Continuing this thread

I have found an actual connection between the GATE program and Psychic Government research.

You can see here at around 10:33. A british doctor using Zener Cards to conduct psychic experiments

Zener cards are cards used to conduct experiments for extrasensory perception (ESP) or clairvoyance. Perceptual psychologist Karl Zener (1903–1964) designed the cards in the early 1930s for experiments conducted with his colleague, parapsychologist J. B. Rhine (1895–1980).
The Zener cards are a deck of twenty five cards, five of each symbol. The five symbols are: a hollow circle, a plus sign, three vertical wavy lines, a hollow square, and a hollow five-pointed star.[3][4] They are used to test for ESP.

WHY would a children's school program be using these same cards and try to get kids to guess the correct symbol??? Could it be that the US gov was searching the populace in order to produce a new psychic soldier? To me it seems very likely. Training psi from childhood would be obviously advantageous. Can anyone else confirm they saw these cards in the program?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Take your meds schizo

not an argument


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The Prison
The Valve
The Curtain
The Shaft
The Head of the Beast

Attached: GATE symbols.png (1704x935, 1.73M)

" 'The Case of ESP' was frequently shown on PBS from 1984 until 1995, at which time for some unknown reason it disappeared from NOVA's files. It is now gone also from the files of WGBH, Boston, which produced the film, and from Time-Life Books, which distributed it for sale. This is not a fantasy, since I have a master BBC tape and several DVD copies of the original program on my desk. (Interestingly, 1995 was also the year in which the remote-viewing program was officially declassified and terminated by the CIA.) The disappearance of the film has never been explained. My guess is that the CIA put pressure on NOVA to pull the film, since NOVA alone was the US copyright holder, and only they could have accomplished such a complete disappearance."

i cant think of a time being shown these cards to pick one of but now that i think of it, i was given GT homework once with symbols like these on it. This is all so weird.
also I dont think ive ever seen a white poster id ever in all my years of being on pol

Don't you morons get the point yet?
A few of you have.. The rest are stuck on redundant views and information.

You have the means to train and learn via-self. The rest is a 'LARP' as you People so love to say.

When the ONE thread shows.. That is the thread of the day. All else is for nought.

What does this mean?

The symbols were in the tests. Last day of testing that I can remember. The questions no longer had words. Just symbols.
The question was a symbol, and then answer was choosing a symbol. No prompts.
A good dozen kids were down to like 6 at this point. They let me go after that set of tests. I stepped out of the quiet library, into the hallway, and got in line for lunch.
It was over.
No explanation had been given at the start, in the middle, or the end. Fully excused from all classwork. Then life went "back to normal"

The symbols. That's not a ring. That's a prison. It binds and seals.
The + is a valve. It's the on/off. You turn it.
The waves aren't water, or a woman, it's the curtain. You have to look past it.
The box isn't a box. It's an overhead view of the shaft. You don't want to fall in.
And if you turn the star the bottom right leg becomes the mouth of the beast.
Saw those in the tests. I didn't see the cards. They were in the tests.

Reposting my post in new bread idk about relevance tho

I don't remember any program called GATE but while I was in elementary school I was stuck into some program called APPLE.
It was apparently funded by Bill Gates which always made me confused about the name of it.
There are some parallels that I see with the list of GATE experiences I'm seeing in the thread but I don't match up with a lot of them
>Green eyes
>No occipital bun
>idk about any birth complications
>I should be dead from several different things that have happened in my life though
>WIndows weren't completely covered
>I wasn't followed but we were always reminded that we were being monitored
>No trouble with law enforcement ever
>I don't remember ever taking any IQ tests
The classes revolved around a lot of weird science and STEM stuff, and we were taught lot about art and engineering.
I remember one day we had a test where we had to create structures that stood up to being dropped off of a building using toothpicks and glue and mine was one of the only ones that survived
We also had to practice being recorded for news reports a lot and made a bunch of random mechanical structures
Along with random art fart stuff like etching glass and creating sculptures
I don't remember a lot of it though. It kind of flew by and this thread kind of reminded me of stuff.
I do have intense visual snow and tinnitus and migraines still, and stuff never seems to go wrong no matter how much I should have failed at something, or died

We did have those same sorts of weird sensory tests too

Where/when did this take place user? did anything ever come from it? very interesting

meant to reply to

Is am are was were be being...

