When did you realize you were a schizo?

>Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family
>Almost always chooses solitary activities
>Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities
>Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives
>Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others
>Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affect (emotion)

If the above accurately describes you, you more than likely have schizoid personality disorder (SPD). I suspect that a large percentage of Yas Forums users have SPD without even knowing it.
For me, I always thought I just had social anxiety, but I sort of knew there was something more, something deeper going on. Unfortunately, schizoids tend to be some of the least productive members of society, and many turn out to be serial killers, so there doesn't appear to be much hope for us. Are there any examples of successful schizoids that you know of? I haven't found any.

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That's between me and the Basilisk. You'll get yours, OP, heheheh

I don't care. If you care then you're not one of us normie. Fuck off

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Schizoids become productive once they realize they are intellectually superior to almost everyone else.

I think that's just the zeitgeist of our post-modern world for anyone over 100 IQ. Not saying I am.

>I have broken dick syndrome and so do you

Life is circumstance + choices son. There are people out there with shit that'll break your spirit (Huntington's, Actual Schizophrenia, Cystic Fibrosis, etc). Yet...somehow...they manage to find a way to live a life they find meaningful (that usually doesn't involve lamenting their shit on here.

If your life sucks (whatever the reason). Fight that shit. Beats the hell out of wasting your life waiting to die or for somebody to save you.


Thix too. Don't wait to be rescued, it ain't happening

You mistake me, user, for I do not pity myself for being a schizoid. I'm content with it, as a schizoid would be. I realize that there are much worse conditions one can have.

My sister had that, but I don't.

Thats because people flock to oddities to virtual signal and make themselves feel better. Nobody gives a shit about a shut in schizo.

Don’t listen to OP. He just wants you to get on some diagnosis list so the government can take your guns.

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No, the eyes of that chick are showing studied indifference and boredom.
My sister's eyes showed nothing.

Any source for this? That would be rather encouraging if there was actual evidence of it.
Admittedly, I do sort of feel intellectually superior to most other people, but I lack motivation and social skills to actually be productive with my life.

Describes me to a t.

That's exactly how my psyche ward room looked

So that's why they wanted me to take 900mg of seroquel a day when 25mg is enough to cause an average adult to sleep 10-16 hours?
"Psychological disorders" are only bad cause the right people say so, eh?
Fuck all that jazz, my nigga!
How about treating the causes of "abnormal psychology" like poverty, broken homes, and abuse?

Schizos don't know they're crazy and will never accept they are crazy. Most labeled schizo are simply too honest for semites to tolerate.

Welcome to the IT department. We are all fine here as long as you leave us the hell alone.

Never self-diagnose, even if you have degree in the field, you don't have objective point of reference of your actions.
Not everything is pathological! Strive for your family sake, if the latter is missing, build one!

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I have had a ton of girlfriends but I'm single now and don't care if I ever have one again. I prefer being alone and enjoy solitary activities. I avoid my family and maybe see them once a year for the holidays but I usually spend them alone too. While I know the isolation isn't the best for me I still prefer it. I'm also in great shape and get comments from men and women all the time.

They had me doped up as a child too, but I don't think it was related to being a schizoid.
I'm not convinced that there's anything inherently "wrong" with me; I think it's likely that most of psychology is utter bullshit. I just think that maybe my brain isn't wired in a way that's conducive to me being a model citizen.

Gotta love a thread where people claim they’re so super smart and that’s why they fail at simple things like talking

Pic related is what happens when a schizoid fully embraces who they are. Don’t apologize or feel guilty for your lack of feelings or attachment to the vain things of this world.

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Yas Forums has plenty of schizos, mostly spergs that fall in the INTP INTJ-A realm.
>Reddit is full of retards pretending to be smart
>Pol is full of smart people pretending to be retards.

You have poor reading comprehension and logic skills.
I consider myself to be a mid-wit, probably in the 120 IQ range, so nothing amazing. I probably stunted my brain development by being a pot head as a teenager. And nowhere did I make the connection that I have poor social skills because I'm smart; those two things are unrelated.

Even if I was I would never accept a clinical or self diagnosed mental illness. Everything is on a spectrum and “labels,” allow the weak to use them as crutches. You are who you are, someone who has such free time to have real deep inner reflections would also through any pseudo-scientific labels in the trash.

>he still thinks schizo is a real disease

schizophrenia never existed in history until it was (((discovered))) along with (((depression))) and such about 100 years ago. really makes you think

>Rationalizing virginity

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Had girlfriends but every relationship turned to shit due to awful people

Not always but I rather be with actual close friends

But people are shit

I like doing all kinds of shit that I enjoy

People are justifiably literally horrible specially my family, it's all disfunctional and it's all their fault and I don't care enough to o help them fix it.

I am detached but just from a lifetime of disappointment.

But I can make friends and am just enough well adjusted but cold enough to not fall in a trap thinking most people aren't complete turds.

all points checked except
>Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others
i love praise and hate criticism but would like to being independent of it desu

Wow, I might have this

Having a very high iQ while not being able to tie your shoes properly isn't out of the question.

