STOP BLAMING CHINA FOR THE CORONAVIRUS. THE EVIDENCE IS ALREADY OUT. The American CIA was responsible for the manufacturing and spread of the virus. THIS IS AMERICA'S FAULT. THE CIA IS PROVEN TO HAVE MANUFACTURED AND SPREAD THE DISEASE AND SET UP CHINA AS THE 'FALL GUY'. The Americans planned on devastating China with COVID-19 and used this momentary weakness of the CCP to make power moves on important geopolitical assets in south-east Asia. DO NOT FALL FOR GLOW IN THE DARK TRICKS! CHINA IS NOT YOUR ENEMY THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT IS!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the chinese virus

Look, the wu mao 五毛党 chinaman is lying about being a liar to cover his earlier lies.

Attached: who china lies human to human transmission coronavirus january 14 2020 tweet.png (517x493, 93.01K)

Ni hao, Mr Chang

hello hershel!

The chinese are beasts in mens clothes. It is your social responsibility to strip them down, exposing to your fellow man what filthy, disgustingly dirty, soulless creatures live amongst us. A caring man warns his peers on existential threats.

Those chinese beasts are vindictive, cruel and have zero compassion or empathy. A subhuman chink will never admit fault for anything. Ask any one of the filthy chinese something as simple as why they torture animals or eat wildlife. The only way they will ever respond is by lying with some convoluted bullshit about how no animals are special like man, that Earths resources exist for man only, and that the West is just weak.

They will shriek in anger that they kill food how they like - they call themselves efficient for skipping the killing step and instead eating or cooking animals alive.
They say if the animal struggles in fear as it dies, it acquires a unique taste. This is true. Unsurprisingly the West don't enjoy the acidic taste of death the chinese are addicted to, and so we kill livestock efficiently, and strive to make their lives as stress free as possible. They literally admit they torture animals because they enjoy the flavor of a tortured animal.
They will point fingers at the developed world and ask why we give antibiotics to farm animals as though we should let them succumb to disease like the chinese do.
They will point at the disturbed animal abusers that we have in our countries, saying 'HA! the West does it too!'; as though we don't ostracize and jail those sociopaths for doing HALF of what the chinks do.
They will say chinese are bred to be warriors, but the entire world knows how pathetic a lie that is and openly mocks you. In reality, the chinese can be compared to a mentally impaired little brother, always trying to prove his own worth but ultimately lacking the capacity to make something of themselves.

Attached: filthy-savages-4.webm (244x426, 2.12M)

Those chinese beasts torture defenseless creatures to satisfy their demented needs and then have the audacity to say Western man is weak for finding their habits repulsive. IT IS NOT AN EXAGGERATION THAT CHINESE LACK EMPATHY. The West is not weak for being capable of forming bonds with animals. It's purely because we have empathy and chinks do not. We have a capacity for good that the chinese are incapable of. Caring for an animal is like caring for a tin of beans to a chink.

Those creatures eat dog, cat, primate, bat, rodent, dolphin, fucking HUMAN FETUS, and literally anything else that moves. They cook it in gutter oil and rinse it in sewer water because they think it tastes better that way. Cockroaches are accustomed to filth. But no, the West is so much more disgusting for providing antibiotics for livestock. Let's just ignore the fact bats rub themselves in their own urine and feces right until the moment a chink drops it in the cooking pot. Let's ignore that the developed world REGULATES FARMING unlike the unintelligent, incapable chinks. Let's just ignore the wet markets and allow these places that virulent, zoonotic chimera diseases form.
If you mention that china is a hotbed for disease, the CCP brainwashed chinks will fall into line with more screeching. They will point fingers at Africa and the Middle East like we didn't already know they too are filthy places. You all fit into the same category. Undeveloped, unhygenic, inhumane shitholes.

Of course, the chinks will attempt to reverse blame, calling the West racist for not accepting their '5000 year culture' which is backwards at best. They try to call us the vindictive ones. Taking out the trash is never fun. Remember it is your social responsibility to expose these beasts living amongst your fellow man.

Attached: filthy-savages-8.webm (544x960, 2.9M)

Ok I'm convinced Chang, China numba won!

I never lied once, only liar is USA government. The CIA created coronavirus and set up China, only America scum are evil enough to do such thing

Xi could have prevented WuFlu if he banned the consumption of wild animals after the SARS scare. Why did Xi wait so long to act?

Attached: 1585278098630.webm (960x540, 911.11K)

The American government is our enemy because they are a Chinese puppet.

