Can someone please explain to me (a person who isn't a batshit crazy incel conspiracy theoriest) what you guys believe...

Can someone please explain to me (a person who isn't a batshit crazy incel conspiracy theoriest) what you guys believe is going on with this virus? I get you think it's a hoax but what is the outcome and motive?

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Done to cover up the economic retardation going on.
Been following this shit for a while now.
At least all 2019 the Fed has been printing money, and the ECB has been going with negative rates.
They are just coming up with an excuse to mask the fact that socialism and central planning doesn't work, and never will.

This except the virus is real. May be a bioweapon or not. May be exaggerated or underreported, but as long as they can strip you of your rights they will.

The economic collapse is definitely being overlooked and blamed on this tho when it was clear from the fed stepping into the repo market shit was fucked. The oil collapse just took it to a whole nother level

When you're chipped living in a fema camp eating bugs while your kids are harvested for adrenocrhrome don't come crying to me motherfucker


Here is what you need to know.
>Everybody is going to be exposed to covid, just like everybody is going to be exposed to the flu.
>The number of people who will need to go to hospital is set in stone. Number does not change whether you go herd immunity or have everybody hide up at home.
>The sooner everybody who is going to get sick is treated, the sooner we can get back to work
>If too many people get sick at the same time, some people who would not have died will die due to lack of hospital beds.

Ofc it's real.
They saw that their retarded system was collapsing, and unleashed a bio-weapon to cull the population, like good commies.
Here are the benefits:
>Cull old workers so you have to spend less for promisies on pensions and thus you lessen the BRRRRRRRRR problem
>scares the population into hopefully breeding
Won't work ofc, cause the population feels the overwhelmning power of the state and don't have kids even more
>in case it's not enough to blame their retrded system's collapse on this unavoidable illiness
>hopefully once the crisis passes and the unwashed masses are free they ll go and breed out more
That's litterally it.

let's see what our paid chinese guests have to say

Same shit as 911. The virus is real. The response is a clusterfuck. They try to scare population into something with exponential growth rate. So some shit is getting done that wouldn't be done otherwise while the exponential appearance can be maintained and fear is extreme. Probably within a few weeks. In the end the problem virus caused will pale in comparison to the response. Basically hiding behind the tragedy to do something unpopular. The virus is not black death tier either. If it wasn't as contagious it would be basically regular flu.

>you guys are so stupid
But user, how are mods supposed to be able to tell who is a shill? It's not like shills tell you who they are.

They dont ever tell you the truth
So every possibility is as equally true as any other since they are all false.

Adrenochrome isn’t real take your meds schizo
Q told us this is all part of the plan
Everyone knows this is empty bun anyway, stop worrying your family and don’t forget to hug a chink

>You guys think it's a hoax
Fuck off and die faggot. Most of us think it's real.

It's a bacteria.

Occams Razor...
Virus is worse than the conspiracy tards make it out to be but isn't as bad as the media has hyped it.
Trump and many Americans are actually dumb and didn't listen to advice of smarter people than them.
Virus started to get ramping up, looked at exo growth factor and realized China downplayed their problems.
Virus isn't objectively that bad but will or would be if we just didn't do shit.
Americans actually feel safer, including many pollacks, if they just pretend this is all about some grand conspiracy and we aren't really facing a major pandemic that could wipe out a shit load of people over 50 along with systemic issues in our medical system leading to more deaths.
They are at this point doing the right thing taking authoritarian measures, I was so tired of seeing dipshit room temp burgers my age drinking and clubbing making Corona meme jokes.
That being said, are they going to use this crisis as an opportunity to usher in a few more measures they would like to get passed?
Are the Tribe doing what they can to benefit themselves and their central banking schemes?
Just chill the fuck out and start your Pandemic Pump Lifting Program from home, get Yas Forums, try to make some money in the markets and hope your boomer parents don't die in their living room after being turned away from a hospital and they have to store your mom in a local butcher shop because the morgues are overrun.

that works for the chinese at least, since they don't use mass immigration to increase worker numbers and need to stimulate population growth in other ways

Dude, ofc it works for us too.
That has been going on since before the year zero.
It's just the ruling class culling their herd.
Nothing new under the sun.

Sure, it's simple. A global economic recalibration is being executed atop the unique situation afforded by world governments' (alongside an oddly complicit citizenry) response.

