Coronavirus rapidly raising class consciousness like

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I think you'll find what's rising is actually Race consciousness commie

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Roses are red
Violets are blue
Bolshevism is Jewish
And so are you!

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double digit IQ post.
Yes it has raised some a lot of class consciousness. The wealthy are able to self isolate better

t. kike neoliberal capitalist shills.


Yes, the rich should crush the poor. If this is class warfare, why should the rich not triple rent right now?

Roses are red
Class conscience is rising
You're a goose stepping larper
Who's obsessed with sieg heiling


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Woah good work /u/poem-for-your-sprog you know who would love this? Reddit! You should go back there. And stay there.

Commies can only exist when taking advantage of others during chaos. Sad

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Marxism is the tool of the Rotschild central bankers.

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name a communist country you would want to live in

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Neoliberals like you simp for state capitalist nations like china because their party has the word "communist" in it, your only ideology is hating whites like the genocidal kikes in the bolshevik coup of 1918

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He looks happy. Not even joking. Probably because he knew dying was the best way to become Commie Jesus 2.0–the first of course being Yeshua.

That's not how it goes, user.
Roses are red
Violets are red
You too are red
Or bullet to head

It's disgusting.
We're all living in fucking fear and these faggots think it's the perfect time to come out and start destabilizing shit.

God help these fags if the rich ever start paying people to kill communists, because I will unironically do it for free at this point. Literally the only thing that holds me back is the fact that the police still protect them.

Never let a crisis go to waste, am I right?

What a shit meme

Premarital sex is bourgeois decadence. Capitalists will hang.

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It's revealed just how predatory certain sections of our financial system can be and how they use "wokeness" to wrangle retards into supporting the corporate cause but everybody already knew that.

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NOOOOO wont someone please think of the debt collectors?

HAHAHAHA, call center niggers, back to work!

>100 gorillion
Even the people who worked on the Black Book of communism admitted that number is bullshit.

Nothing to do with communism. Debt collectors are lumpen.

You guys really do hate the poor.

I can work from home the last 4 years, because rent for offices skyrocketed too and not everybody can afford large spaceships like apple
I wide invested in the last eight years and my portfolio nearly doubled (took now a harsh dip, but its not as bad)
I live in a lesser populated part of town because I didn't want to pay huge luxury rent in down town and my little Walmarts are ok stocked, even with off brand toiletpaper
by all means, I am better off than many
but I also made the right decisions, eg not paying $3 for coffee and not paying rent for shitboxes

Oh, yes. Communists are so class conscious that they want to see all the old people dying here in Germany. So much love.

fucking hell that's the worst attempt at drawing a pepe I have ever seen.

Commies should love Coronachan and want everyone to have it. It's class struggle. The infected are being suppressed and exploited by the uninfected. The only solution is to infect everyone for all to be equal.

This is what communism is. From each according to his abilities (uninfected host) to each according to his needs (new flesh for Coronachan).

This is communism. The radical ideology of sharing.

Come on workers, join us! We’re fighting for a world for you. What a fucking joke.

Not really, the people are clamoring for the capitalist class to give them the solution to the virus that they created and released. ID2020, EARN IT act, total gun ban, and cashless Amazoncoins soon.

Socialism and revolution are dead.

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imagine thinking the anti-communist was a jew, lol. who was it that murdered czar nicholas again?

Post a picture of one black friend you have. Block out the faces, do whatever you want, just one black person that you know well enough to be in a photo with. You could fake this and get away with it. I’m sure it won’t be that hard for you, your prepared to fight a revolution so this should be easy.

Yes, because people are worried about food now.

>that cringe image
holy fuck why would you be such a fucking weirdo?

In a time like this. Yes. It's best to socialize. Having certain industries fill roles to produce goods like masks and ventilators. Making sure people have money so they can support themselves while they can't be at work. This would all be temporary.

It's not so simple.

>The proletariat is dead.
This is the most profound reason that labor politics is decimated in the states. The industrial worker is simply no longer - service based economics have made effective rent serfs of their people simply because you can't take your labor and leave; your labor is completely dependent on vague concepts of capitalist value.

>People are not more united by class than by creed or race.
I'd argue this is the reason why labor movements in the states always succumb to open corruption, and why new unions are nearly impossible to form; there is not enough uniformity and trust amongst workers to create an organization that won't immediately break under strain. Add this to new age identity bullshit, and I can't even begin to understand how it would function.