Okay, if it’s so proven post a fucking source an prove it you lazy chink shill
If you don’t produce a source within 15 minutes, delete your fucking thread then go get shredded by an escalator, faggot

FUCKING LIES. Americans are disgusting, believeing in individualism, capitalist supremacty. This rampant individualism lead to men dressing like woman, youth disroudy rebelliousness, drug addict, and way way more... USA is sick! USA is evil! USA torture kill terrorist all the world over. Just in 2017 a entire ring of CIA spies found in China, thank we killed them all.FUCK AMERICA.

Strange, why is China now talking about the most likely Patient Zero being a 57 year old female shrimp seller at the wet market in Wuhan?
She likely caught it around the 10th of December of 2019, they shared a toilet with several other sellers of various strange animals and hygiene at the market is far from good.

No, it's the Kung Flu alright and it came from China because the Chinese are disgusting fucking creatures who will eat fucking anything, even lab animals sold by some underpaid lab assistant who was supposed to incinerate the animals, but didn't.

Nigger, literally shut the fuck up. The Chinese are literally the worst people on the planet. Fuck them and fuck their government. Now fucking kill yourself.

>thank we killed them all
Lol you really just outed yourself pretty hard there buddy. Hope Xi is paying you well

It's also known Renegade gave the communist party the virus. Why didnt you mention that?

Attached: giphy (88).gif (400x184, 453.88K)

Holy shit, chinky poo poo ping pong is MAD
take off your US VPN and tell your bosses at the PRC propaganda office that we’re laughing at you faggots
Stay sick, pussy


Attached: Annotation 2020-03-26 133212.jpg (1490x1025, 204.28K)


Reminder to wu mao scum. The world knows that china jailed and essentially murdered the doctor whistleblower who tried to stop the communist bio weapon from ravaging the Earth.

His name was Li Wenliang 李文亮

China will never live this down. Not for 1,000 years.

Attached: china jailed murdered dr li wenliang 李文亮 coronavirus pandemic whistleblower.jpg (1100x825, 85.75K)

>Plastic rice
>Fake eggs
>Melamine laced baby formula
>Sewer oil
Yeah, it truly is fucking far fetched that instead of incinerating test animals, some soulless fucking Chang just sold test animals to the wet market, isn't it?

I hope you enjoy going back to the rice fields where you belong after we bring our production back home.

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I wish we did what you are trying to lie about. Fuck chinka

Excellent point, Ping Pong

HAHAHA good one. your leader are capitalis they hire us because we make appliance in a cheap and quick fashion BETTER THAN AMERICAN. Americans are slovenly like apes, they have individualist tendenccies which make them unproductive and rotten.

>The American government is our enemy because they are a Chinese puppet
Chinobot's head explodes

Quality source you got there.
A conspiracy theory blog.

Go home, Chang. You suck at this.

you really bleieve anything western liberal capitalist press say? CIA funds and owns them all, Americans live in george orwell book theyre just too dumb to understand

Hey wu mao OP, where is Chen Qiushi 陈秋实 ?

Attached: Chen Qiushi 陈秋实 journalist murdered by CCP.png (1435x790, 606.14K)

>Stop Blaming China


If you told me that the CIA detonated a dirty bomb in Shanghai, killed hundreds of thousands of women and children with biological weapons in China, poisoned the national water supply, and blew up the Party headquarters, you know what I’d do?
I’d pick up ten dozen doughnuts, drive my ass to Langley, and personally thank each and every glownigger for having the courage to spray that bugs nest

¥0.50 deposited into your social standing account.

FUCKING LIAR HAHAHAHA. Only western liberal capitalist sources count, right? Fox news right? HAHAHAHA

China had a scandal awhile back about onions sauce. One budget onions sauce was found to have been made of hair clippings. Some enterprising company was offering to clean up hair clippings from salons and took it, processed it and made onions sauce out of it.

Japanese,Taiwanese and American scientists claim that Corona Virus could be only made by the US at Fort Detrick.
"COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US"
As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus
could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended.
Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.

The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes,
but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes.
He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.

Immediately prior to that, the CDC totally shut down the US Military’s main bio-lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, due to an absence of safeguards against pathogen leakages,
issuing a complete “cease and desist” order to the military. It was immediately after this event that the ‘e-cigarette’ epidemic arose.

China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?.
Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus.
March 04,2020

COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US.
March 11,2020

Remember huge lie the US sold to the whole World about chemical weapons of mass destruction in IRAQ and started war there and thousands of American soldiers died for nothing.