>If it wasn't as contagious it would be basically regular flu.
Flu mortality 0.2% at the most.
COVID-19 mortality rate between 5-40% and we have no clue about reinfection thanks to China!

you came here for a non-schizo explanation?
You don't NEED a conspiracy theory -
the data does not match the overreaction.
This is a manufactured crisis and our Constitutional rights HAVE been stripped, family members have been isolated from each other and the public is in a state of fear and panic
the economy has crashed and the people are begging the government to take over all control - to seize power - to save us all. anyone who questions what is going on is quickly shouted down by terrified sheep.

Well yeah the finacial system is a clusterfuck.

Financilization of all profit? Jesus how long can that last before hyperinflation?

And dont get me started on the method of low interest and massive credit expansion to prop up the economy. The underlying fundamentals are a joke. Here we come Japanification.

Of course thats just the surface level. Thats just single response depth thinking. The next is where it gets truly crazy

But he was asking about the virus

>97% of rare earth minerals come from China
>The future is electric
>Rare earth minerals are the new oil
Go figure

What data? 4 deaths to 1 recovery in the far. What data are you referring to?

Pay attention, faggots.

That could just be becuase they dont want an outright panick. Never spook a herd.

The motive is they want to install a global government (aka as the New World Order)

The outcome is already documented in the Bible. Satan gets butfucked in the end.

What I still don't get is why would China want to be nuked in the first place?

It’s a new virus that jumped from a wild animal to humans at a crowded, backwater wet market in a semi third world country. I don’t know what the fuck you want to hear. It’s new so we have no immunity and it spreads well. If you aren’t healthy it can fuck you up for the same reason. We don’t know much about this class of viruses, so everyone is panicking. The panic is probably overkill. This shit happens. Nothing much to it. You’ll be fine, user.

There are plenty of rare earth metalls all over. It is only mined in China because they do it cheap and don’t care about enviromental impact.

This sounds like something news reporters would use for ratings.
>the death toll is in the tens of millions.
>No, I'm just reporting it.

My thoughts too. I think the big concern is about flooding the medical system at one time.

I like listening between the lines during interviews. You get some good little nuggets such as the governors know when their States will peak with cases.
As far as being a bio-weapon or not, I am sure we have intel about that. We’ll never know for certain. I think this leaked out of a lab via an accident..that’s my tin foil take.


>But he was asking about the virus
And i answered.
Also, it's not hyperfinancialization, it's central planning taking out the legs of the various economies.
Again, nothing new.

>Just stay in your house 2 more weeks, you'll be fine bro!
Ok how about when food runs out? Have any of you ever starved for extended periods?

>explain this without conspiracy theories
We are all going to die and thats why every CEO quit and we are in lockdown so they can prepare for the REAL happening

It is NO coincidence april 10 2020 is FF7R release date and the numbers say 4D 10J 20T DJT it is a message. The plot of that game involves a meteor. NASA have named this comet C19 in the headline, the "virus" is called Covid-19.

>take your meds

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Virus is real.
30 years ago virus would not be a huge deal.
New tech causes panic because we are now aware of what is going on in almost real time but not in a position to understand it because understanding virus/outbreak takes a long time and we no longer have patience and also have become addicted to news cycle.
Virus coincides with and maybe causes end of a business cycle (depression/recession) that has been artificially delayed for five years by quantitative easing.
Politicos have decisional paralysis and are making the virus situation and the economic crisis worse.
Conspiracies proliferate because people want to believe world makes sense, but world doesn’t make sense. World is just a bunch of stuff that happens.

Trade war has escalated, but has also been mitigated.

you are dumb as shit
no wonder it is so easy to scare the sheep you have NO IDEA how to interpret
the CDC and WHO data
what makes it worse is that you fucking think that you do.
fucking common core math

It’s a virus that is really contagious. If it infects everyone millions will die. People are trying to not let it infect everyone.

its actually a real pandamic.

pretty are really dying in huge amounts everyday.

Ethnic europeans are by in large the biggest infected and mortality rates.

we are the smallest racial group on the planet.

majority of western economies are on a downward spiral due to this.

think about it.

user here is generally spot on.
as for means and motive, those are written in stone.

