Nanking 2.0 - Finshing The Job

Are you really going to let those chinkoids get away with murdering hundreds of thousands all over the world? Murdering your family and friends while destroying the entire economy?

I know I'm looking forward to the day I'll be blasting Renai Circulation from the helicopter's speakers as I mow those commies down like the insects they are.
It's time to finish what was once started.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gas the chinks, opium war now!

English teacher unit will lead the charge

Nip em in the bud

The Ken-sama Suicide Brigade will serve a purpose.

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It’s time indeed.

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Based, we should have joined you in WW2

Anyone else noticed how nice Japan is now that the chink tourists are gone?

Kyoto was fucking great without those animals polluting everything.

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it would be better if you english teachers gone too

You should be thanking that English teacher cause with out him you wouldnt be able to post on your favorite anime board

>he thinks actual japs post here

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Nanking was a hoax though.

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this, most japs dont even know this website exists because they live in their own little bubble ignorant of what happens in the rest of the world

Once everyone pulls their companies out of china, you will the second richest country on earth.

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Restore the Japanese Throne.
Make anime real.
Best timeline.

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So was the Holocaust but that doesn’t mean we don’t need another one done properly.

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>denying the slaying of chinks.
Why are you denying a wonderful event? Burn all chinese.

I only deny the narrative of it being a war crime, where it was actually a mere case of pest control.

We should have too. Nobody in America gave a shit at all about what Japan was doing until Pearl Harbor. Japan could probably go full imperial on China right now, and nobody in America would give a shit.

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Says the country “killed hundreds of thousands” all over the world in WW2.

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Are we witnessing the return of the rising sun? If you are actually japanese, please tell me what everyone over thinks of this situation.

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>Says the country “killed hundreds of thousands”
of vermin

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Didnt we blowup two of their cities?

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The Jew behind this thread is rubbing his hands at Jacob Schiff's investment advice and the Fugu Plan, and how the Japanese did not attack Vladivostok, Siberia and the the Jewish Oblast but went for Manchuria instead. Morris Cohen and the OSS on Chiang Kai Shek's side so the Jews could play both sides is almost as sweet as baby dick skins to the Rabbi.

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>blow up two cities
More like nuked two cities and firebombed everything else. The firebombing of Tokyo killed more people than the nukes.

Operation Meetinghouse made Dresden look like rookie numbers.

We are sorry for the atrocities, but we must move forward now. We have become great allies and have made eachother some of the richest nations on earth. We must band together now in these times because the are going most likely start the third world war once everyone has grown tired of them. We need the rising sun, the most prolific chink slayers ever.

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Are you actually japanese or not?Pick one, faggot.

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>renai circulation
Based song choice for the apocalypse now

Of course not. I know a lot of based japs though.

This is just your threadly reminder that all chinks are racially self-serving insects that will do everything in their power to subvert your country and loot it for the chink motherland:

>Chinese corporate espionage costs the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

>Chinese immigrant and Naval officer was arrested for spying on the US for China.

>Chinese immigrants are systematically spying on western companies that employ them.

>Chinese are buying up massive amounts of US real estate and subtly colonizing the US.

>Chinese Born New Zealand Minister found to have studied and trained Chinese spies at Chinese spy school.
Kill them all or drive them out of your countries before it's too late, all Chinese immigrants are the vanguard of further Chinese colonization. The only good chink is a dead one.

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STFU Chink.


I'll enlist

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Aww fellow han person and kindred spirit, you don't want to speak harshly to another, it's hard to pull the long con and pilpul hard on them that way.

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LOL@animu pic.
The Chinese and Japanese on both sides are sorry to each other but not to the Jewish financial advisors and political leaders on both sides, and will commence revenge for the great birdy hunt, Einstein's plagarized works, and Abe eating out of a shoe before the (((guest worker program))) started.

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Would you accept us back into the Empire?

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Fucking BASED nips

Japs have 2chan.

Those red pointed nails. You guys really love Moloch. But wounding your genitals doesn't make them magically change your chromosomes

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They hate chinks more than anyone.

Singapore gook thinks japs dont despise the chinks.

We need to genocide the WHO as well

You think we memoryholed the HongKong protests and will hate who you tell us to hate and love your IDF diaper force and fight Muslims for you?

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What in the hell are you going on about?
We won't memorize and memoryhole what you tell us to memorize and memoryhole, babydick sucker.

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Death to globalism

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Play dumb after assuming everyone else is dumb because you're Moloch's chosen pedophiles?

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Okay youre just fuckinf with me.

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>Another American marine larping as a nip expounding hatred toward the great new superpower, the number one country on earth, the people's republic of china.

Try harder goy.

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Especially these (((Chinese))).
Yiddish tranny why you think goyim not able to learn and point out your Protocols?

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Lmao i have no fucking clue whats going on anymore. Have a nice day, and sont trust the chinese.

What, not going to discuss The Finders? Not going to understand that citizens aren't their government, not going to realize that the working man and all those kids stuck on college loans that you've deliberately traumatized will come looking for you?

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Are you a nazi?

You’re late Chang. Winnie the Pooh isn’t paying you to sit around eating wallaby testicles all day.

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Are you a Jewish journalist?

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Am I having difficulty what the fuck this guy's trying to say or is he just a schizo?

No, kind of want to having a lynching of the media here.

You guys are so fucking obvious.

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You're outing yourself when you use term schizo, just like when you use autist, nazi, incel and racist.
The goyim know, Ari.

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Me or him? Also, what do south koreans think of the chinese?

Fuck the chinese.

We were never told about this. Conventional warfare- totally fine
Nuclear warfare- OMG, atrocity! Radiation kills and melts people! We were so bad!

This. No actual japs post here.

Sure Tim, because the embargo you instated in Asia against Japan to provoke pearl harbor was not a thing.