
Best soft drink edition

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Coronachan is going to lock us down into suburbs for the next 6 months.
If you don't have your own food supply, or live in a semi-rural suburb with food production within walking distance you're gonna die.

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Bundaberg makes the best soft drinks

Check em

>drinking the sugar jew
soft drinks are the #1 cause of depression

Good thing they come in those tiny little bottles then.

>soft drinks are the #1 cause of depression

>Coronachan is going to lock us down into suburbs for the next 6 months.
Counterfeit and homo, Bruce. We'll revolt long before 6 fucking months.

I can live off 3 noodles packs a day, I'll be fine.

lmao at the meatlets who’ll starve because they can’t buy a steak while the rest of us thrive

Tomato you raging faggot.

Drink some VB, masturbate to porn, then pass out, Bruce. [again]

what are you gonna do with your neetbux?

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VB LONGNECK at 20 to 8 in the fucking morning.

Catch covid from chink hookers

Schweppes ginger ale

Kill all nonwhites and take their food.

Nice yikes collection, here's mine

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Nawh scomo said it's levelling out I'd say one month a most

Also for all you Johnny foreigner wog cunts who can’t even change a tyre on your poofter hatchback car- this is what OP is referring to.

I like the cover on the bottom left, would gladly waifu her

Best soft drink my ass

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a meatvirgin might starve
a meatchad just eats soft-bodied, grain-fed melbournians

Should I be worried about all this? I feel safe and comfy but I read many disturbing theories on here I don't know what to believe

Elder God Tier
>McDonald's vanilla coke

God tier
>vanilla coke no suger
>coka cola classic

High tier

Shit tier
>everything else

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2 years

I don't get it

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this shit is going to be lingering for at least the next 2 years

It's really all over, isn't it?


Holy shit you're retarded. Leveling out means we don't turn into Italy or Spain.
That's exactly what the lock down is trying to do. But this thing /is/ going to infect 80% of the population. Either it does it at a trickle so that hospitals don't get overwhelmed (what we're doing) or it happens all at once (Italy, Spain, etc).

We can't end our lockdown until 60% of the country has been infected - that's going to take a minimum of 6 months.

We've got more meat than we have crops moron.

Saxby’s are superior

Bundaberg Sarsaparilla.

Maybe we should stop exporting everything during a crisis? Fucking dumbfuck govt and farmers created this clusterfuck

chewing on one of these bad boys right now

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What's the realistic chance of vaccine before 6 months.


>Wolf girls.


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>Victoria Police’s 500-strong coronavirus task force is still yet to issue a single fine, despite conducting 1430 checks across the state in the 24 hours to 8am on Sunday

>Police said the checks included 139 on returning travellers to ensure they were in self-isolation.

>“Of this, 128 people were home and 11 were not home,” a police spokeswoman said.

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Aren't you being a little dramatic

>soft drink
A hard earned thirst
deserves a big, cold beer

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unless it's already been developed and tested, it will take them at least that long to roll it out globally

forever never

>drinking sugar pop

Deport yourself.

Yeah their ginger beer is pretty good. Bundaberg is like dishwater.


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the best soda has the most fluordie in it

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They'll give everyone chloroquine pills as a preventative.

Almost zero. Even if they stumble across something in this first round of clinic trials and they hurry up the approval process as much as possible it would still take months. Even when they have a vaccine they know works and is safe it will still take months after that manufacture and distribute.

Short of declaring war on China, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia simultaneously there's no way our livestock exports will stop - because that's what stopping them as the world enters a food crisis will amount to.

>500 hundred police catch coronavirus
give it a fortnight


Whats for din dins lads?


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>vanilla coke
Fucking disgusting.

uber maccas because why the fuck would i leave my house

No, no I'm not.
The government has been saying "september at the earliest" since they began taking this seriously (two months too late).

September is the earliest our corona lockdowns will end, and there's a very, very real chance that they get put back in place as hospitalisations start climbing all over again.

So it seems like Boomers on cruise ships are the ones bringing Corona to WA....


>WA recorded 33 new positive patients overnight, with three of those from the Artania cruise ship. This brings the state’s total number to 312.
>Of the 33 new cases, 16 were male and 17 were female aged between 19 and 88.
>Health Minister Roger Cook said 16 of the new cases were travellers from overseas, seven of which were cruise ship passengers, including the three from Artania.
>“The rest were mainly close contacts, five close contacts of somebody who we know is positive, and five are healthcare workers,” he said.

It's time for your Daily Reminder that Boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.

Let's hope the Boomerflu kills them all!

It's also time for another Reminder that Unchecked Migration is Generational Genocide.

Dad said he's making chicken Kiev.


nah nah nah nah nah
edler god
>canned mountain dew
>small can of v

god tier
>vanilla coke
>regular coke
>creaming soda

everything else can go into the trash

After 6 months and it's not gone isn't it time to just call it a day and accept it as part of life

Yeah, I'm sure the Chinese miracle cure was something so obvious that even Italy and Spain could implement it.

