HELP, I went too far down the rabbit hole - jew stuff

so this is mostly for my Australian bros, but all are welcome. I am a bit worried I might have worked out something really bad, follow my ramblings to get to the end. it might not seem like what I am saying makes sense, in the end you might to get that cold feeling I have right now.

I know who killed the Beaumont children. I think.
This could also explain many other things we talk about on here

So let's start at the beginning...

This is going to sound dumb, just hold on.

How did Jesus die? You say, crucifixion, true.
You think it was a roman practice? no. It comes from a Jewish practice.

You have 4 ways of being killed if you do wrong by the jews. stoned, head cut off burned. or HANGED. not hanged in the way we do it, they used to nail people to a tree, later this moved to a plank of wood against a wall, and in the end placed in the ground as a cross. this was reserved for people they wanted to cures, it was seen as a cures for it to be done, to make God happy. Jesus was tried by the rabbi council and sent to death by a jewish practice.

When did this happen... Passover, why? to collect the blood of a sinner to be used to make 'matzos' a type of bread. explains why he was stabbed in the side.

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Other urls found in this thread:

So I know about the practice of 'Blood libel' that is what its called. they say they no longer do it. but hey, in every group you still have people that will

"Joseph Barclay describes crucifixion, in his book, as the Jewish custom of punishment and a curse from God for blasphemers and idolaters. He also asserts, quoting from the Talmud that Jesus was charged of blasphemy, idolatry, and sorcery, and sentenced to death by crucifixion, by a rabbinical court:"

Keep diggin user, you are into something. Let your inner autism sense be your guide.

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oh god

ok, gonna post two pics. first is the suspect

Attached: beaumontOvalSuspect1large.jpg (346x592, 19.8K)

now look at

Rabbi Tuvia Rafalowicz (right) at his induction in 1963;

Attached: Rabbi-Tuvia-Rafalowicz.jpg (215x310, 13.85K)

the SUSPECT was wearing a jewish hat?? wtf

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this one too

Know what? I'm intrigued.
Please show me a Jewish source. Talmud or otherwise that speaks about any of this.
Either the fact that hanging is nailing to a wooden plaque on the wall or the big one, using blood to make Matzot.
Being a secular Jew in Israel, I am just as sheltered from this as any of you. I truly want to see if there's something to it.

oh get fucked. The last time they were seen was with the picture of that man, who looks like a jewish man, who looks like that rabbi

IT WAS ADELAIDE OVAL!! its across the fucking road from the old synagogue

OK fuck this. I know who did it

My spider sense is tingling. Dig more but watch your back!
Maybe one can provoke them, spreading rumor the kids are buried in the synagogues basement. Spray paint or whatever. They show themselves or make mistakes when under pressure.

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>still believing blood libel
What is this, the 1500s?


The Babylonian Talmud”
A part of the Talmud, the tractate Sanhedrin, tells us that there were four kinds of death sentences; stoning, burning, beheading, and hanging. Even though the word ‘tree’ is used to depict hanging, the description shows one beam was either sunk in the ground or inclined against a wall and the second was tied to its top, exactly in the shape of a cross. The criminal, or the corpse, was hung on top.

“MISHNA VI.: How was one hanged? The beam was put in the earth, and it was fastened at the top, and he tied the hands of the culprit one upon the other, and hung him up. R. Jose said: The beam was not put in the earth, but the top of it was supported by the wall, and he hung him up as the butchers do, and he took him off immediately. And should he leave him over night, he transgressed a negative commandment, as it reads [Deut.xxi. 23]: “Thou shalt not leave his corpse on the tree over night, but thou shalt surely bury him on that day (for he that is hanged) is a dishonor of God,” etc. How so? “Why is this man hanged?” “He is a blasphemer.” Hence the name of Heaven is violated.” (New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud – Original Text, Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson – Section Jurisprudence (Damages) – Tract Sanhedrin (Supreme Council) P-141 – Volumes VII and VIII (XV and XVI) – New York – New Talmud Publishing Company 1117 Simpson Street -1902)

Who let you out of the oven?

Reads like your average pol schitzo poster

חז"ל גזרו מתוך החוק המקראי ארבע שיטות הוצאה להורג, שכל אחת מהן גורמת לנידון סבל במידה שונה. שיטת ההוצאה להורג נקבעה לפי חומרת המעשה שבגינו הורשע הנידון. קיימות ארבע שיטות לפי דרגת חומרתן, וחז"ל סידרו אותן מן הכבד אל הקל: סקילה, שריפה, הרג וחנק. לשיטתו של רבי שמעון סדר החומרה היה כך: שרפה, סקילה, חנק והרג

I've got a can of Zyklon B right here with your name on it, kike.