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Not a fucking thing has changed for me. Go to work, eat, shit, piss, sleep, get call from work repeat. I thought we were supposed to be locked down and millions dying overnight. Wish I lived in a democrat state where we could have a vacation.

Its not hoax. Our government is just incompetent.
South Korea, Taiwan, SIngapore, Japan, and Hong Kong are ll way ahead of any western nation in terms of having a handle on this virus.

Virus doesn't has a motive, but maybe those who released it had, but since it now spread everywhere it might be their original plan failed. I am sure if some elites spread it, they can even now escape to some private island.

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>I get you think it's a hoax but what is the outcome and motive?
it's a cover for something called Project Zyphr. Soon you will start seeing rolling blackouts. When that happens, people who know too much about the NWO and the Mark of the Beast are about to be rounded up under cover of power outages and killed. Their deaths will then be blamed on "coronavirus".

The virus is real, though, albeit completely overblown. They released a virus on purpose just so they can do this. This was all predicted months before the virus was released. See this video, which was released in early 2019 and then deleted, which predicted that first there would be a major viral outbreak in early 2020, followed by power outages which culminate in roundups:

Everything he said is coming true right now:

Just gonna put me tin foil hat on real quick, but Coronavirus was already present in over 77% of ARDS cases prior to this. Its possible all they did was modify a coronavirus to exponentially proliferate as a cover for something else. I mean, theres only so much stuff they tested for, it'd make sense to put something people can look at quickly, say "holy fuck its novel and present in someone dying" without really considering its present everywhere. They only test once you present symptoms that are just as common as the flu. In conclusion, im betting what's killing ppl isnt covid19. Would explain why some people "catch it again" even though theres no data to support as to why, only anecdotal occurances. We're all looking in the wrong places.

they have been doing nothing but spooking the herd
to the point where the cattle are literally ready to stampede each other

Same. We will definitely get it and spread it.

1 post by this ID

>what is the outcome

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It's not true. Most people have a very mild flu. Some develop complications. Same thing with flu. This is just very contagious, so more people get sick at the same time than flu. Otherwise it looks like it's the same shit, just applied to much bigger group, much faster.

i think it's a bioweapon, that i'd agree on. probably escaped the chinese lab due to shitty chinese standards. i.e. it wasn't meant to be deployed now

as for your other points...
Trying to hide existing collapse: maybe, but it also revealed the reason it was collapsing - real productivity like manufacturing had been shipped offshore.
Culling old workers: true, its a bonus
Increased population: don't think so, rapefugees and immigration is looking after that without the unnecessary normie panic

Pretty easy. Martial law world wide. Fuck the económy. Install a world economy.

This is going to happen after a long period of famine tho

The Earth hates humans and is trying to get rid of them. The Earth has its own immune system and SARS-2 is Viral Boogaloo. Not all will die. Enough will. Certainly, the stupid will die.

5% is my own deduction of the least greatest mortality figure that I would believe in the logic of.
40% is my fearful figure, but is possible given that everyone is being kept inside around the world and only such a number would warrant mass starvation. It is not a joke in Colorado, we are locked down. Other states have also locked down, but it will become more draconian if/when this gets worse. It has always been the plan. Just like those FEMA camps Alex Jones began to hint at before the 2016 election fried his brain.

Wuhan is larger than most of our major cities. It's not some backwater. They produce most of the world's cheap shit in that province.

just wash ur hands

Here's mytake:

>China steals bio weapon from Americans through a corrupt scientist.
>The incompetent party members at the biolab who got their jobs through connections let the janitor sell animal test samples to the local food market.
>Cue pandemic start in November last year.
>Local officials fail to cover up virus so it goes national level and they probably got executed for it.
>China conceals news to hoard resources and to let other competing high population density countries get hit hard by the virus.
>Global health organizations either through Chinese threats or domestic political pressure refuse to acknowledge it as a man made virus.
>Cue politicians and businesses trying to make the most of the pandemic.

The virus itself is not that bad, most people recover. The problem is it kills vulnerable people and is highly contagious. If everyone gets the virus millions of people will die, but earth has a population of 7.8 billion people.

Media just likes to hype shit up like they always do for maximum viewers and maximum profits. They dont care at all about you or your health. Only money.

Pocket check muffin man

It was just probably tested somewhere under WuHan labs and it escaped so basically that.

