ᛋᛋ Hello, and welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ
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This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·Fascist/NatSoc ideology
·Race Realism
·The Aryan Ideal
·Nationalism & Patriotism
·Racial Identity Movements
·Physical and Mental improvements
What are you waiting for? Improve yourself, comrades, community, and folk altogether!
>卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))
>But what really is National Socialism?
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/NSG/ + /SIG/
Remember /SIG/, becoming a christcuck is NOT improvement
these threads are cool but they always seem to be all national socialism and no self improvement
anyone have any infographics?
Here's the thing with Nazis. Their obsession with the concept of subhumans was finally proven but only with their defeat. In society today you can punch a Nazi, you will be praised, you can kill a Nazi, you will be lauded, you can destroy their property, you can attack them, you can inflict pain and misery on them and no one will care, when Nazis suffer misfortune people are happy. Nazis have lost the social protections that humans have, they are no longer considered human.
Nazis are subhuman.
well most of us already went through a lot of /sig/ elsewhere before we entered the fray. Do you really want to have the basics of /sig/?
Posting in incel thread for retards that can't get laid or jobs
this is what we are fighting against, against leftist ways of life
Losing virginity and getting a job is leftist? Lol you weak beta bitch
on noporn
by not being insane
Lol you're not even German
a while ago we had pic related as well
some fresh stuff on the inferiority of women
so you guys basically are complaining "but there is no /sig/ in these threads"
thats because we already went through a lot of that and are stable.
on noporn/nofap
beyond this, most of you tards are barely not even on the first basics of self control, to the tune of not sipping soda's. You inferior subhumans lol
Good place to start for the truth about WWII
And yes, WWII does matter because the mainstream bullshit narrative has been used against us ever since..
Even to the smallest degree we always find a way to bicker with one another. Why? Why can't we ever get along? Isn't it obvious the longer we spiral the harder it will be to actually achieve anything? Do you want this? What do we gain from shutting each other out? Am I the only one that can just see a brother in arms and not someone who has a few different ideals therefore I should berate him? Do you wanna lose? Why with all the infighting?
What about beer/alcohol? If I want to relax or take some time introspecting?
I'm not dependent and I haven't had a drink in some time.
against eachother? Half of the posters who come to this thread are our literal enemies. You should know this by know. You dont accept literal enemies. Actually, between ourselves we pretty much never bicker.
european tradition says that alcohol in moderation is okay. You can go with that, tho my own personal purist opinion is that all substances that do not contribute to the functioning of the organism, are bad. And alcohol, it being quite toxic to many parts of the body is just like that.
A combination of nootropics like phenibut, and a few others has better, longer, and stronger mind calming benefits with almost no downsides.
Lad, it is not about having a specific religion, all beliefs tend to orientate a person towards a specific esoteric goal. Each religion makes you commit your consciousnesses and attension span daily, increasing it in the process. Believing in something bigger than yourself can fix anxiety and even depression.
TL;DR - pick a religion - one that your ancestors worshipped and be proud ofit
>it is not about having a specific religion
correct. it is specifically about not becoming a christcuck.
Thanks /sig/ poster, had the urge to masturbate yesterday and I went outside to read Mein after doing so, I know it's wrong to be on porn, but I have been dosing myself less and less these days as supposed to waking up and fapping with nothing accomplished.
I had an epiphany that majority of people are subject to change by the minority, be it racial, institutional or religious. I didn't want to be a majority of people, and I wanted to seek out power that can benefit me or my countrymen. Seeing all these great men, including my father, I can't help but realise that they never had the sweet nothings beckoning them as much as I have, and they pursued higher zeniths even if they faltered some step of the way. My goal would be to improve this body, let the mind heal and find dedication spiritually.
well you seem to know the deal well from your post. In a previous thread some user remarked how the alt right goes down to infighting all the time, with drama and stuffs. I told him that if he came to the side of actual traditionalists he would be welcomed, assuming he followed us in our desire to rid ourselves and the world of degeneracy, as just one of the many aspects.
Just as you do! Truly nice. Too bad that this path coincides with the ability to shitpost less, like that dopamine fasting day that I did yesterday.
But yea, thats a good and healthy philosophy you have there, as it is like ours.
So some people in a previous thread wondered one thing: Why does the alt right implode so often?
Well let me answer that for you. The alt right and the many weird things are almost nearly identical in this way that they exist. You see, society has standards, terrible standards, bad things that they teach to the average youth/person. It makes the quality of the person be very low. Like compared to the wholesome people of the past and the few groups that we have now who are also wholesome.