סקילה עריכה
היו מעלים את הנידון אל בניין בגובה שתי קומות אדם, ומשליכים אותו לארץ. אם לא מת בזריקה זו, היו העדים נוטלים אבן כבדה ומטילים אותה על לבו (כדי לקיים את הפסוק "יד העדים תהיה בו בראשונה להמיתו..."). אם עדיין לא מת, היו כל העם הנוכחים משליכים עליו אבנים ("...ויד כל העם באחרונה"), עד שהייתה נשמתו יוצאת.

שריפה עריכה
היו כורכים את צווארו בבד, ומושכים מכאן ומכאן (כדי לפתוח את פיו אך לא כדי שימות מכך, ויש אומרים: פותחים את פיו בצבת), ומשליכים לתוך פיו חוט של עופרת[8]/ עופרת ובדיל[9] רותחת עד שהייתה מגיעה לקרביו.

הרג (סייף) עריכה
היו מתיזים את ראש הנידון בחרב.

חנק עריכה
היו כורכים את צוואר הנידון בבד קשה העטוף בבד רך, ומושכים משני הצדדים, עד שיוצאת נשמתו.

you tell me, why the suspect is wearing a jewish hat in 1966? no way was that the fashion at the time, why it was the oval across the road they were seen with last. aaand it looks like him?

Mate I am not saying "all you jews" who the hell knows there could still be some peeps that want to do this shit. its a weird fuck off world.

Tell us more kike.

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This isn't even funny man. You are going to get people killed spewing these kinds of conspiracy theories, especially because blood libel is a hoax. There is not even a Jewish holiday near the date they were kidnapped. Take your meds.

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You have gone too far now. You are actually inciting some random Rabbi as the murderer. This must be illegal in Australia because I am reporting this thread to the police for anti-semitism and death threats.

show flag Chaim

Any other Adelaide fags heard about an institution known as "The Family"? I'd look into that before anything else. Supposed to be responsible for a lot of sinister shit in the 60's 70's and 80's.

>Be careful who you ask about it. Could be magistrates and whatnot involved from what I hear.

As for kikes getting superpowers from eating little kids, I doubt it. They get superpowers from being clever at making very generic but relateable moving pictures, inventing stories about masturbation machines and from keeping the money printer going brrr.

How's lockdown treating you, you shekel grubbing cunts? Weather nice up there is it?

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>show me a Jewish source

it's ok i guess.... too many infections in our small country... not looking good.

Yeah usually I would shrug this off but OP is scaring me. He is going to an innocent Jew killed by a mentally ill white nationalist or something. Is this a reportable offense?

Don't cut yourself on all that edge my dude

OP I am not joking around with you, this isnt a topic to joke about. Take this thread down right now or I will be reporting you to the Australian authorities and then have your family name tarnished by submitting this post to the Anti-Defamation League.

The guy who was convicted said he was essentially a Dutroux, capturing kids for some cult to rape and murder and also disposed of bodies for them and likely engaged in killing himself

..dude I am asking for help. I am asking because his hat is jewish, and it was close to the synagogue. a jew can still be a killer. it doesn't matter your race.

Dont send the adl after him but definitely report this thread to the authorties for incitement to anti semitic violence

Communal living will do that I guess. Look out for rockets and stay free of the rice rabies.

Hey moshe shekelstein, can you send them ths image and have them debunk the crazy notion that Jews were expelled over a hundreds of times? I mean, that is a conspiracy and an anti semitic canard that shouldn't be around in this day and age.

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So this is like a modern Simon of Trent?

>Mate I am not saying "all you jews"
Faggot, it's all of them jews. They're all members of the same hostile inbred tribe.

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No that isnt what you are doing. You arent being unbiased and just "searching for answers". You are singling out a Rabbi and making the evidence fit to your anti-semitic premise. Your post is encouraging anti-semitic violence and I am reporting this thread to the authorities and the adl if it isnt removed by 10:20am aka 7 minutes.

I guess they want to shut me up hey? I haven't once said to kill anyone. haven't said "all jews" have said it could be a one-off from a crazed man. soooo why all the heat?

They're worried someone might travel back in time to 1966 and look crooked at that rabbi.
The guy would be in his mid 70s or older today.
Keep digging. This is genuinely interesting.
I'm sure the police canvased the area so maybe old news articles would have more.

I seriously doubt he is still alive.

You do know why it's called the "blood libel", right?
Because it's LIBEL. "A published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation." It's a libel against Jews.

The police never found much iirc but there is another interesting local mystery referred to as the Tamum Shud case. Might be worth looking into as well if you're into that kind of thing.

