My father is Greek and my mother Swedish. I support mixing between Europeans

My father is Greek and my mother Swedish. I support mixing between Europeans.

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yeah non whites usually do

Ill mix your titties with some sweet aryan cum right now bitch.

Cool but no one gives a shit

Greeks aren't white, and I say that with a Greek prince fucking our Queen.

totally not a slide thread

All whores get corona, God wills it

Okay indoeuro

Any kind of mixing destroys cultures. Humans self-segregate, its the way of things.

My bf is Polish with some Ukrainian background, I'm 100% Portuguese. We'll make lots of white mutts.

If your father weren't Greek you might not have that busted-ass nose though...

This guy gets it.

Based Greek bvll

Sage. repoterted stop using this same subversion technique. It's boring.

Why did you write this OP up like some kind of campaign endorsement

Your very lucky you didn't get much greek,in you .your actually pretty

Fuck why did she have to get that forehead with those lips. Almost a 10/10
But she a 6/10 at best

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> I support mixing between Europeans.

lol wut?

You're not Greek unless you're from Peloponnese region

more pics

My father is Sicilian, my mother is German. Half of the children have red hair and green eyes, the other half have the Italian look with olive skin and brown eyes. All high IQ; engineers and doctors. Good mix.

I'm going to defile as many german girls i can while i can when i go to germany cuz work.

t. fpbp

>greeks aren't white

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>literal 2/10 elbows too sharp would not bang post

dem tigs tho

He still does? That's some med virility.


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This is a shill post. Pic is not of op. post a dated picture

Built for BBC

I always get put off when I see a girl *this* beautiful in a messy apartment and wearing cheap clothes, surrounded by cheap stuff like furniture. Either she really doesn't belong, or something is really wrong with her.

I would pass on her. There is more to a woman that just the superficial.

Ok guys. Who is half greek, who is half Italian and who is fully swedish?

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Just imagine a BBC between those


she makes feta cheese with those tits

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Europeans arent all the same dummy


Good for you, now fuck off.


Middle half Italian, left half Greek, right full Swede?

SWE left half GREK mid and ITA right

He's a German whose family just larped as greek

not real girl

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what the answer

Okay mutt, welcome to the club.

Yup Euro mixing is fine. Europeans will tak over the world anyway. Everyone else sit down and relax. We'll make it quick when we cart you into the lava pits.

holy cow


So why are you posting a pic of a nordic qt, nigger?

My girlfriend is Italian-born. Regardless, I don't know what all of this is about. Just don't marry niggers, Asians, Arabs etc.

Ain't so hard, is it?

>I approve of my own miscegenated existence.
Not selfish or biased at all.

You have women that will suck your dick on demand and let you play vidya as much as you want to? Didn't think so.

From left: half Italian, fully Swedish, half greek. You guys suck :^)


None of those ethnicities are white.

i dunno, but i'm 100% sure that they are faggots.

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>pro tip: blood group and rhesus factor is even more critical

A child of both failed states. Are you in any position to help either country?

>hating on the bulb nose
Fucking casual.

I think most people assumed it was a trick question because the guy in the middle looks obviously pure Swede.

No one cares.

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I found the greek thou