Rest in piss you stupid mutt

I spit and shit on your grave lmao *braaAAP*

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Che Guevara of course

He was built for bbc

Well at least he had ideals and here you are posting about him, you were raised by a Playstation and when you die no one will remember you past 2 years tops.

Not an argument
What sewer do tou losers crawl out from?
Being remembered as a rich kid turned mass murderer is gay as fuck

I don't give a fuck about his ideals, he's another dead gommie traitor LMAO

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Says the guy who never got a gun in his hands. Fuck you. You are a stupid coward.

>Not an argument
Nobody is throwing arguments, I'm just stating a fact.
What will you be remembered for? You just...exist lol

Had bigger balls then any Yas Forumstard will ever have.

the tee-shirt guy?

>execute homosexuals
>execute blacks
>Yas Forumstards hate you because le comunosm.

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>noooo plz don't kill me, i'm worth more to you alive!

Fuck off boomer, I'd rather no one remembered me than being remembered for being a filthy COMMIE

Yas Forums is majority homosexual and blacks but will claim its majority mutt kek

>filthy COMMIE
lmao he hated niggers, kikes and fags with more passion than you cockgobblers will ever have.
Show some respect you worthless shitbag.

fun fact, Che Guevara took joy in doing executions

Attached: Cheguevara last words.jpg (980x461, 48.67K)

for fucks sake

this kike was real cocky. did he really think he could walk into bolivia and instigate a war without any resistance?

That doesn't make up for being a filthy COMMIE, you senile old fool

Yes it does, pussy. What have you done to not come across as a filthy commie btw?

Wow BASED psychopath!

Not trying to spread communism violently for a start

Built for BBC

But you spread whatever shit ideology floats your boat also violently, don't you?
>if not, you are weak because deep inside you know that violence resolves shit
>if yes you a fucking hypocrite for calling out others for doing what you do
You suck, kys retard

So what have you been doing to violently spread communism, glownigger?

Are you encouraging mass shooting user? What's you address? Do you own any guns? Make sure to fill out the census.

Not a commie you vegetable.

Obviously, you're a glownig trying to bait people into terrorism

Lmao seethe more
>inb4 communism
Che had an ideal and freed his people from shitty leadership
He was used by Castro for the commie agenda but he was a revolutionary all the same, which is more than anyone can say about you sad fucks
>inb4 murdering innocents
Never has he killed innocent people unless they took arms against his army. He even executed some of his own when they raped and Murdered a family and torched down their farm.

>Che had an ideal
You mean communism?

>freed his people from shitty leadership
More like chained them to a different set of shitty leadership

if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black

>Obviously, achtually
>muh terrorisem
Regardless of ideology, I just respect someone with balls while pointing out your lack of said testes, you stupid sunburnt chinkazoid.

crymoar fgt pls

Sure mate, so what acts of violence have you committed that demonstrate your "balls"? Drone strikes don't count btw Mr Langley

Che was based

fucking kill yourself you stupid murderous piece of shit. try that in the states. I cant fucking wait for open season on deluded fucktard communists like you. i cant. wait.

Why are you still blackpilling on this pozzed shareblue raided demoralisation board? Why aren't you on BASED BitChute


Some good starting channels:
Mark Collett
The Iconoclast
Asha Logos

It's crazy how dumb liberals gravitate towards this loser. A big fucking loser that took advantage of low IQ individuals for his gain.

Evil, motherfucker.

Get a job, scumbag

fucking useless last words. died like a little bitch dog. what a faggot. same fate for all communists. get ready you stupid cunts.

i own little piece of shit poor like you. i never have to work again because of my worker slaves. You will never amount to anything because you are a jealous little useless fuck with no skills and no talent enjoy losing to people like me for the rest od your shit go suck your boss's dick and shine his boots with your tongue you incapable communist faggot fuck!

>communists like you
Wrong, downy. Also if you think I'm disarmed you're in for a surprise.
And in case you aren't aware yet, you are living in full-blown communism already, you numb drone.
Go check your list of shit you are allowed to go out and buy, RETARD.

You already posted this in another thread, my abbo friend.

He shared the Bolivarian Ideal of a united, free, non-US dependent Latin America, why do you think CIA whacked him you imbecile?
Are you an actual abbo?

Communism isn't freedom, dumb cunt. The CIA wanted him extradited to the US for interrogation/torture, the Bolivians killed him so he couldn't cause any more trouble

more likeBCC

Lol you're so mad

wasn't this guy based though? putting the homos in camps and saying we need to make people ubermenches? "a new-man"

you don't even know what communism mean retard who the fuck are you kidding

I would prefer to not be remembered at all than be known to all posterity as someone who murdered in the name of flat-earth tier idiocy.

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Fuck off subhuman commie, what you don't know could fill a warehouse

He was a handsome man.

>Shoot, coward

ya ok you drank again go to sleep abbo

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>Not an argument
>Is an argument

New pasta. Congrats faggot.

You won’t do shit, boomer

This post reeks of projection.

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Hahaha you are an embarrassment

Who else uses the "that isn't real communism" argument? If not even communist revolutionary Che Guevara is a real commie, then no one is.

what country are you? i cant hover on mobile to see

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He looks like Immorten joe

holy shit this teenager is upset

>hurr durr REAL communism is when workers get together and play fair under the cherry trees :^)

Keep dreaming faggot

Hell, I'm going to take joy in executing niggers and kikes.

the communist are taking the fucking whole world right fucking now and you fucking drunk retard ask for it
you wouldn recognize a communist takeover even if ZOG forced you to stay home

>the communist are taking the fucking whole world right fucking now
Yes, did I claim otherwise?

What's wrong with that? All my historical heroes took pleasure in executional activities

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