How does it make you feel that a WOMAN OF COLOR about to save y'all racist ass?

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rolling for an unstoppable plague


It makes me feel like exterminating every last nigger from planet Earth.
Why do you ask?

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>affirmative action doctors
there's something we can all feel good about. it's very calming in these trying times.

You think they will wait till a woman made vaccine comes out so they can push the fuck out of A WOMAN SAVED THE HUMAN RACE?

The COVID-19 PCR tests are for genes that if found individually result in a negative test, but found together result in a positive test. One false positive is negative, but two false positives makes it a positive. There is no evidence that the presence of both genes makes you any more likely to have COVID-19. How accurate are these tests? We have no reference to know if someone recieves a false positive, or if the tests are accurate. No one can be sure they have the virus. We have not proven a single person to have COVID-19. 86% of infected never show symptoms. It's asymptomatic, because it isn't real

The chances of a virus mutating across species is ZERO, and across multiple species even less. It has never happened, and never could happen. The only way humans can test positive for a virus from an animal is if it is injected into them. And the chances of it going across species multiple times? It can not happen, ever. Dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, have tested positive for this COVID-19. It's 100% impossible. All signs point to the testing being false positive. How many times are we going to fall for this?

It's exactly like the HIV hoax. West Nile, SARS, AIDS, and Hepatitis C are all invented by the CDC and WHO. The testing is even similar to HIV, which is fake. The statistics make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE.

Watch this documentary House of Numbers on how the CDC and world governments invented the AIDS epidemic out of nowhere:

Thousands of people died to the h1n1 vaccine. The spanish flu was created by vaccinations. All viruses are symbiotic in that they detoxify the body to prevent aging, especially in the respiratory system. They have been evolving with us for billions of years. They are manufactured within the cells. They are not foreign invaders that hijack your cells. That is fantasy. They are as much a part of us as our immune system. We have never proven viral infections are contagious. ANY deadly virus is either man-made or made-up!

yeah ok nigger whatever you say.

Real nigga hour:

Is anyone really going to take the vac if it isnt obligatory?

10:1 it was just kool aid

here is a you because you have copy pasted this in another thread and nobody replied to. Don't want to make you feel all alone on this earth so here have a

Who gives a shit who finds a vaccine. I want shit to back to normal. Im done being an edgey cunt i got parents and grandparents that can be culled by this gook virus. Hoping it's nothing though

>ANY deadly virus is either man-made or made-up!


Holy fuck are you stupid

>our vaccine
she probably just brought the coffee, and anoyed everybody saying that its BLACK coffee and how everyone loves BLACK coffee.


That guy is a dead man lol, probably got super cancer aids or something.

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

Fuck no. Bill Gates has been telegraphing how hes gonna kill everyone dumb enough to take it for 15 years

Imagine being so much of a cuck you're willing to turn yourself into a lab rat, a guinea pig, to save a bunch of retards and lard asses.

hahaha fucking new it, affirmative aktion at its best.

imagine being this fucking retarded

built for bbc

What the actual fuck nigger? This is dumber than that healing crystal bullshit. Fix yourself.

Whats the vaccine?

wtf is the vaccine being administered intravenously? I know dick all about vaccine trials

This is your average Yas Forums poster

A black woman. Way more equal than everyone else. Super fucking equal.

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I submitted an app to test the vaccine. Have an appt with my doctor on Monday. Wish me luck famalam.

That's a big nope from me, friendo.

Gotta hand it to the leaf, he worked fast.

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It's the same bullshit with that fiasco about the team who showed the first image of a black hole.
The media gave most of the credit to some cunt who pretty much copy pasted code, even the head of the team simped for her to get a chance for pussy.

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she's not even on the members list lmfao
bitch didn't do shit but clean the bathrooms

Try again Pablo

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>0 arguments

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I agree! All those ppl "dying" in hospitals are fucking paid actors! The same ppl from flase flags. I read the backs of a couple of library books and came to this same conclusion quickly! The government wants too keep us stupid!

“Your Subways are in the breakroom, boss.”


Dont. Absolutley do not. The vector for inhibition is to recreate the HIV spike protein Corona uses to infect cells, in the body. Let someone else suffer absolute stupidity.

I hate to break to you user, but they're already dead.

good luck :) are you getting a vasectomy as well?
is your wife's boyfriend driving you to the doctor?


Bout time they contributed to society

>if it isnt obligatory
No and if it was obligatory I’d probably have to activate my full-powered Ted Form

Ah yes because the intern gets an audience with POTUS and Dr. Fauci. I expect that from the leaf and spic. But not you, patriot.

I take every vaccine there is to take!
I go to my local clinic and ask them "So doc, what's on the menu today?" and he's like "Fuckin polio, mate!"

>nigger thinks that means cure
>meanwhile on the other front in treatment, the TRUMP cure of hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin is going gangbusters
Niggers in a distant second. How does it feel to get btfo by muh raycis Trump?

bet 10 to 1 the nigger put shit in her vaccine to sterilize whites

>>Things that didn't happen
We know how this works -- you do not.

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▲ ▲

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Imagine being this much of a cuckold simp

vaccines will be used for population control, gardasil has already sterilized many women.

Didn’t your grandfather surrender? Who’s really the cuck here?

> itt, we learn about the first nigger that could actually be useful to humanity
thanks op! try to drink less semen though

I will not take the vaccine. Under ordinary situation, it takes 10 years of research and experimenting, first using lab animals for the majority of the years before moving on to human trails, before FDA would approve a new vaccine. NOBODY IS CURRENTLY USING ANY LAB ANIMALS FOR THESE EXPERIMENTAL CORONAVIRUS VACCINES AND SKIPPING STRAIGHT TO HUMAN TRAILS WHICH IS BAD BECAUSE OLDER EXPERIMENTAL SAR VACCINES WERE DEEMED TOO TOXIC FOR LAB ANIMALS BEFORE DEVELOPMENT STOPPED

Normal vaccine approval takes 10 years or longer....

I got you m8

If it was her, and it probably wasn't. Just like Marie Curie shares he Nobel prize with two other men no one knows about, because that would be inconvenient to the message.

We didn't even invent a vaccine for herpes yet...some shit can't be solved by money but many years of research

(You) tried

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don’t try and be sensible around here. too many loner incels who resent their own parents.

Don't give a fuck about skin colour. More concerned about a ethnicities morals, culture, religion and habits.


Niggerbitch cope

It's not gonna work. They still don't have a proper vaccine for regular SARS from 18 fucking years ago. They won't be able to make one for SARS2:Mutation Boogaloo.

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Why is there no 1er REP?

if they are forcing human trials now then you know this is bad

Question: IS there a virus to kill off fa--

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Gotta trot them out for diversity points during a PR stunt like that photo. It's how I do it.

weak, roll

No shit. China locked down 700 million people and then everything from there went black. Within a week of the end of January. People must be unconsciously seeking out depopulation, this is my only theory as to how they could be so retarded.

All niggers must hang.

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I hope ur a glow nigger just being a glow nigger. If ur real user, u need to seriously rethink what you've signed up for

Imagine giving a PhD to someone calling themself "Kizzy".

Feels like PR stunts, breh.


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