>There is no grand change wanted.
Even if you gave labor complete controls of the levers of power, the majority of their voter base would probably want the system we have now with more gibs. When the Czar fell, people genuinely were willing to tear down major institutions.

All commies are Jews or crypto Jews.

So, what you're proposing is a sort of hybrid between socialism and capitalism?

The only thing I've seen rising is anti-chinese sentiment and a thankfulness for all the effort local businesses are going through to help out during a crisis.

For every Canadian.

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I don’t care which side wins as long as neoliberalism crumbles and goes away forever.

Depends, are you going to overthrow the Rothschilds and friends (ie Walstreet / the Financial class)?

Or is this some faggy Soviet Union?
Because contrary to what you goys believe, both Stalin and Marx hated aspects of Jewish culture (zionism), and Stalin was ready for another purge but against jews, before he got (((killed)))

Stalin woke up and killed Trotsky as well as Lenin's friends

Attached: Stalin vs Zionism.png (1399x3749, 895.81K)

I'm proposing nothing. I'm saying that there is no revolution because workers neither have power of their labor, uniformity in which to unionize, or the desire to fundamentally change the system.

Pretty sure those are luftwaffe ground forces, not Wehrmacht.

t. Reddit aficionado.

this seems like wishful thinking on the part of redditers who only associate with other redditers

Why are you still blackpilling on this pozzed shareblue raided demoralisation board? Why aren't you on BASED BitChute


Some good starting channels:
Mark Collett
The Iconoclast
Asha Logos

Why are you still blackpilling on this pozzed shareblue raided demoralisation board? Why aren't you on BASED BitChute


Some good starting channels:
Mark Collett
The Iconoclast
Asha Logos


To be fair, I couldn't do that with anyone including Whites. I don't have any photos of myself, let alone with other people.

Basically Stalin was based and redpilled when he woke the hell up to what's being created by Lenin and Trotsky (Protocols of Zion - Jew world order). There's a reason why near the end of Stalin's life, everyone in his inner circle was terrified of him, and he reminded them he can kill them too.
He also respected Hitler and didn't want to fight him when he invaded.

Nazbol is the only sollution basically

I forgot to add, THIS is the reason Jews hate Russia to this day (Stalin broke some "kosher" eggs if you catch my drift)

Instead of a response you demand some normgroid tier selfie to gatekeep your political opponents lmao. Thinking diversity = black people is such an Amerishit concept.

Proles can be service, creative, technical or even admin according to Marx. It's based on wage labour, not some factory specific strawman.
Yes, this is sadly what people like yang shilled. But as automation grows it will not be feasible to have welfare systems leeching off capital, actual collectivization will be needed or else the billionaires can just exterminate everyone else.

How exactly will you achieve revolution without the working class. That whole infiltrating the college intellectuals isn’t really panning out for you. Your right it’s American to view blacks as working class, but my question was to see if you have any connection to the working class. Please insert any proof of this with your country’s version of working class prole.

Can we give it a better name? To me it’s always sounded too much like a parody.

If we get hungry we can do what commies do and eat commies.

If all your proles are servants, then you have no power of labor.

If you use the value theory of labor, and many people produce no specific value, then they're not proles.


>virus caused by chinks
>not rising racial awareness

possible names
>The Federation
>The Imperium of Man
>Empire of Earth
>United we Stand

yay target practice! lets gooooo!!!

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I didn't say black = working class. I said black != diversity. And despite your stereotypes the rich in Europe and the US are overwhelmingly right wing and the poor vote for leftist figures.

Service and intellectual labour are types of labour. Plumbers are not prole according to this definition.

Shit by any other name.

You will never have a revolt but I will have my targets. You will join your heroes soon comrade faggot,

Just call it nationalism.

Till niggers realize communism means no black power

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So much cringe

Commies are pathetic faggots. The actual working class despises you freaks.

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Do you ever notice how fast you faggots backtrack on everything? Now all you faggots suddenly agree that international communism is somehow not globalist anymore and actually values national sovereignty. Like how communist China backtracked on all the commie ideals and is basically just an authoritarian capitalist country now.

It's because you don't actually care, you have a power fantasy that might one day manifest in reality and cause serious harm but you don't care because you enjoy the fantasy of having power. None of the specifics matter, just having power.