Africa 'unfortunately' last in queue for life-saving ventilators amid global shortage
How could this happen?
Maybe China will give them the life saving medisans frontiers that will be needed for Chinese food supplies to survive?
Check this tune
oh no. Let's hope their big dicks help them outbreed everything from ebola to covid-19 and still have a population they can't manage and ends up starving every 3-5 years.
>oh no. Let's hope their big dicks help them outbreed everything from ebola to covid-19 and still have a population they can't manage and ends up starving every 3-5 years.
The west should give us their ones. call it reparation-light
Black and Semitic race is less affected by the threat of coronavirus
Approximately 80% of sickle cell anemia cases are believed to be concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa, but also in the Arabian Peninsula. Drepanocytosis is a genetic disease resulting from a mutation in the gene that codes for hemoglobin. The sickle cell gene protects against malaria thanks to (among other things) an enzyme, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), which makes
the action of the harmless parasite via the production of carbon monoxide.
Chloroquine, a drug created to fight against malaria, is the remedy for this virus. (((They))) are genitically not targeted by the virus. Isn't that strange that all the stocks of chloroquine in possession of the French government have mysteriously “disappear” – more likely outright theft –
Isn't that strange (((Yves Levy))), who was the head of INSERM – the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research – from 2014 to 2018, was reponsible for the stocks ? And that his wife is Agnès Buzyn, who until recently was minister of health under Macron.
On January 13, Agnes Buzyn, still France’s Health Minister, classifies chloroquine as a “poisonous substance,” from now on only available by prescription. An astonishing move, considering that it has been sold off the shelf in France for half a century.
Is it just a coincidence if an Israeli Lab have claim to have a vaccin soon ready ? And who was reponsible for the construction of the Wuhan lab ?
Africa will be fine. They don't have old people like we do. Everybody will get it and there will be some deaths but r strategy will overcome it easily.
Why are you thinking about their dicks ?
No they won't. If the global economy doesn't start back up soon they will be truly fucked. Also Ebola is going to explode because all healthcare resources will be used fighting covid till they realize that a much deadlier disease has been making the rounds. They rely on foreign investment and imports to have basic quality of life shit. Without alot of medical, food, and materials imports, african nation's populations would significantly drop. So many diseases are prevented from spreading due to western medicine and oversight it's crazy how that continent has 1 billion people.
Think. If 300 million of us died. We would still have 700 million left. We can replace that in a decade or two. Africans are here to stay buddy.
What you're failing to grasp, and I'm nog surprized, since you're a nigger (or a white with a VPN) is that the money will stop flowing NEGRO. You'll be EXTINCT within a century if Europe the anglo world fails.
Fuck that. The West is done with you. If you need something get it from China. They're you're masters now.
Are there enough for the white people? They make some seriously hot women over there.
>Africans are here to stay
stay there nigger
South Africa should be hydrogen bombed out of existence
Oh no, people putting themselves first
You'd think with all those engineers, scientists and doctors they'd be the ones having the rest of the world begging them for help
Holy shit you guys have internet!
How about no
That's fucking hilarious.
Nice English there, "burger".
>Africa huh? Where specifically in Africa can't they make their own ventilators?
Oh it's just South Africa according to the article. I'd was worried the entire contenient couldn't produce them so you fooled a click out of me.
OH no. That sucksssssssssssssss
Lets be serious for a sec tho
There is NO WAY a nigger knows how to use one
they'd just rip any copper out of it and sell it to a scrap yard or refinery
Of course your here to stay. Your pretty hard to get rid of. I'm just saying your power fantasy of outbreeding whitey and giving BBC to white women is over. Also the yellow men arent going to help you out of this either. They will hold you down and fuck you in your Ebola ridden ass with their grain of rice. They might even facilitie a mass depopulation of Africa in order to begin to de urbanize China. The sad part is for you, whitey isnt going to be there to stop the chinks, and then you'll be begging for us.
>They make some seriously hot women over there.
Just got emergency evacd from ghana.. the indigenous are getting restless twords foriegners.. omw back to murica now.. gonna be a shit show everywhere of course.. but yea.
This is good for the entire WORLD. Imagine 50% of Africa gets depopulated. Colonialism 2.0!