You had card tests? can you describe any other tests like that? It's likely that normal fun kid stuff would be thrown in with actual psychic tests. All fun and no play makes for poor ESP

yet here it is? thx for link bro

This user said he participated in a stock market game which I haven't heard of before

Attached: stock market game.png (1823x824, 273.7K)

The guy had his own copies of the program and uploaded it to youtube

2nd Grade.
Me, a guy who went on to be my best friend for awhile, and a dark haired jewish girl from Romania were from my class. The man came in, explained we had been chosen for testing.
All homework/class work waived.
And then the testing started.
Each class tithed in a few kids. This was 1988/1989 territory. I was one of the last ones standing. My head hurts just thinking about the tests. It was nothing but packet after testing packet. The little pencil fill in cards. And I was too stubborn to quit.
You would finish a packet and then the next time? New one. Harder stuff. I was told later it was for GATE

I can't remember any card tests. We did have these weird occasional things where they would ask us to carve sculptures from blocks of white material though. I think there was a hidden object we had to copy?

How many anons held conversations with “imaginary friends” as young children, and it stopped suddenly? I remember my aunt telling me how strange it was that I had two “friends” I spoke to in one of my houses we lived in at 2-3 and when we moved to the next house, my friends weren’t there anymore.
t. 30 year old blue eyed boomer

what were the tests exactly? how did you learn this? were there teachers? would love more info if you have it

I was in GATE, I’ve had random ladies walk up to me on the street, and basically tell me that I must be a wizard. I’m paraphrasing and exaggerating, of course, but I have witnesses that were with me on more than one occasion. I always assumed that they were going to ask me for money, but they never did. I was also surprised that shit like that just didn’t happen to my friends or family. I’m not a new agey looking guy by any stretch of the imagination.

I never fully lost mine. When I hit rock bottom, and before the meds, one of them appeared to me and tried to life coach me into saving my life.
At church camp (I was counseling) I met a boy who had no small amount of the same stuff. His was an Angel from God he talked to.
He caught me talking to mine, and he told it was cool because it gave us something in common. We both talked to Angels.

Interesting. I really wonder if we could find one of the kids in this project who really was trained more or eventually became a psychic spy or something. I truly believe you were tested for this purpose. They need people who are not only very psychic but also very logical and good at math. It makes sense they would test for both.

>blocks of white material
It's called marble, tard.

Logic questions. Puzzles. Math. Patterns. And each time it got harder to figure out what they wanted. The final day was nightmare fuel as it was, to my recollection just a Symbol, and then a multiple choice of symbols.
No teachers present. It was someone from "The School district" kind of thing. None of the school staff were present. At points there were no adults in the room that we could see. I would look up from the tests and felt the strange panic of no one around to ask if I could go use the bathroom.

Checked. Mine was a grandma in coat with a fur collar. I remember it as a legit ghost story, but don’t really believe in ghosts, just fascinated at the power of the human mind, if that makes sense.

It wasn't marble though, it was super easy to cut into
We were kids, geez

Each year there was the offer for "Advanced Placement"
Also a cop befriended my grandfather (Out of nowhere) and was "part of the DARE program"
Also for some reason a guy home from the military parked his trailer across the street from our house. He would talk to me about how war was hell.
He gave me a "Nothing in hell must stop the timberwolves" coin

Thoughts are just frequency user, and frequency is the universe. It makes total sense.