Attached: Who created CoronaVirus?.jpg (1024x731, 153.24K)

Why did China murder Fang Bin?

Attached: china murdered fang bin coronavirus journalist.jpg (1024x576, 51.56K)

EXACTLY. Fuck CIA, Fuck USA, fuck your satantic empire.

Kung Fu Flu coming for you OP. Looks like you got some civil unrest brewing over there too comrade. How come the tests you sent to Italy, Spain, and elsewhere don’t work? What you’re going to see happen now you commie fuck is the West shut it’s doors to you. It’ll be fun to watch China eat itself cut off from the rest of the world.

Fucking this

this is a distraction

>Only western liberal capitalist sources count
No, video directly from Wuhan counts along with public lies from chinese politicians. You see things like the riots that happened a day ago in Wuhan.

Attached: wuhan riots.jpg (293x411, 12.76K)

China is not our enemy, after we murdered 12mil+ of their civilians? Uh buddy, I think you need therapy or something.

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 5.93K)

Source: My ass.

Seethe harder, chankoro

Fuck you chang. Nice try shillposting for China on a us vpn. How’s living in a poverty prison working for you chink boy?

Hope the cough gets you.....

Wuhan has a bsl 4 lab which had the virus near wuhan you retard. But you know that, daddy xixi doesn’t pay you if you talk about that.

Corona Chan is coming...

Can’t wait until your gasping on the floor for breath. When you die it will be like the bug subhuman you are.

Attached: 688ED68C-8D75-4233-84C0-83DAA58C01DB.png (261x238, 56.55K)

Why did USA murder jeffrey epstein? Why did USA murder Gaddafi? Why did USA murder allende? Why did USA murder give Chavez cancer? Why did USA try to murder castro, mao, every free and honest leader in the world? SICK PUERILE AMERICAN SCUM NOW YOU MAKE THE CORONA AND BLAME IT ON CHINA YOU SICK SICK SICK EVIL

Fucking sake Xi, get better shills for your fucking party. The ones you have at the moment are worse than those the dems used in their last election.
You chinks are cringy as fuck

Attached: 1580362250886.jpg (1200x630, 27.65K)

Absolutely right OP but sadly /ptg/ has flooded Yas Forums and you're trying to convince boomers who need to live under a constant outside threat to survive.

ok chang

Attached: UpCzrwA.jpg (745x1040, 141.1K)

China, China, China

Shut the fuck up Chang, we all know this is a rampant bout of the Chinkin Pox.

Ok ching chong you still should be nuked

please jump off a bridge.

Fort Detrick Flu

At least the ShareBlue faggots were fun to antagonize and argue with
This faggot just keeps flaming
The Chinese are going to have to learn the hard way, POOLS CLOSED DUE TO AIDS

¥0.50 deposited into your social standing account.

Attached: Bwong.png (741x623, 165.19K)

Fuck off back to China with your student visa you fucking dink

Attached: 8E41C3CC-5C84-43A2-B3A8-788BE184DA87.jpg (600x701, 58.16K)

China is the enemy of life itself.

>As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus
>could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended.

The amount of anti-scientific retardation in this paragraph is astounding and I can't believe there's people still copypasting this shit.

Hey retard, there's not "five types" of coronavirus, there's FOUR types of common coronavrus and THREE types of novel coronavirus, all of which have an infinity of different strains because that's how virus operate, and no, you don't need access to all of them to create a new one, and even if you did you wouldn't go find them in the wild, you would find them in every single biological lab in the world, of which Wuhan has two.

Schizo faggotry

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The CIA is allied with China against the USA. You’re retarded.

Because the man's name is "tooth bucket," he had it coming.

Take your meds
You're shit at this and CCP agitprop does not work unless you control the flow of information.
You do not control the flow of information.

You may leave now, Chang.

HAHAHAAHA not going to fall for your lies scum. CIA spy on china every day, CIA has instigators in Hong Kong and informants. CIA also spreads propaganda that lies about China.




Attached: CORONA VIRUS-Made in the USA=.jpg (683x1024, 40.69K)

>communist shit hole once again ruins everything for the rest of the world
>I bet the US did this!
Every time.

wikipedia is mouthpiece for capitalist, liberal, western propagadna. Not falling for your tricks! How does it feel being American vassal? When fat trump tells you to jump do you ask "how high?" HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA

>daily beast
Are you using CIA propaganda now?

Go back to the rice fields, faggot.