/Adr/enochrome general

Who is this guy and is he based or just a globohomo shill that's feeding us the Q bait? He says he has a history being in the conspiracy/truthseeker movement on the internet and has written books, but I have honestly never heard of him or have seen him cited by any other truth seekers such as Bill Cooper, David Icke, etc... His youtube video is hella promising though. Any thoughts? He just gave us a fuckload of information/sources on Adrenochromes pyschotomimetic properties as well as other facts that we would never have known.



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Other urls found in this thread:


>promoting jewtube eceleb
Kys and post webm

He's an author in the ayylmao community and has spots on ancient ayylmao. Not really a big youboob personality. I would put him in the same bag as Bob Lazar.

I can undoubtedly assure myself that you my good sir are a full blooded jew.
See that's what I don't understand he's giving us the good stuff even fucking sources from the 60's when shit wasn't pozzed and i've never heard of the guy or seen him expose anything. Also hes on Ancient Aliens? What the fuck

The dudes a fucking new age teacher that says he channels the Egyptian god Ra.

Adrenochrome is a benign compound in low doses and neurotoxic in high doses. There is no recreational dose of adrenochrome.

You are confusing a byproduct of epinephrine oxidization with a make believe recreational drug from a johnny Depp movie.

This inability to distinguish fiction from reality is often indicative of an undiagnosed mental health issue (e.g. schizophrenia)

I've been listening to david wilcock since 2011. I have his books and and have listened to many hours of his extensive lectures... he used to have seminars on Gaia.


shut up leaf. videodrome is real

long time guest on Ancient Aliens

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He's a retard who keep humiliate himself predicting shit that never happened. The only good thing I've learn from him was the pineal gland/pinecone symbolism.

Christ, I thought that OP's pic was Macaulay Culkin.

>shut up leaf. videodrome is real

You've got me there...

I know dude and I havent read much on the law of one but I cant deny it either, please show flag
No sir you are wrong and you are a jew. Why do jews have to reflect so much on themselves? Please read the article I linked it'll tell you right there that adrenochrome is literally a pyschoactive hallucigenic compound at high doses and a good high at somewhat low doses.
Thank you sir finally someone who has another opinion of him and is not a shill he seems very fair and honest/informative to me, and it looks like he is relatively well versed and sourced. Thank you for the link brother I will certainly watch
People are starting to wake up

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He was pushing the 2012 wlll be a great awkenong diving cosmos shit and got btfo by reality
also claims to the the reincarnation of edward cayce

complete and total charlatan

What the fuckk lol
When has he stated something that never happened
Dead af kek

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Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock
30 Seasons, 276 Episodes
David Wilcock, author of Source Field Investigations, exposes some of the greatest secrets and cover-ups of our time in this eye-opening original series. Combining esoteric philosophy, alternative science and historical fact, Wilcock offers viewers the chance to rediscover our ancient systems of physics and spirituality. This series is best watched in consecutive order.

over 136 hours of content.

Attached: gaia.jpg (2560x1920, 378.12K)

The single most laughable shill idiot of all time actually.
>When has he stated something that never happened
Over and fucking over again.

I dont know man theres just something a little off about him, and how the hell has he been on reality television or professional TV productions and also have his own show?

>Over and fucking over again.
Okay, then list a few.

Jews and their minions "gamify" the lives of their victims so they have massive pain, panic and adrenaline rush, it seems to be related to this adenochrome theory.

t. victim of this jewish gayness

22+ hrs of content.


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5 hours? Nobody will take you seriously. Cliff notes. Jesus.

This guy is half responsible for the 2012 end times craze. A lot of the stuff he talks about is really interesting, but then switches topics to something kinda wacky.
He took some time off over the last few years on YouTube but is recently making a comeback. Good to see, actually decent info mixed in with some tinfoil.

I feel like hes fucking serious and this time he really did get the drop before anyone else and had time to make the video and shit and more and more everyday we are seeing Q being a possibility
>Good to see, actually decent info mixed in with some tinfoil.

This is exactly what I think he is doing and okay thanks for that tidbit of info I did not know that. Wasnt a hardcore truthseeker in 2012.

His next youtube presentation is tomorrow night, last week had viewers 26k live

tune in, dude.

5 hours and 15 MINUTES.

He's a larper who talks about his OC's and all of his sources are "my inside sources told me"

He's borderline retarded and schizo

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This video was big at the time.
I don't think he is a shill, I think he actually believes what he is saying, which is why I say his videos are decent. Maybe he's not 100% correct but it's nice to see someone unscripted and not payed by anyone.

Im actually slowly but surely starting to believe this shit lol.
The virus WOULD be the best chance to arrest these epstine island visiting evil fucks without causing the normies to go apeshit - causing a collapse of the entire system.