>Q told us this is all part of the plan
Q is just there to pacify you and manufacture the consent of Boomers so that actual threats to the Satanic NWO and the Mark of the Beast can be rounded up and killed while boomers "tune in" and "get their popcorn".

All of this would be impossible without Qanon and his army of flaccid boomers.

this is just a regular ol virus given to us by mother nature

what you need to realize is the economic depression that will arise out of this will put us back in the 1930's, a complete re-do

nationalists and globalists will consolidate power and radicalize in democracies and dictatorships around the world and we'll have the ultimate showdown for the fate of globalization take place in WW3

it's impossible to know which country will fall on what side but one thing is certain: globalists will win

What is this?

Fuck off

Zero pics or accounts of anyone having this thing an anything coming close to what is being reported. There may be some novel virus out there but it it not doing any of the things we are being told. And how would Occams Razor seem applicable here? Doesn’t it only work with some degree of rationality? Does the razor account for a lying media?

The Chinese want you to think it's a hoax so you'll go out and spread it faster and make the symptoms worse as it is an accumulative disease i.e it gets stronger with continued exposure.

They already had a cure for the virus before they released it and now the rest of the world is crumbling they will cure thier people and put production back into full gear to become the dominate super power.

That is not even an argument. 1 recovery to 4 deaths RIGHT NOW in the U.S.
1 recovery to 2 deaths in Italy, 25% in Spain...
>Only Germany and U.K. seem to be keeping their death counts down.
What's the secret?

Georgia Guidestoned

>one thing is certain: globalists will win
God will win. You had better hope you aren't a Globalist or a Jew when that happens.

>C/2019 Y4
>Closest approach
>last week
damn bro, why didn't you tell me we were dead a week ago?

Well then you should delete all corona-Chan pictures, since bats, right?

we got serious problems

Based voice of reason

Yes, exactly this. It is all over the world now, and China was there at every point encouraging people to feel bad for them and let down their guard. NYC, Miami, New Orleans, L.A., Chicago, all shut down. Are people stupid?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-29 Not wearing masks to protect against coronavirus is a ‘big mistake,’ top Chinese scientist says(1).png (723x171, 28.86K)

the problem is not the mortality rate, the problem is 1. how fast it spreads and 2. it can reinfect people that have been deemed cured

1. means even with a low mortality rate it can overwhelm healthcare systems with the initial spikes

2. means we either go complete shutdown NOW and try to eradicate the virus or it'll be in the virus pool forever every winter killing 10x as many people as influenza, with the possibility of it mutating a more potent variety

this is why governments are taking such radical measures


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-29 Not wearing masks to protect against coronavirus is a ‘big mistake,’ top Chinese scientist says.png (707x149, 14.81K)

My rich chink friend is fucking off to China because he's scared of an American quarantine. His shill parents told him China is back to 'normal life'.

I told him 'normal life' for you chinks started this virus in the first place

Less than 100 miles from the CDC nonetheless.

Source? Is this the CDC changing their tune?


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>All of this would be impossible without Qanon and his army of flaccid boomers
i'm no Qfag, but that discredits your post.
it's all possible for TPTB, 9/11 is a great example of this.


The virus is here to stay. Lockdowns dont work in third world shitholes then Merkel invites them into Europe.

no we are fucked, this is the chinese scientist in charge of china CDC that we helped them develop but now the USA is incompetent and not fit for getting shit done
link here

everybody with an inch of actual power is on the globalist side, the deep state, tech companies, billionaires, academics... only cucked out truck drivers and incompetent fucks like trump believe in nationalism in 2020, there's no way globalism will prevail

Idk, but China could have released it to:
fuck with the rest of the world (since it hurts them far less with their ability to shut everything down and control the disease, with the Western countries won't do)
give China the ability to claim that it was the USA
fuck with the West in a way that takes the heat of China, and possibly removes their enemy Blonald Dump through dissatisfaction with his handling of the virus

they interviewed the top chink trained in the usa,

have you not seen Qtards cheering on the suspension of habeus corpus?

This COVID-19 outbreak was planned, and entirely funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, partnering with Amazon possibly.
Entirely to promote and eventually instill mandatory vaccines that they themselves are working on, which could also include micro-chipping.

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Guidestones made by globohomo faggots

>I get you think it's a hoax
Obviously you dont get anything