Run for the hills! Pentagon sends teams into MOUNTAIN BUNKERS as pandemic preparations go into full swing.
28 Mar, 2020.
The US’ Northern Command has sent teams of essential staff deep underground to wait out the Covid-19 pandemic.
On the surface, more than a million grunts won’t be quite as cocooned.

Air Force General Terrence O’Shaughnessy heads up the US’ Northern Command, as well as the North American Aerospace Defense Command –
a joint US/Canadian operation that monitors the skies over North America for missile and airborne threats.
Earlier this week, O’Shaughnessy told reporters via Facebook that some of his watch teams would be moved from their usual command center
at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado to a number of hardened underground bunkers.


America and Americans will be fucked.

Attached: Cheyenne Mountain complex in Colorado.png (800x450, 664.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lolm8 that's what you think.
Memeflags get the rope too

>meme flag

Don't get our hopes up.

He found out about The Stargate and is leaving Earth to become a Goa'uld Galactic Overlord.

even with a nuke about to hit i'll still shout nothingburger

>believing rt

So where's the part about Trump being in hiding?

Fuck you

Your ID is your post energy

As always, OP is a faggot.

the secret Yas Forums discord link is discord gg qyf9x2n

It has to stay hidden or discord will shut it down
As far as discord knows it's a Satanist Furry server

Take your meds.


it really bothers me that the gayest fucking branch has the coolest camo. Digital tiger stripe is the tits.

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Russian attack imminent.
New York will be the first state to break away from the kike United states.


That’s the old uniform. Already fazed out.

He's going to become Nerus.

Rudy Giuliani died, he knew too much.
Like Epstein knew too much.

New York is the kike United States.

he was literally on Laura Ingram's show last night.

You know what I've been thinking? Every episode, every single episode of that magnificent series, had an unnecessary scenes where it show real life footage of Cheyenne Mountain Complex, with guards walking front and back, every single episode. Why was that? And now, I'm seeing the exact same images but in real life.


>he was literally on Laura Ingram's show last night.
OK, then Rudy Giuliani will die soon. From HIV AIDS and Corona Virus.

Nobody will really miss him.
Trump hates Rudy now.

Nah Trumps already a Goauld the NID infiltrated the GOP years ago . Chaney was probably a low level system lord.

Trump left average Americans to fight civil war, while he and his family will be safe inside the mountain.

Wake me up for Thunderdome.

It's important to protect your best player.

Almost Satan^

You didn't answer me, pot-stirrer. Where is any proof that Trump is in hiding?

Imagine still failing for this meme in 2020. It's literally just a mountain with a tunnle sticking in just the tip. That's it. There's nothing there. Classic misdirection.

Where is Obamma hiding?

He knows. Acw2.0

A compound in the whitest suburb he could afford. Turns out he doesn't want to live near anyone like his potential sons.

>Fuck you cucky

JEW York is kike central

Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.

>Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the commanders, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man, hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16And they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide usc from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.

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Lots of fighter jets flying around past 2 days...

T. Live in the springs

Who do you think is hiding there?
Just some Generals, and their Commander in Chief the President is above the ground getting exposed the the Corona virus.
But of course this will not be made public ..for obvious reasons.

Rt is news the same way vodka is non-alcoholic.

Attached: friendly question.png (809x271, 121.4K)

is he going thru the stargate?

Had one fly over routt today, coming from the south

Attached: 1524551225364.jpg (1400x786, 323.93K)

Is that a picture of Mike Pompeo's loose anus after niggers give him his daily anal...

Attached: Mike Pompeo infected with CORONA V.jpg (1280x720, 248.5K)

The Old Testament is very spooky, given the truth of Noah, Adam, and Eve I'm inclined to believe this has happened before. All myths are just distorted truths made legend.

COG protocol.

Trump should stay above the ground with the people. Coward Trump.

There’s zero evidence to suggest Pompeii is infected. You pulled that out of your ass. As if your credibility wasn’t already damaged enough, you’re also using a Russian state run propaganda service in the OP.


you are marked to the service of the demi urge. you will be culled.

Trump going to nuke Jew york

kek they went through the stargate you dumb fucks.

Beijing first

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>Q predicted this

Attached: 352208E7-516A-432B-974A-0861AF88C578.jpg (318x306, 37.59K)

Why does Q never predict when I fuck another one of my friends mothers?

spoken like a true amerifat npc that loves licking jew boots

>America and Americans will be fucked
Blow it out your ass, faggot

RT also said
'Russia preparing for war'
because they quaratined a quarter million ?!

he will die in that mountain and fulfill the prophesy

>he will die in that mountain and fulfill the prophesy
What prophesy.?.that sounds very interesting. Post more please.

Trump? Grand Nagus you say?

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trump's a fucking pussy faggot

Attached: Raugh.jpg (500x500, 38.05K)

In other news, Israel just rapidly opened up a massive nuclear bunker in Jerusalem

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>trump's a fucking pussy faggot
Talking about pussy and Trump....kek

Attached: Trump is transitioning.jpg (1936x1936, 269.44K)

I thought Cheyenne Mountain was closed down in the 90s?

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You sound Chinese.

>Annexes FED, an act even more egregious than one that past Presidents have been fucking murdered gruesomely in public for, potentially by the mans own threatened wife.
>Seals himself behind 9000 proxies.
>Hyuckhyuckhyuck, drumpf went into hiding cuz he gon hide and not get drumpfvirus hyuck hyuck
This is you. This is what you sound like. I genuinely feel sorry for you. Really Im not a hateful person but what this man has done to to you is sad.

OP is here to tell us that it isn't and we are all niggers

>I thought Cheyenne Mountain was closed down in the 90s?
That's just what they wanted you to believe.

>Israel has reported 2,666 coronavirus cases and eight fatalities. After restricting people’s movements as a precaution, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday that a nationwide lockdown could be ordered within days.
Like 666 5th Avenue, Kushner's old building

Vault-tec welcomes you!

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>28 Mar, 2020
Tell me again how much better the metric system is and how many more people it got to the moon.

Hate to burst your bubble but they were just padding out time user. Unless you want to see like 4 seconds of awkward silence after conversations and before the scene changes.