He looks like such a broken soul. A former shell.
What happened to him?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to breed with his daughter.
He took the based schizo pill
link to this?
Benzo addiction is literal hell
He was always a degenerate pillhead grifter book merchant. Never bought what he was selling.
>Benzo addiction is literal hell
You want to breed with a stupid hypochondriac with no tits. You must be a fucking loser.
He's gone queer now.
hope you can afford the medicaitons
Someone give him the fuck my shit up hair
It’s okay she doesn’t actually need any of them
That one needs a BBC
His wife is/was very ill and he was prescribed a serious medication to help him cope, and he developed a serious addiction to that medication. I’m looking forward to his recovery.
things really went downhill, since he sniffed apple cider vinegar and didn't sleep for a month straight
he ended up doing highly questionable, experimental detox treatments in the east, risking brain death and literal death to rid himself of a heavy drug addiction, funded by his rug and rambling schizo book sales
this guy is absurd
she will leave your children on the edge of a bed to get her ethot pictures
he went shitting on mgtows, because why would you want to marry when the game is rigged to literally anally rape men?
his daughter turned into a literal whore.
she married some cuck, had a daughter and divorced him and left her daughter to get fucked by another mestizo chad.
>clean your room goy!
karma is a hell of a bitch
>apple cider vinegar
not even once
Isn't he brain dead?
i don't think he was talking about her user...
He let Bill Mitchell suck his cock
What made me lose respect for this guy is that his wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer and instead of being a supportive husband, he got himself addicted to drugs and sent to rehab. And he is the one who preaches self-responsibility and all that good stuff
He should've followed his own advice and sorted his life out. Hypocrite fuck.
Prayers to his family. I still can't help but close my eyes whole watching his videos and imagine that Kermit the Frog lectures about Jung
Dude won't recover. He hit his head a little too hard when he fell off the wagon.
He's done to his mind and inside of his body what the Bogdanoffs did to their faces.
>I eat beef, and THAT'S IT. After my mouth, it goes to a dark place, man
>wash your penis's room, bucko
>take this shopping list of medication. Don't do things that make you weak, eh.
>my daughter's divorcing a perfectly good man for a whore, but it's okay because he's at the top of the dominance hierarchy, and I'm at the bottom - in this substantiation of events, as it exists in the feminine mystique of green text
And going back to the meat thing, maybe they did it for so long, and only went public with it shortly before they disclosed all that other shit. The entire family is falling to pieces. Either they're all really special, or it makes you wonder what besides that diet they're doing that's killing them so fast.
I don't know why anyone would take advice from these word salad ecelebs.
how long has she been on hrt?
When did the daughter marriage shit happen?
if you don't eat vegetables you become one
Dude, this guy -should- have been an obscure leaf professor that made some spare change writing obscure books. Instead...he toured the world telling people to clean their rooms and stop being losers...while half of the said world was trying to tear down his life and career.
Most people are not built for that. The only guy who's dealt with the same sustained treatment and hasn't turned into a broken husk is...DJT it would seem.
He sold his soul to the Jews.
That the price you pay for shilling and downplaying the JQ
MK-ULTRA is a hell of a drug
>shoulders wider than hips
that's a man, baby
Jew in America cant even hold a bulwark against the shit.
His daughter is cute.
Looks like Russia is turning him into an old black man
he's back from that rehab in Russia?
pretty much this
benzos and other antidepressants are good mood boosters for a short period of time, like dealing with loss of loved one. Popping them like candies because one day, God knows when your wife will die of sanser is pants on head retarded and bound to end badly. Psychiatrist like him should have known that making benzos part of your longterm strategy is turbobrainlet approach. Should have washed your penis, Jordan.
He outlined an ideal but failed to live up to it. Still, he said many worthwhile things, shame what happened to him
black pigeon had a good rundown a while back
and repeat
confirmed le temple guy?
reverse image search m9
Liberated from benzos.
There are people that have been eating that way way longer than he did and they're fine. Getting addicted to meds, criticism, and a very ill spouse can do that to you. Also stuff that obviously not in the public light.
>she married some cuck, had a daughter and divorced him and left her daughter to get fucked by another mestizo chad.
>she pays you child support and you start anew with a woman with less mileage on her womb
I feel bad for him. His head exploded trying to figure shit out... he realized it was the jews, but his family and friends were all Jews by then... it’s ruough. Seriously. It’s a painful thing to come to grips with.
Raking light that hits from a sharp angle highlights every flaw and makes anyone look bad
He stared into the abyss. It stared back. And he found himself wanting.
Has he spoken since the "rehab" in russia? Hows his brain is he a vegetable now or what
honestly, i really like his analysis of stories like pinocchio and the lion king, and in general his lectures before he went famous
DJT is all an act. How stupid can you be?
Stress can kill people.