If they arrested hanks and oprah and ellen, openly, that would essentially tell the normies that epstein conspiracies were in fact true. (((They))) know this, and know what the end result would be. Im starting to believe, unironically.

my condolences, hope long exposure to this mongoloid hasnt killed too many of your braincells


I tried to expose this for years here but you are all retarded and nobody gave a shit about it, despite it affecting almost everyone in certain ways.


2012 Enigma was my everything.

Wilcock is odd, dig through youtube and youll find more cringe ass stuff where he almost touches on cult style esoteric stuff like summoning aliens with telepathy to save earth... Dont know if he actually believes it or is acting but there is something way off about him.

>I would put him in the same bag as Bob Lazar
oof, as someone whos seen a ufo(cant explain, wont try) and has been following both cus ive seen a ufo, its disheartening that you put Lazar on this guys level. Lazar is odd, i can see a skeptic not believing anything he says but Wilcock is pretty delusional imo, where Lazars story in full seems much more credible to me.

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A forced meme that appeared less than three weeks ago.

This is a shill distraction from what the jews are actually doing: using beauty creams and stem cell treatments made from gentile foreskins.

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Right? I spent a lot of time combing wikipedia reading about the things in these vids.

Here's quick clip from the longer video OP, kind of interesting these years later, turns out he was right


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For newfags, pol archives have adrenochrome discussed since March 2014. It picked up normie attention recently, but is not new or a meme

Me too especially when I saw his video I saw the veracity and truth to his claims and they were more specific than other truthseekers out there.
Yeah that's what gets me about him and he also is in huge productions so thats jew territory too
You are such a liar satan i've literally been hearing about adrenochrome since 2016 you are a huge ass zio shill who pays you Soros?

Yeah Adrenochrome is a real drug. The idea that it has life-extension properties is the forced meme to make grug brains sound like schizos when they try to criticize jews and elites. Might as well move on to infowars.

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the IQ of this board isn't high enough to comprehend the implications of wilcock at this time. also all schools are cancelled. so it's going to be a long summer. possibly eternal.

Sure thing kike

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Okay I can believe you there for now.
Fucking this as shit now that I think about it and i've been here since 2012 and am just now finding out about him

I meant im starting to believe the adrenachrome stuff. Not the stuff OP posted. I dont believe any of that vibrations shit, but I do believe these fucks are holding fucking human sacrifice parties / orgies / are doing evil shit and are probably going thru adrenachrome withdrawls.

To everyone else ; It's odd, It just so happens that one of the labs that produced synthetic adrenachrome was located in fucking wuhan, china, where the lab was fucking tainted by COVID-19. That was confirmed by reports, if I remember correctly.

Everything shutting down really is the perfect chance to nab all of these fucks, but the government knows exposing these people would create an absolute shitstorm, so they're doing it quietly and are threatening these fucks with exposing their epstien trips if they don't agree and enter voluntarily into house arrest.

These fucks are actually getting nabbed, finally.

when the lights go out
ppl go missing
the king will declare himself
you have lost

>le snakeoil salesman for retards

I say God speed to him. If you fall for his gimmick you don't deserve the money you threw at him

and to think he's been doing his thing for 13 years now

hes a quack that promotes conmen scammers to make money off the UFO community. he's the lowest of the low. only the most braindead people watch and support this guy.

these guys always seem to have "secret knowledge" about stuff but can't reveal their sources because there is no source and they just make it up to get rich and famous.

Hey tard that "stuff" OP posted is the source of all the information on adrenochrome that David Wilcox has put out as well as going along with the Q narrative and whatnot, im talking about the video not the website

>t. victim of this jewish gayness
Explain DELICIA bro

Yeah I just realized it wasn't about the stupid vibrations shit.

Adrenochrome makes people sick not high, I don't think there is any reason to do it. It's also very easy to make in a lab if elites really wanted it they could get it made for cheap.

He believes he's the reincarnation of this other dud, I member
>Edge of Wonder
Q tards

so if there is a solar flash, know that he was right... he's been predicting that for a while...

but i take all predictions with a big spoon of salt.

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>966 at end of digits which is basically 666
>F as first letter of ID which is a 6 in numbers
>Two double T's at end of ID signifying one of Satans/Lucifers logos

What the fuck

Are you an antichristfag?

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yeah he has been on the internet for over 15 years now for sure.
his name is dave wilcocks or something.
he part of the ayyy movement.
abovetopsecret ats etc.

same realm as lazar,icke,even bill cooper used to hang out with him.

>if they wanted
but they don't, they want to harvest it from unwilling children because that's a power play
they could just fuck sex toys too but they don't do that either
they could just play monopoly with fake money instead of ours but they don't do that either