My mok finally found the results of the psychological evaluation I was given before entry into Gifted program

>Nothing in hell must stop the timberwolves

That's 104th ID's motto


Well I guess that's who he was with. He seemed really tired/strung out. He gave me some MREs too. Was a cool guy.

Also IDK if this is relevant to but do any of you get random electrical shocks down your spine throughout the day? The only thing I've been able to find about something like this is nerve damage but I've gone to several specialists about it while having my visual snow/tinnitus checked out and it's def not nerve damage. The only other thing I've heard it could be is some energy discharge

I was busy reading and never got to respond to the LARPers before the thread archived. Not a single anti-christian user was able to make any arguments based from scripture. Truth is not derived from the hallucinations you experience during meditation.

Posting again.

Anybody have memories from ages before 4-5 (apparently when non-implicative memories begin to form)

I remember clear as day trying to tell me mom, while standing in my crib, what I wanted from moving my mouth and making sounds like I always saw my family doing to communicate. I became incredibly angry she didn't understand me or was not listening

I was 2 and a half at most, because I was still in my soon to be brothers room with deep blue walls.

Also around the same time (walker age) I "fell" down the basement stairs in my walker, going to the er.

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That's one thing I do not have. No electric shocks.

Take your meds schyzo.

Repost If MWSLU8F3 is here :
>I also have reoccurring vision of what looks like a sunset on a plains / steepe.
Do you feel lonely during this visions ? Is there something uncanny about the sun, like it is kind of out of place ?

What year? Just curious, as I know some guys in it now

I never had imaginary friends i was too self aware to know that they were fake as a kid, however i did have predictions and visions of the future up until i turned 13 some of which came true later on until i turned 17, it happened exactly as i envisioned it, and it felt odd i think it was probably de sha vou though, but i remember dreaming it before, they've recently stopped though.

I remember what must have been a potty training accident.
And a face full of someone's bush in the shower. Like staring at the biggest fucking shadow bush. Not even knowing what I was looking at. It was like a quilt.

I don't remember the fall or the aftermath though, only have a smiling picture of me with a black eye and the story told from my parents

Hi OP. Never heard of GATE. I do know that when I was a kid they had me go to some sort of center where I did puzzles and such. This was in 1st grade. They determined IQ had a 130 IQ. I remember being able to name all the presidents in a sequential manor. I don't know what it was or recall why they were testing me, but I do find it odd that I know the place was near a Tractor Supply and McDonald's the only place with both has an empty field by it. I think they wanted to find out why I did so well in school but behaved so poorly.

Would have been no later than 1992. Most likely 1990ish

kek idk if this is a shitpost or truth but the description of the scene is pretty fucking funny

What about a watery, gurgle feeling in your head/neck when your hungry?

Well the potty training accident is just this memory of confusion. I think the bucket of the potty chair came out. So pee had sloshed. There was a turd in the middle. And I frankly had no clue.
Meanwhile the memory of the bush is indeed, I'm in the shower. I'm face high to a groin. It's a female groin. And her pubic hair is like a quilt bro. Just a complete bikini of curly pubes.
I don't have to shitpost. My truth is weirder than anything I could shit post and have sound cool.

How is it that people here can dig into the most minute details of damn near anything, yet no one digs into GATE beyond “muh experiences”?
If you’re curious about it, find it’s origins.
Yes, I did GATE. The “teacher” was a psychiatrist/psychologist or some shit. His wife was also an instructor, kinda weird. I did it for less than a year, and quit. They were both very upset when I abruptly quit in 6th grade. Seeing them upset made me feel like I was doing the right thing.

I do get an uncontrollable upper body shake for maybe half a second every 4 or 5 days or so that feels like an electrical shock. I can't really describe it any better than something similar to a painless electrical shock for a very brief period of time. I don't think its important enough to look into but i would love to know what it is. Another probably unrelated but maybe interesting thing about me is that I get a very strong static shock very easily by touching anything metallic pretty consistently.