So what happens if such a terrible person gets access to his first red pill? Thats right, he become completely crazed by that red pill. He thinks its the world, its important, and nothing is more important than it. But the problem is that this process of the first red pill, is pretty individual. So many different people have different red pills.
But now imagine that to be a wholesome person, you need to have a 1000 red pills. But these low quality people only have 2 or 3, and the 997 other pills are all blue! And these pills are also all different! So you have degenerate hedonists who have one or two good things. Battle against other degenerates who have different one or two good things. But ask any outsider wholesome person about what his opinion is of them and he will say that they are both degenerates!
So you see, these degenerate alt righters are viciously fighting for scraps! They want to have community, be important and be bosses, but their views are not reaching over to the many other groups that exists which loathe them! Well now you know. You are putrid piece of shit if you dont reject modernity, and we will hate you with utmost of hatefulness! We can accept that you are a piece of shit, but only if you do active steps to remove such bad things for within you. We do not accept your free will to fuck shit up. You either listen to us completely and unwaveringly, or you take inspiration from others like us, and STILL CONTINUE ON THE SAME FUCKING PATH.
defenders of the jew system you are if you dare to raise your voice against us. Many of you agents there are here. Yet no matter what, I still dont accept a single one of you, as I have seen you come and go for ages now. Only if you rebel against the spirit of modernity and open your heart to Hitler, or perhaps the many other heralds, you can have a remote hope of being saved.
Fuck jews, fuck lefties, fuck degenerates, fuck niggers. I have given exactly zero compromises on these topics and I will continue to do just that until they have been eradicated from this planet.
What do you think of Edgar Cayce?
That is honestly really well put, and is specifically what I needed to hear in this moment. Thank you that bro
vid related is also great for motivational problems
Its like half red pilled, it comes from not one of the best communities, but its leader knows what is wrong with many
Every national socialist must watch this:
Can you not be that fucking dense, please?
Not even once.
not even once
Cry us a river.
Good one, Jew. See , & .
They come in groups. Hmmm...
Still central authority over economic and personal resources. Still socialism. Pilpul failed.
it's a jewish conspiracy
it must be
All nazis are patsies, look at those shitposting cunts lmao
No. Show me where.
Well, you always post the same pictures and videos. You're proving your incapability to have a reasonable argumentation. Every thread you come in, you just vomit what images you saved the thread before, and so on. Keep spamming, you're helping us more than anything.
No. Do your goddamn homework instead of reading tumblr-tier infographics. Do you really expect to learn about economics the same way you learned about masturbation?
/nsg/, I made this pic for you fellas the other day because the spongbob poster was starting to annoy me.
FYI The other australian flag who keeps coming her and chucking a wobbly isn't a Jew, or not a proper one at any rate. He's a goy convert.
ok kike
>prove my point? nah, d-do your homework
Be a retard in 9gag, not here.
Sorry, I meant to post this. This one's a bit better.
Spoon feeding you the facts isnt my goal here. Dispelling your lies is. Confusion works better for that task.
Its not centralization, as you have seen from the content here, the property remains that of the whites. It is simply the banning of business harmful to the people. Maybe in this new age also the direction of business (with free market principles) into more philosophical grounds.
The free market, and the racial ingenuity works well. But the character and the morality can fade quite a lot and must be steered.
The free market as it is today, provides a lot for the degenerates in all sorts of categories. I estimate that the free market as it is now has to be cut down by about 50% to 70%.
You haven't dispelled shit. If you wanted to do so, you would have proven your point already.
How can I know he's the one pointed?
....yet, through unsophisticated linguistic trickery, the reich claims authority over all goods and declares a permanent war footing.
The net effect is that the means of production are in the hands of a few poorly-trained bureaucrats. Not a wise situation, and not one that we will be re-implementing in any way.
the precepts of national socialist economics were in FULL OPERATING during the reign of ein negerfuhrer, but you are a liar who wants power and will tell any lie to get it, so you will beg for more spoonfeeding, yes?
What an fascinating way to dismiss an entire valid point.
You are the only one who believes your lies, brethren. To the reader who does his homework, all has been dispelled.
>How can I know he's the one pointed?
Do a picture search of Hitler pictures during World War One and simply look. That's all you need to do.
You've still proven nothing. Only your incapability to address what arguments we tell you.
In every.
His facials features in the first picture you've posted are clearly different from the one you're posting right now.