I uhhh... just because we didn't have a name for it doesn't mean it didn't exist.
I hope you're just baiting and not this retarded.
Regardless, here's that (You) I'm sure you're craving.

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Take your pills Carl.

Checked, based comfy schizo thread :3

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>If the above accurately describes you, you more than likely have schizoid personality disorder (SPD). I suspect that a large percentage of Yas Forums users have SPD without even knowing it.
You can't be diagnosed with Schizoid PD if you already have an autism diagnosis.

This is shitty bait even by the standards of subhumans like you.

would fuck her desu

Nice forced meme to cover up your jewish human trafficking crap, memeflag.

>implying being a self-diagnosed schizoid gives you an excuse to be a lazy sack of shit with no work ethic, social skills, or ambition

There is NOTHING in this world more pathetic than the "Oh god im so intelligent and superior, thats why i have nothing to show for it" cope, and its way too common on this shithole. Even if you are schizoid (which you aren't until you've been diagnosed by a psychiatrist) its not beneficial to you to think of yourself as one because it reinforces bad habits. "heh im schizoid so i get to sit on my ass and nothing!"

I fall into that realm... and I wouldn't be surprised in the least if I fell into the spectrum further than I already do with adhd.
But those tests are expensive as fuck so I can't be bothered with it.

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>Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family
>Almost always chooses solitary activities
>Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities
>Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives
>Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others
>Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affect (emotion)
Its called High IQ and being sorrounded by idiots

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your post is automatically fallacious, seems unintentional because of your emotional reaction at the discomfort of imagining snobbish and arrogant neckbeards circlejerking around...anyways why do normies get actually mad at smart people? is it really as simple as ego-fueled envy? what's the relation between ego and intellect?

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Someone posted this comic. Immediately looked up other schizoid symptoms. I had 100% of them, strongly.

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>Hey i have (((made up conditions))) too that can’t be empirically verified nor denied neither because I can’t do hard calculus but i’m not a dummy neither

Fuck off

>Are there any examples of successful schizoids that you know of?
I am. I've made a lot of money. But I'm very lazy and sloth is my biggest vice.

I'm 28 now. I really realized it when I was 25.

Something broke in me after my brother died, but since my father was a literal Psychopath my mother had been worried that I’d have a scizo break around the time I graduated/started uni. Instead, my ability to empathize with others completely died. I like to think I’ve regained it, but all I can do is act and approximate empathy. In reality, I don’t care about your petty problems, nor your serious ones either. If it’s out of your control then don’t think too much about it and if it is then do something about it. There are too many victims in society and not enough accountability. Truthfully, I’m glad it happened, since I feel like a man who can see things objectively and clearly instead of a child stuck in fantastic expectations of what life should be/look like. Life is brutal. Life is hard. Life has no mercy on the weak or helpless. God has gotten me through, and via Faith alone I was saved, but I lack the heart Christians are supposed to have. I care only because I have something to gain. I care only because it’s commanded of me by God. Otherwise, you’d already likely see me on the news by now.

>Even if you are schizoid (which you aren't until you've been diagnosed by a psychiatrist)
So they automagically become a schizo once a very expensive piece of paper says they are?
Rake yourself while streaming it.

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thanks for the (you). but it's true that most mental illnesses were INVENTED, not all on purpose though

Another retard with poor logic skills.
>Oh god im so intelligent and superior, thats why i have nothing to show for it
Nowhere did I imply this, and I don't think like this. I don't even think schizoids are above average IQ, but I haven't looked into it.

But i dunno about that.
I'm about to make a lot of money, and i'm grewing shit to sell and help doing my part in restarting the local economy when this retarded form of socialism collapse (if we don't have a nuclear war or hard invasion).
So, if i have that shit, gotta say it could be worse lmao.

The only thing that applies to me is I don't really care about external criticism or praise.

Mind you this list probably applies to many depressed people, so this seems like a trick.

Psychology is a load of bullshit, show neurological evidence something is different in (subject) brain or go home, you people just twist everything and call whatever triggers the patient the most a disorder, its practically torture. It should be illegal.

that's schizoid not schizo take your need skitzo

Would you like someone to talk to? Add me on discord BluJay#6308

schizoid is not schizo, you idiot leaf

Why do people pretend like cowardly attacks on psychology are relevant to discussion? It doesn't matter what psychologies people have. It's just another way cowardly types prove themselves too obediently hollowed out to engage as their own self.

Not so much invented but more so trying to fit atypical behavior into boxes so we can try to make more sense of them.
But I see your point.
With that in mind tho you could make that claim for anything relating to the mind since we have close to no idea how it actually works. Closest we've gotten so far is identifying what parts seem to do.
But as far as I know we have no way of explaining how consciousness works and as such, no real way of identifying why we are the way we are(neurotypical or otherwise)

>>Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others
That’s just a coping mechanism. I’ve spent too much time in my life worrying about the opinions of others, and I can no longer do so if I want to make any personal progress. Eventually you grow up and realize there’s a lot of insecure people who only want to harm you.