

Not to be a faggot but how is this bad? Do you or Hitler have any say in what he should do to his body.

I'd understand if here were some dude with a mic preaching faggotry to kids then the whole "And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power." would make sense

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I see that you shills are in full force today. Day of the rope is coming soon you fucking kikes.

this is 100% normal

shut up, shill

>Society needs to be a hivemind or it doesn't work like how I want to.

>Any and all contrary positions to mine are just people paid to spout propaganda.
You clearly haven't taken your meds today, schizo.

He gives the green light to people with mental illness that this shit is okej instead of seaking help.

This. What you seem not to realize is that encouraging transgenderism essentially removes the deficient bloodlines from the gene pool. Essentially voluntary eugenics. You dumbasses should be happy.

Death to these abominations.

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Because they need your kids to reproduce.

Yes. Death.

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no homo but that guy looks like he could have got a gf if he was straight, before becoming tranny that is.
As a man this doesn't bother me because I see other men as competition and this is one less.

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Nice strawman. He didn't say or even imply anything about a hivemind

You don't think that it's an idea being pushed by the far left and jewish elites? The idea that normal men should take hormone changing chemicals that affect their mental stability? Do you really deny that these people are mentally ill and need help?

>supporting degeneracy
t. alberto barbosa

/agree. And upvoted.

stuff it you stupid nigger, you hav shit colored skin. you are lower than an animal. just obsolete farming equipment. you have no purpose. look in the mirror. you will always be an ugly disgusting dark piece of human shit.

Regardless of how positive or negative anything advertised is, it's still the person's choice. For example not knowing what a burger is or how to construct it but then you see an advert and you find yourself buying one because some dude put that idea in your head.

Whether he wants to cut his dick off, get surgery to turn into a cat or have his face removed, its still his choice.

The purpose of this thread is to incite others who THINK LIKE HIM to reinforce his position and lead others to the same path.

Nah. I'm supporting choice. Freedom. Something you authoritarians are scared shitless.

I for one don't see how any good can ever come from tolerating self harm.
The correct response is to select against.

Its a lost soul user. Theres a member of our race, our nation, whatever - and our sick society has failed him to the point where his mental illness has got the better of him. We encourage, and allow this, rather than stamping it out and letting him know he has to do his best impression of being a man. He might not be a good man - he might be always be a pussy, and a fag inside - but he's got to at least TRY and be a man out of respect for himself and his family, neighbours, and country.

Now hes gone. He'll commit suicide within 5 years as they all do.


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You don't know if the guy was memed into transitioning or would transition even without the cultural push to transition. Of course the former is quite common today, there are a significant amount of documented cases of teenage faggots getting peer pressured into cutting off their dicks, but transitioning itself, provided there doesn't exist a more healthy solution, (and from my personal research, anti-psychotics seem to debilitate a person more than a gaping wound between their legs) isn't inherently "bad".

I can see you haven't thought about the post you're responding to even for a fucking minute. was conflating collective societal well-being with a single faggot pumping himself full of testosterone. It's obviously fucking retarded, so the poster you replied to pointed out that a singular example of a tranny doesn't constitute a collective decline of societal well-being, and that on the other hand being opposed to all trannies, since the transvestite craze of today seems to reduce societal well-being, is also fucking retarded. missed any degree of nuance in posting that retarded counter-argument, and he's (presumably) an adult, he knows damn well what he meant and he said what he meant, and what he meant was fucking retarded. So are you.

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There's a reason why you're going to be a minority in your own country.

>pumping himself full of estrogen, not testosterone

>Society MUST think exactly like ME or else they get the rope.
>I am perfect, flawless and there's really nothing wrong with me.
At least they're freer than you. You're locked and bound inside that mindset unable to cope with other people's freedoms.

Must suck.

One for you too nigger jew kys

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>How does this guy ruining his own life impact your own life?
because if he decides to work at my job and I don't pretend he's a woman I can get fired.

That is forcing your views on him which is only warranted if he were the last man of his race.

Seeing as he is not, what he wants to do to his body is his choice. Whether or not his family or friends like it or don't like it doesn't matter. Whether or not he regrets it later on is his burden to deal to deal with.

Jesus, it's an adult and it's their choice. No need to put a crutch on him to help him make good decisions based on your subjective views.

Stfu faggot you aren't white, day of the rope is coming soon for you kike.

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>how does it even affect you?
>it's not like refusing to pretend he's a woman can get you fired from your job or anything.

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Why do you care what other people do? That mindset is typical of someone who wishes to control other people's lives.

No one is forcing you to change how you and your loved ones behave. You can still behave like a moron if you want to. In fact, it seems like you're quite good at it.

Not an ancap you incompetent nigger. You had one job.

>How does this guy ruining his own life impact your own life? Let him do what he wants and let darwinism take its course.

Are you going to shit up every thread with your kike bullshit?

STFU nigger

Same thing faggot, KYS degenerate.

There's a 40% chance that this thing will try to kill itself. Does that sound like it's really making the choices for it's own body?

If you think people voted hitler because of trannies you’re insane

He seems to be conflating the issues of people being allowed to transition and people being encouraged to transition. I might add that the latter, which is most certainly happening today, has very real societal consequences and is a legitimate issue.

KYS abdul

Back then, 6,000 years ago, (((God))) made Man...

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Oh wow
>For no reason at all...
White people voted Hitler for shit n giggles?
Fucking standard liberal normie npc reasoning.

Why would trannies care about the markets?

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Nazi brainlet can't even respond to simple questions lol

>Hitler raised to power thanks to trannies
I thought leafs had a functionnal education system

Why do they always have that unsure smile?

my little kid will see this freak and start asking questions, reason enough

Why do they always stand like they have rickets?

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>STFU nigger
You're not interested in having a discussion. It might have something to do with your demonstrably and extremely limited vocabulary. I pity you. Must suck being you.

In certain cases sure you're right, but you have to realize some transpeople don't transition because of fear of backlash from their peers and society at large. This thread and whoever supports OP's position is just proof of that albeit small and somewhat isolated.

The son of the state.


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You mother fucking lying piece of shit. I'm not going to fucking spoon feed you, faggot.

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>im an ugly faggot
>maybe being an igly cross dresser will be more fun