>I'm just saying your power fantasy of outbreeding whitey and giving BBC to white women is over.
thats one hell of a cope, you should write a fantasy novel
Not those. I mean the white ones.
5 years more like.
>shit op og
>keep murdering stealing and gaming
>constant civil war
Oh no god could this happen
Your the world's chattle, despite thinking you are its bulls. This is how it's always been, and always will be. And without your rancher (whitey) giving you fresh cud and shelter, you will perish, helpless to the elements as you have been bred to be chattle.
you need to write a book chang, seriously
Why doesn't Africa make it's own ventilators?
Why would I write a book about such an irrelevant people?
Australians confirmed the true mutts
Niggas : We don't get the flu
Also niggas : we need gibs because of the flu
This is what baffles me- If they are literally born into starvation, strife and death- How the fuck are there still so many of them? How in the goddamn fucking hell has their population been sustainable in any single way given the gestation period, maturation time and expected lifespan of a single nig nog there? They have to be popped out- Survive the process of simply being born, survive the most vulnerable parts of their development from newborn to age 12- Develop enough to breed more of themselves and repeat. It doesn't make any goddamn sense! Chinks make sense because they at least eat anything that moves and have access to drinking water and a semblance of shelter. But heart of ooga booga africa niggas and their numbers seems to outright fly in the fucking face of mathematics itself. People who are so uneducated and unable to process reality they somehow manage to bend that shit around them like warhammer orkz and continue to exist in mass numbers which in turn makes their suffering stay a constant- Never rising, never falling. A self sustained cycle of a house fire that somehow provides it's own kindling.
Roaches (The bugs not the turks) make sense- Live briefly, breed by the hundreds- Die and become food for the next generation that can live with borderline no resources at all. Nignogs seem to be able to pop out children to full fucking term more successfully than not, with fuck all nutrition and absolutely no medical care- Have them survive to the age where they can fuck/rape each other and then repeat the process. So I ask myself and the collective of humanity.
Africans are too dumb to even figure out how to use them, what'll happen is the receive them and either break most them through "manually twisting an electric screwdriver" type of incompetence or the dumb nigs will steal them as is fully expected of them.
Same reason why there are so many mosquitos, friend. All they do is fuck and spread disease.
>be african
>have 8 children
>children dig up the plentiful roots and tubers that you eat
>3 children manage to grow up and butcher monkeys or anything else they can manage from the nigh endless jungles
Africa is so bountiful in natural resources, if they knew how to fertilize for next year they would never need foreign aid for regular food supplies.
Barely smart enough to breathe, let alone create devices to breathe for others.
>How the fuck are there still so many of them?
Rampant reproduction. Millions of mayflies die on windshields each spring, but there's still enough left to make millions of windshield dressings the next spring.
the disease is there to stay, negro
niggers triggered.
i hope this wipes them out im so tired of them being alive
You stole a white country already you dumbo intellectually inferior ape.
South Africa was a top tier country and you worthless niggers fucked it up.
You know it. You’re fucking worthless. Your culture and everything about you. But at least you can play sports well for white man’s entertainment and you walk around with fragile egos.
I thought Wakandans drove flying pyramids to their stock broker and medical doctor jobs. Their nano-bot tech should help combat this plague. You don't need ventilators when your nano-bots keep yellow and white devil diseases at bay.
Oy vey
Western governments finally realize that any and all supplies wasted on that nigger continent is worthless because africans are worthless to the world.
I just realized this pandemic will not only kill a bunch of niggers, but red pill a bunch of people on how little anyone cares about them.
It's fucking hilarious. They are so inept at farming, that they worship the white farmers like gods when they returned to Zimbabwe.
The sad part is that you're probably so lacking in intelligence, that you fail to realize the genuine irony in the notion of your post. Truly laughable, but also a little sad.
will my unicef adopted child be ok?
blacks are immune, there is zero infected bkacks in africa, blacks will conquer the world soon
>Replace that in a decade or two
Not without the food the West won't be able to afford sending you losers when the economy collapses. Real talk user, does it not bother you at all, that your entire race only manages to cobble together a civilization because of handouts from White people?
They don't even need ones. Most of their population is bellow 25 years of age prob +80%. They will be fine.
just keep sending shekels goy
>those are Britons
>quintessentially British
fuck this gay earth