Do you think He will return this century? When? Why/why not?
Do you think He will return this century? When? Why/why not?
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Uh, no? Because religion is retarded and there is nothing logical about it
Tends to come back at Easter
Your not even white, your British
British people are exclusively Non-white
We're in the endtimes right now
Christ or Anti Christ
Either way , this year.
probably by august at this rate
Yes dumbass, do you understand prophecy? Once one happens then the one after that happens. We are deep in kid, buckle up fag.
He lives eternally in my heart :)
Naw, I have weird feeling God has sort of left us alone. We're disappointments like a lot of you are to your earthly fathers. He'll eventually send Jesus back but it won't be in love and compassion. It will be Warlord Jesus to wash a way the impurities and the debauched. Repent.
I want to ascending in 5D, ETs, Jesus, Krishna, Muhamad!
Return of christ myth is a jewish moneymaking scheme to bilk hopeful christians out of their hard earned shekels
God is dead
Suspending disbelief, that the agency that created physics, and it teasing us into existence as a mechanism of godly procreation, and we're its beloved children, and again suspending disbelief that it/he materialized into a baby as Jesus Christ, because he wanted to give us a few "hints" after becoming old enough to receive it, and again suspending disbelief that that stories we have about him are more or less correct, barring some translation errors, then I'm leaning toward the fact that God's "playing his return by ear" as a function of how well we're progressing. If we're an infant in a womb, then it appears that the universe was made to contain us. And we're like a single cell in a mother's womb. We have a LONG way to go. And when I say long, I mean a few billion years.
But that's not to say God won't return before then with more course corrections and waypoint tips.
He said the next time he would return, it wouldn't be up from a baby, it would be down from above in force protection. like pic related.
What would he tell us except: "Keep going my son? you have no idea what delights and terrors await you.
By the time I'm done with you, you're going to create your own universe, just like I did. How's my little baby doing? doo doo dah dah.
You have your mother's cosmological constants.
Saint Paisious of Mth athos said that we are near the End of Times. There will be plagues, wars, Constantionple will become Christian again but a coalition of the Antichrist (NATO) will declare Christianity illegal. A cousin of mine became a monk in Athos in Zograf monastery. They are now preparing for the final days when, according to the prophesies soon the most sacred icon will have to be transported to Georgia. After that, there will be an earthquake and Mth Athos will fall into the sea and all will begin. The last Christian liturgy will be there, becaues (NATO & EU) will declare Christianity illegal and will try to chip us.
Yeah man, for two thousand years
I doubt it. I figure if he comes back, it'll be at a time when the world has pretty much forgotten about him. Does it say everyone that could be saved will be saved before he comes back?
(You) shall not pass
>nothing logical about it
Yeah, I mean, like, Thomas Aquina has written allot about the logic and the faith, I mean, he is pretty known as a philosopher don't you know him?
I think this world needs to cook a little long for him to appear, everything is no absolute shit yet. But we are getting close I believe.
I don't believe in Jewish sandnigger death cult bullshit.
He is not going to return. Why? Because he was not a super natural being.
When will he return and reconquer Europe like he did it once before?
Doesn't exist. Kys, christcuck.
Jesus literally Lived & Walked this earth. That is NOT an argument. Jesus is NOT a made up character. Jesus was a real life person - underrrstaaaand? The only thing that is debated by niggers is whether He's the son of God.. Which of course He is. The bible is universally accepted as a historical document. The people that wrote the bible are accounted for in history. Over 2000 prophecies fulfilled to peak precision. Literal artifacts found as more damn proof.
>No other religions come close to authenticating themselves as Christianity has. Not Close
>Real Christians are not the same as Catholics. We are aware the Catholic Church is dirty and filled w/ pedos.
>We are not controlled by the (((Jews))). We believe opposing things. They killed Jesus, God in human form. (((They))) believe the antichrist is the 2nd coming. We believe it's Satan basically.
muh kikeonstick/imaginary fairytale. Literally anyone who says this is a shill & provably false.I'm glad you niggers are the smartest people living and have figured it all out. I'm sure your posting from the high rise office of your big fuck off tower that your successful multimillion dollar company is based out of. Your genius brain helps you maneuver through society with ease. Success, Money, Influence these are just some of the things you have at your fingertip, because that's just how you roll.Ami close?.. No? Just a sloppy athiest shitposting on the internet, with a deep feeling of self worthlessness. So you resent Christians in particular because of their Purpose In Life.I love the fact that you niggers hate Jesus soooo much..yet you still have to look at the calendar everyday, reminded that we tell time based on Jesus. Not SantaClause,Superman,Not Hitler,Not ANY OTHER gods, No your timeline is strictly based off the Life & death of Jesus Christ Your Lord and Savior. KeK athiest BTFO
>inb4 Jesus was not real.