Am user from that post. SMG was one of the less hazy memories, our program's advisor (they were not referred to as teachers among the staff, it was advisor.) would coordinate accounts for us with a website that would track tickers for each stock, we would have a pool of funny money and try to create the most portfolio growth in a 6 month period. 5th grade was solo investing, 6th grade was working in a group to make investments, justified as only having the budget for a few accounts that year. May or may not have been true, but I'm suspicious because 6th grade is when lessons began focusing on the concept of "thinking about thinking" and paradigm shifts (iceberg used as visual?), and think tanks. I suspect they were looking for candidates for grooming to work for policy analysts/think-tanks: high intelligence and abstract thinking, but no propensity to reject authority when you know better. Worth noting that A. Tannenbaum, who came up with most of the American gifted Ed theories and practices, wrote a whole article arguing that gifted children are an asset in the cold war and should be treated as such, both in terms of their value to the country but also the potential risk they pose. It's not hard to make the connection with the burn out gifted kids once you read it, they are depriving their enemy of resources if they can't find a way use them. Or maybe Im retarted except when I take tests and am just looking for a way to sugarcoat being too lazy to study.

Also, did anybody have a class when they used a browser based computer program, may have been a choose your own adventure type thing? I have a suspiciously fragmented memory surrounding it, and if I dwell on it too long I'll start getting somatic symptoms. Instantly recalled its bizarre illustrations and cryptic poem like storytelling when I stumbled on my first gate thread. If anything I experienced was mk type programming it would have been this. Also, any anons look up gate advisors find aliases?

Regular GATE shit here:
Occipital bun check

Birth complications unknown.

Bright blue eyes.

Near death experience around middle/early first grade school year. Hospitalized for three weeks. I don't remember what for and can't ask as most of my family is now deceased.

I had no idea what the hell a Zener card test was, but i VIVIDLY remember those icons on the cards.

I remember drinking out of disposable cups, nothing more.

I remember taking speech therapy classes for a slur that nobody realized/knew I had, including myself.

I remember being offered entry and pushed towards the gifted program, but I don't remember ever actually entering it.

Throughout elementary school and into 6th grade I remember having this wierd "blood test" with a yellow covered needle on my right index finger's knuckle. I vividly remember the pain, it was more painful than a normal shot by a significant amount but not unbearable.

Never had a negative encounter with law enforcement. We used to have a bunch of checkpoints, maybe one every couple months at an intersection near my house that would stop my dad and look at his ID as he was taking me home. It stopped when he had his first heart attack/I entered middle school. Both happened around the same time.

I have several intense feelings of Deja-Vu style dreams a couple of times a year. I always thought that you just dream a bunch, so its coincidence that you would dream a scenario that would happen.

I've also been fascinated with the paranormal, I never had a heavy experimentation phase but I did pretty much do whatever the hell I wanted and didn't work post highschool until about 21.

Suffer from tinnitus and have always had minor headaches attributed to HBP but didnt go away when controlled/still have them.

Please advise.

I do not remember mine, but my parents would tell me that I would constantly talk to someone while looking at the ceiling when I was young and it left them very confused.

Other than the lack of speech therapy, that's pretty much me. They weren't israeli, and a few aren't exact, but close enough.
Who are you and why do you glow?

>uncontrollable upper body shake for maybe half a second every 4 or 5 days or so that feels like an electrical shock
Yeah exactly! Describing it as electric probably isn't the most accurate thing but I'm not sure what else to compare it to. It's like an impulsive fuzzy shockwave that goes down my spine and out to my extremities.
Lots of random static shocks too, yeah

Character count in first post, but I also get this. Usually accompanied with a tingling in the lower back part of the head, or minor pain in one of the temples. No diagnosed nerve pain.

The deja-vu shit gets old. Fuck me.
Full "am I awake or asleep" while it's going on.

holy shit

Me too. It isn't painful or anything, its just sudden, and I can't stop it no matter what.

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