Or maybe the "Chinese miracle cure" was a whole lot of bullshit - just like their numbers and the "medical supplies" they've been donating.

I'm going to try making this:

And have it with Tuna on a sandwich

roast pork

Smelly farts incoming

Take the A&W pill you’ll never go back to Kirks again

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I love this one, no bully pls

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learn to fish mates it'll be how you eat lest ye starve

0872 reporting in

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Spanish flu lasted 3 years in overwhelming numbers. Our government is trying to avoid those socially catastrophic peaks. Accepting it as a part of life after 6 months means accepting a 20% mortality rate on top of all the other deaths that would normally happen.

Being in lock down of varying degrees of intensity for 18 months to 2 years means a mortality rate of closer to 4%, and people who have other diseases (cancer, kidney, lung, heart attacks, strokes, life threatening injuries, emergency c-sections etc) also get to live.

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God tier, fucking ripping, get the individual glass ones and get them ice fucking cold

Australia quenches it's thirst with a kirks mate, not with that seppo shit

Also, tooheys new is God tier beer

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Who /gold coast/ master race here?

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>be me
>be racist and hate niggers,chinks and poos
>end up going on pol to chat with like minded people
>half the posts are shilling for interracial relationships
>months and years go by and all the shilling starts to have an affect on me
>start to get yellow fever
>yellow fevers isn't enough anymore
>start to get jungle fever
>now i'm starting to find negresses attractive
>now not even wmbf porn is doing it for me anymore
>venture into blacked and cuckold porn (but imagining i'm the guy fucking the girl)
>spend 3-4 hours on a porn binge last night
>can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore
>pic related is me now
what the hell happened to me pol? now i can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore because i've become the very thing i hate. i'm depressed and now am seriously thinking about killing myself as the amount of self hate i feel is now almost unbearable. i see myself as no different than those degenerate coal burners yet i still hate them and all the niggers chinks and poos. there's so much cognitive dissonance and i just don't know what to think anymore

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No one can smell your farts in quarantine

currently drinking this shit

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If you like the taste of bitters:
Do you make your own custard at home for dessert? Have you ever added bitters as well as a dash of vanilla essence? The two go very well together. Give it a try, it takes custard to a whole new level of joyfulness.

Brotip: just net little bait fish, grab a whole bunch of the suckers and kill them and put them through a grinder and turn them into fish burgers. Saves time on having to wait around for a big one to bite.

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watch ryan boundless latest videos he went from living in japan and being in JAV to now living in Uganda chasing niggers

i finished my application it wont be approved until the 14th of april they said\

i might get a new computer if i can manage to save it and i don't fall for the various jews

How good is quarantine?

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I wouldn't know. School's still open.

>and now am seriously thinking about killing myself
Based. Live stream it for us like a champ.

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There's a quarantine?

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Don't know. I have 3 slices of pizza but I should probably cook something. I really want a kiev, but I can't go anywhere because of quarantine
CUNT, send your dad over here

Fucking cringe, bro ive been on this board since 2011 and i still find IR porn of anykind repulsive. Pls consider nofap dont become another idubz

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who cares shit is basically brazil in sydney now anyway

i have a man crush on gregos

Whilst I respect you opinion on Tooheys New, I have to disagree.
I used to enjoy Tooheys Extra Dry, but either they changed the recipe or my taste buds grew tired of that flavour profile.

Have you ever brewed a Tooheys kit?
I usually do Coopers or Morgan's.

>God tier, fucking ripping, get the individual glass ones and get them ice fucking cold
And yes, agree with everything written here. I'd print that review and stick it on the bottle with a gold star.

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Would have thought a 12 guage would have done a lot more damage at that range. I'm assuming it's a 12g, looks like a tubular magazine in the very first part of the clip

God that is awful beet I'm so sorry user.

Im anout 15 pbrs deep hpw bout u ?

have you tried meditation?
if that doesn't work, then go for the high score

didn't read

i've seen his videos before but wasn't the biggest fan, all he seemed to do was chimpout when japs were trying to be friendly to him and assumed he was a tourist (which is of course what they thought because we was a white guy in japan and virtually no one that isn't a jap actually lives there permanently) he just seemed like another debito but not as full on

Chicken schnitzel, mashed potatoes, mixed veg

honestly i think it's the porn. i guess i'm constantly trying the high. porn is addictive as fuck

It's probably a slug but if it was buckshot or something then at that range there wouldn't be much spread.

never been one for meditation. i guess i'm just trying to find a way to deal with the self hate and shame every time i wake up in the morning. this has literally ruined my life

I rate tooheys new because it is in my opinion just a good normal beer, that you can enjoy out of ice cold taps, a bit warmer, can or bottle. Dry beers aint my style, xxxx is shit, fuck extra dry, super dry and Carlton dry, that is only leaving me with tooheys new or tooheys old at my local

I'll give a tooheys one a go, haven't thought about it before. Worried I might turn into an alcoholic but, I get too dirty of a hangover to be a functioning one too