First damn Google result and each one after that nigger.
You just said what’s literally written in The Bible. That’s exactly what’s going to happen.
>falling for the judeo-“christian” version of Christianity
Kys faggot.
Already happened in 70 AD when Rome destroyed the temple and brought Gods judgement on those Christ killers. Jesus says it multiple times it would happen to that generation. He literally says “ Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.” Matt. 16:28.
> real christians are not catholics
Both the Constantinopolitan and the Roman churches have 2000 years, yours has?
You have to help yourself's.
A single cell in the womb of a woman is recently inseminated, and dividing like crazy into a lump of 50 thousand cells.
One cell says to another cell: Wow that insemination event was crazy! All of a sudden that miracle-genetic material just popped into our reality for no reason. It's magic. When do you think the miracle-mother will return and poke in another sperm?
If the mother could speak to the clump of cells, it would say: "When I return to you a second time, it won't be a prick from the bottom up, it'll be a hello from the top down".
It would be funny to see which one of the 40 thousand variations of christ cuckery got it right
Antichrist will come first.
Christ will return afterwards
No but our gods will
Christ was a Yehwist, not a Jew
Yeah, your protestant retarded church has nothing to do with what God thought us, Jesus didn't say to Luther, He said it to Peter, if he knew that the church would be corrupt, wouldn't He try to change it? He created it and I shall follow what He said, if you are a fucking revolted semi-catholic, you should really see who is in the wrong here.
it will be holograms, but in HD, so that's good.
Are you -waiting- for Jesus to fix your sorry shitty state or something?
No, god is dead and we killed him.
With Coronavirus death toll rising, and the colossal locust swarms in the Middle East, plus this talk of a comet heading close to Earth- it does all seem rather biblical. Especially considering how Godless the world is, now.
Who or what will be the Antichrist?
Will they use this time of Coronavirus to appear?
How on Earth would any organisation make Christianity "illegal", or give us the mark of the beast, without meeting fierce opposition?
all papists will burn in hell
Something big is coming this year, and I don't think humanity as a whole will survive the next 5 years.
Mate death is real.
Dead people are not alive in an alternate dimension called the spirit world.
Dead people feel nothing.
Jesus died to save you and everyone who ever lived from death.
There is no afterlife apart from resurrection. The wages of sin is death, to cease to exist.
Jesus died on the cross for your sins to save you and everyone else from death.
Jesus really died, if his father, God had not raised him up from the dead he would still be in that tomb.
When Jesus died on the cross and rose again from his tomb on the third day, he payed for all the sin in the universe.
Thanks to this, everyone who ever lived will now live forever with God. Hell exists but it is not forever. Jesus did not die on the cross to save people from hell. Evey one will be salted with fire. Either in this life or the next. On judgment day some people will make it and others will not based on their works in this life. Those that got away with doing evil in this life will be disciplined by being executed with fire. They will return to being dead as the fire turns them to ash. Later on Jesus will raise those that died in the fires of hell. On that day Jesus will kill death itself and God the father will be all in all.
This is true weather you believe me or not. If you do, and you do not believe in the trinity, or free will, then congrats you believe the gospel. If this faith in you endures to the end you will rule and reign with Jesus in heaven.
Jesus died for the demons too. This is the gospel of the circumcision, or Paul's gospel.
Read more here at
>Do you think He will return this century?
Yes, it is inevitable. Pic related. We are at the bottom of the feet. The Bible gives us a timeline so we can know where we are on God's schedule.
Right after the world wide anouncement of "Peace and Security" and the Great Tribulation.
“Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.”—1 Thess. 5:3.
>(Revelation 7:14) So right away I said to him: “My lord, you are the one that knows.” And he said to me: “These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
To bring about Armageddon and finally end this wicked system of things controlled by Satan and his horde of demons and human servants.
Nobody knows, not even the angels. Always live as if he could come anytime.
Could be tomorrow for all I know. I'm so confused by end time prophecy I don't know what has already happened and what hasn't
If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then the foundation for the Christian faith would be destroyed.
1. Jesus didn’t really die on the cross.
2. Jesus’ body was stolen.
3. The disciples were hallucinating.
4. The account is legendary.
5. It really happened.
All the accounts affirm he died. Pilate verified he died. During the lifetime of the eyewitnesses no one disputes his death. Secular and contemporary historians Lucian, Josephus, and Tacitus cite his death as factual.