>חז"ל גזרו מתוך החוק המקראי ארבע שיטות הוצאה להורג, שכל אחת מהן גורמת לנידון סבל במידה שונה
>xoxo gossip girl

The Sages derive from Biblical law four methods of execution, each of which causes suffering to a different degree. , Burning, killing and strangling. Rabbi Shimon's system of order was as follows: burning, stoning, strangling and killing

>היו מעלים את הנידון אל בניין בגובה שתי קומות אדם, ומשליכים אותו לארץ. אם לא מת בזריקה זו, היו העדים נוטלים אבן כבדה ומטילים א.
>6 million jews ate 6 million stews which lead to 6 million poos

Skilla edit
They were sentenced to a two-story building, and thrown to the ground. If he did not die in this shot, the witnesses would take a heavy stone and lay it on his heart (to keep the verse "The witness hand will be the first to kill him ..."). If he wasn't dead yet, all the people in attendance would throw stones at him ("... and all the people lately"), until his soul came out.

Burning Edit
They would wrap their necks in the cloth, and pull from here on (to open his mouth but not to die of it, and they say: open his mouth with pliers), and throw into his mouth a lead of lead [8] / lead and tin [9] boiling until it reaches its innards.

Killing (fencing) editing
They would splash the doomed head with the sword.

Edit choke
They would wrap the doomed neck in a hard cloth wrapped in soft cloth, and pull on both sides until his soul came out.

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bump i didnt even know about this. thank you crocbud

Kys faggot
I actually think you nailed this investigation user. Adds up imo.

Heat is good. What these gremlins can't figure out is that they've turned into detectors for juicy shit, much like how we use pigs to find truffles. This is some great stuff OP

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Sorry I don’t have anything to add but this was fascinating to read, hopefully we can deport all the kikes with all the yellow niggers.

This pattern of kids going missing near synangogues is repeated throughout the world. Over and over again.

If this is just two Jews talking to each other then damn, you guys really got this down to a science.

Theories about the beaumont kids are a dime a dozen. The only way that crime will ever be solved is if someone finds the bodies.

There isn't any evidence that the adelaide oval abductor was the same as the beaumont children abductor outside of a superficial resemblance in the police sketches.


Calm down moshe

Apparently they were seen at Glenelg after being abducted in the company of a blonde man in his 30's. They were taken from Glenelg, not the Adelaide Oval. The Adelaide Oval abductions are another case that occured in 1973.

It's also interesting to note that they lived in Somerton Park (The Somerton Man/TamamShud) and that their dad was on a business trip to Snowtown (Bodies in the Barrel) Interesting coincidences.

I guess it was fun to dream this shit up, but there is no truth to the blood libel.

Human flesh and blood is not kosher, never had been, and never will be.

Kosher meat (cows, chickens, ducks, goats, deer, turkeys, geese) has to be bled out for it to be kosher.

Jews (religious ones at least) are not meant to even have the blood from a kosher animal.

Are you ever going to find a black-pudding in a kosher butcher shop ? No, never.

Its only goyim that drink animal blood.

This whole post is just so dumb.

I have had kosher goat meat before. It really is nice.

Like lamb, but better.

It just isn't economical to produce.

Lamb is also kosher.

Ho man are you ever getting disappeared.

I converted (ex-Goy). Started going to synagogue in 1986.

I've seen none of this shit.

I had an Orthodox conversion BTW. Reform conversions are FAKE.

You can NEVER be an ex-goy

Show flag Schlomo.

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Actually there are some crickets/locusts which are kosher.

But I think its too hard to work out which ones are genuinely kosher.

This whole post is dumb.

Every fucking egg that we use in the kitchen has to be checked for blood spots.

If there is any blood in it (like the tiniest bit), the egg has to be thrown out. You can't have it, it isn't kosher.

My parents are goyim, I had an Orthodox conversion. I am a Jew.

From a Hitlerian perspective, I don't rate as Jewish. (Look up Mountain Jews on Google).

Whatever, I live an Orthodox lifestyle. Got married Orthodox. All my kids go to Orthodox schools.

Even my cock is kosher (more or less)

You're just larping as a kike, nothing more. The actual Jews mock you.

They never stopped. There's an unbroken chain accounts telling the history of Jewish ritual murder going back thousands of years, to before they were even what we would even consider jewish by today's standards.
Jews don't get to cover up their crimes by calling them libel. That shit isn't working anymore if you haven't noticed. The evidence is overwhelming. If it were "libel" it wouldn't endure. You wouldn't have documented convictions from different countries all over the world with similar stories, witness accounts, confessions, even by many jews who converted and spilled the truth.

Actually, now that I have thought about it more, I take that back. An abduction of multiple children in broad daylight is extremely rare. In fact, I think that has only occurred twice in Australia's history and those two crimes occurred in the same city just a few years apart. I'd say that there is a better than even chance that it was the same guy.

>Rabbi Tuvia Rafalowicz
kek, you know his larping, Rabbi Tuvia is dead. reporting death threats against the deceased fkn kek

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It's widely posited that they knew their abductor.
One of the kids told their mum that the eldest girl "had a boyfriend" not long before and they apparently paid for their lunch that day with a 1 pound note which would be big money for kids under 10 in those days as any of us with boomer rellies well knows.

>10:20am aka 7 mins
>tel aviv time
this is some god-tier bait, well done