I'm 16 and can't relate to anyone my own age because of my ideologies.
Please help pol I'm all alone and don't know what to do
I'm 16 and can't relate to anyone my own age because of my ideologies.
Please help pol I'm all alone and don't know what to do
Other urls found in this thread:
you must go back
go deep innawoods. god is calling you
>inb4 ban
just got to a martial arts club and make friends there
>train striking and grappling arts
>bond with the men
>lift weights
>eat good
>meditate and breathwork
>get some xp with girls
>consume entrepreneurial content
gotta redpill them faggot
Learn to hide your power level, retard.
Must be 18 to post.
Inb4 b& underage
listen to this guy, and work hard.
>announcing you are underage.
>I'm 16
You're doomed user. I started having the views I have at around 18 or 19.
It really sucks, I wish I could be a naive boomer and enjoy life without thinking too much. We're fucked, our entire generations are fucked. It will get worse, tough times are ahead. Good luck.
Stop looking into politics, stop every little bit of it right now. Start looking into your friends interests and dont listen to what someone political nigger has to say about it
Nobody still in high school should be on this site. You still have potential. Fuck off, far, far away from this shithole before it consumes you.
>can't relate to anyone my own age because of my ideologies.
If your ideology is avoiding degeneracy then it's probably a good thing. Isolation is a bad feeling, but degeneracy is a scar on your soul.
>I'm all alone and don't know what to do
There are others like you out there and as time goes on there will be more and more. Follow your ideology and self improve, keep under the radar, be successful and healthy, and you will be fine. Consider yourself extremely lucky to be aware at such a young age. Remember that your enemy wants you demoralized to death, literally. Don't give them that gift.
Get the hell off Yas Forums
I’m 22 and even now it’s still pretty early for a mind to be here. Write down every time you visit Yas Forums, write it by hand and look at it - bring it down, then finally to once a day. Write a journal, and get into learning languages and meditation of any sort
Just don’t mindlessly come on here
You sound wishy washy, im sure you'll go back to being a liberal within 4 years.
>e because of my ideologies
You shouldnt have ideologies,
but knowlage and wisdom.
underage b&
I've been that way almost my entire adult life and I'm 30. Only reason I didn't start earlier like you did is because I didn't find Yas Forums until I was 19 and Yas Forums didn't even exist then.
wait until you get to 20+, it will no longer pass as fucking around because you are an adolescence
stop being a pussy and join a sport.
wtf man. you guys ruin every thread. Why dont you remove yourselves? Its like you know that you are unwanted so you go around and try and make everyone else feel the same way.
You are fine. You are just the balance to the equation. If everyone leaned left or right...mankind would tip over. Embrace who you are.
You have soooooo much fucking time to get to a better spot in life. Holy shit you have absolutely no idea user. Pay REAL close attention to this advice I'm about to give you. FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE, and MAKE SURE IT REVOLVES AROUND FINANCIAL SUCCESS that means NONE of the following
>herr derr I"m gonna be a sick death metal drummer! I'll tottally make it!
>I'm gonna be a white rapper yo, eminem is my life!
>I want to make it as an artist!
Find people adults who have money, tell them you want to be succesful, and get their advice. Only go to college if you are going for a serious Tech or STEM type degree. Consider trade schools. What does your dad do? Does he make good money? Say "DAD, TEACH ME YOUR JOB SO I CAN START MAKING MONEY ASAP".
Seriously user. I'm a 29 year old Theologen philosopher NEET, and I've accepted where I'm at and over all decently happy, but if I could go back in time and talk to my 16 year old self, this is exactly what I would say. PLAN FOR YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE. I don't give a flying fuck if you can't get laid for the next 10 years. PUT YOURSELF IN A POSITION TO MAKE MONEY. You still have so much fucking time. Take advantage of your parents, family, and connections. Sit them down and say "I want to be financially successful, that is my number one priority. Please help me figure this out now". NEVER FUCKING FORGET THIS user. I do not want you to be me, even though I'm super fucking based in my own way.
You're too young for this shit.
Play that a couple hundred times until it sinks in. Forget about this place, go hang out with some buddies and chase pussy for a decade. Come back then. Look at Fuentes, he destroyed his life over this shit.
Look who i'm reporting for being under aged go fuck yourself underaged retard.
>Its like you know that you are unwanted so you go around and try and make everyone else feel the same way.
Nah. It just feels nice to rub a boot in someone's face now and then. You wouldn't understand.
also self-improvement and sex nigger
WORRY ABOUT LE EBIN DEGENERATES AND NIGGERS WHEN YOU ARE OLDER STUPID ASPIE FUCK. join a fucking sport and make some fucking friends and completely disregard politics for fuck sake you little moron.
I'm getting into stocks rn by depositing 100 dollars a month into an account and investing wisely I love reading but I never have the motivation to finish all the books I have. (Most of its political philosophy and Roman history related) the main thing I love doing is making money and improving on myself but I feel like it's all for nothing sometimes when i dont have anyone to enjoy it with
Finish your homework and get good grades
The best advice you'll get is to leave this place and come back in a couple years if you retain the same ideologies. You might, but chances are they'll be different.
What goes around, comes around bitch. What goes around, comes around.
You have to be baiting
Yas Forums is not your dear abby column. You are not supposed to be here.
Enjoy your vacation faggot
It doesn't get better
If you think crying on a wiccan festival organising imageboard is a good idea then you arent gonna make it past the great filter. Better to die then to live in fear
Checked and Big Brother's of America pilled
Source: my mommy told me bad people go hell
A nice little mantra that weaklings tell themselves. I encourage this behavior. So, you just sit back and wait, I'm sure it will all work out for you.
You're basing the next 7/8th of your expected lifespan on the first 1/8th in which you just learned how to walk and only just recently discovered your sexual parts,
Above this, you blame things you chose to read online for your recent depression.
I'm basing my judgement upon you on this one sign of stupidity, you're stupid
I'm getting into stocks rn by depositing 100 dollars a month into an account and investing wisely I love reading but I never have the motivation to finish all the books I have. (Most of its political philosophy and Roman history related) the main thing I love doing is making money and improving on myself but I feel like it's all for nothing sometimes when i dont have anyone to enjoy it with
Yas Forums was the internet hate machine long before Yas Forums even existed newfag
>If you think crying on a wiccan festival organising imageboard is a good idea then you arent gonna make it past the great filter. Better to die then to live in fear
underage b&. Get the fuck out
>I'm 16
Then fuck off back to plebbit faggot
This blindly follow nothing dont ever subscribe to someone else's ideas
Here is the only place where I find other people who aren't ethier brain dead or have some self awareness. Everyone I know in my life is a naive retard and it gets annoying
I fucking hate reddit and the fags who roam on it
Lol you really do sound like every 16 year old ever
Oh look its the same things all shills do.
By totally avoiding engaging.
>Ancap flag
checks out
>zoomer using a meme flag
fake and gay, Ariel.
Try being a zoomer who isn't braindead and you'd understand why. This isnt like my happy place ethier it's where I see actually intelligent people having discourse (there are exceptions). I just find this site to be somewhere where I don't feel crazy, bc that's what most people tell me when I try to red pill them.
Get a hobby. It's that simple.
Why are you trying to """red pill""" them anyway? You only get seen as creepy and become a social outcast just as you describe yourself. Try exploring other boards then. Is Yas Forums the only board you go on?
No I'm more so blaming it on the fact I can't accosiate with anyone my own age bc their too fucking naive to comprehend any truths beyond what they see from celebs and other mainstream fags