What if the disciples faked the resurrection story by stealing Jesus’ body and then claiming he was alive? Not only was the location of the tomb well-known but the Romans had assigned guards to watch the tomb 24 hours a day. This was a trained guard unit comprised of 4 to 16 soldiers. Josh McDowell notes, “The Roman Guard unit was committed to discipline and they feared failure in any way.” It would have been impossible for anyone to have slipped by the guards unnoticed and then move the stone. Yet the stone was rolled away, making it possible for eyewitnesses to enter the tomb. And when they did, the body of Jesus was missing. If Jesus’ body was anywhere to be found, his enemies would have quickly exposed the resurrection as a fraud.
What if the disciples might have been so emotionally distraught that they hallucinated and imagined Jesus’ resurrection? Hallucination is not even a remote possibility, according to psychologist Thomas Thorburn. “It is absolutely inconceivable that 500 persons of average soundness of mind should experience all kinds of sensuous impressions, and that all these experiences should rest entirely upon hallucination.”
Is it just a Legend? Legends do not develop while multiple eyewitnesses are alive to refute them. Legends develop by oral tradition and are not supported with contemporary historical documents. The legend theory does not adequately explain either the empty tomb or the fervent conviction of the apostles that Jesus was alive.
>Who or what will be the Antichrist?
The anti-Christ appeared a long time ago.
>(1 John 4:3) but every inspired expression that does not confess Jesus does not originate with God. Furthermore, this is the antichrist’s [inspired expression] which YOU have heard was coming, and now it is already in the world.
>(1 John 2:18) Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as YOU have heard that antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour.
>(2 John 7) For many deceivers have gone forth into the world, persons not confessing Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.
The Antichrist is nothing significant. As you can see up above there are many antichrist. Also, the antichrist has been here with us the whole time. THE antichrist is Satan and always has been. The other "many" antichrist is any person or organization that opposes Jesus in any way or form as both King and Savior.
Christ in the Desert - Ivan Kramskoi
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Your thinking is too shortsighted. There have been much worse times throughout history.
>Will they use this time of Coronavirus to appear?
It doesn't matter at the moment. Coronavirus is mostly a media panic for some hidden agenda. Yas Forums has come up with many theories on why. All and none are valid. But the virus itself is statistically insignificant. It's being used for something more sinister.
>How on Earth would any organisation make Christianity "illegal", or give us the mark of the beast, without meeting fierce opposition?
That's where the Great Tribulation comes in. Pic related.
Only the Father knows. Jesus told us to prepare as if it could be any moment. Because it very well could be. That being said, I forget where, but I believe it says that God is going to prolong the end as long as possible for our sake. And there's a sect of Frankist kikes who have taken that as an invitation to usher in as much sin as possible to force God's hand. They're the ones responsible for the degeneracy that has been thrust upon our society. They control every aspect of the media and use it as a weapon to brainwash the unsuspecting masses. Talmud Vision.
Then what about
And the like, various prophecies which supposedly suggest these are the very end times?
Which of these hidden agendas do you think are most likely? And what will the tribulation entail?
On a scale from 1 to 10. 10 being the worst disasters facing all of life on the planet, or all of human life. And 1 being the the best possible condition for the edification and proliferation of life on a planet...
covid-19 is about a 1.13 on that scale.
Look at the big picture. We'll be conquering the planet to a type 1 civilization in about 150 years regardless of how covid-19 plays out.
oh noes God is going to come back.
Yeah no. God has everything under control.
Once the third temple is built then start to worry. Until then, these events are just foreshadowing of the biblical judgements of revelation.
It's only going to get worse. Buckle up.
I would post an image that correlates this, but every time I try to redpill Yas Forums on God and Luciferians I get an image b&.
So this link will have to suffice. It's a letter from Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini laying out the Luciferian agenda. Pike was the first 33rd degree freemason and Mazzini was a founding member of the Italian mafia.
True but most associate the end times figures of the 1st and 2nd beast of revelations and "the" antichrist and false prophet.
the rapture is happening in june 19th 2020
forget "this century" ive been following end times since 2011-2012 and now were finally here
Oh Noes, now the universe isn't going to recreate itself! He killed the procreation mechanism of the universe!!!!
Real nice Mrs pancakes, real Nice.
Then don't worry. I agree with this guy about the temple.
Already built
No one can know the final hour, but God.