CONFIRMED!!! Coronavirus infected turn into Zombies!!

Man in coronavirus quarantine runs into street naked before biting woman to death
>The 35-year-old man is reported to have started tearing his clothes off after a week of self-isolation before running into the street and launching his attack on a sleeping woman
>A man who was forced to quarantine in his home over fears of coronavirus tore his clothes off and raced into the street naked before biting a sleeping elderly woman to death, it is claimed.
>It is claimed he then began running through the adjacent streets where he spotted an elderly woman sleeping outside her own home.
>Yahoo! News India says the man then raced up to her before clamping down on he neck and biting hard.
>The woman woke up and screamed, sending her nude attacker fleeing - but not before a mob had been gathered in a bid to track him down.
>Frantic relatives raced the woman to hospital last Friday, but tragically she deteriorated while receiving medical care and died.

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are they fast zombies or slow zombies. that is the only question that matters.

Fast zombies according to the news.

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wooh had me worried for a bit

Then he was possesed 100%

yes finally

an user posted a vampire larp for this virus. Maybe he was telling the truth?

Nope. The man in question was a nigger. So upon accepting his coming death he decided to act on his natural nigger instincts.

>tore his clothes off
Not only a zombie, but also a pervert. Even the undead are pozzed

>>The 35-year-old man is reported to have started tearing his clothes off after a week of self-isolation before running into the street and launching his attack on a sleeping woman

Fucking normies

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She didnt turn so no

The actual news here
> Prime Minister Narendra Modi said yesterday the lockdown would continue for 21 days with restrictions on peoples’ movements being enforced.
>In a TV address, he said: “There will be a total ban on venturing out of your homes.”


The chinese knew, thatps why they were locking people in their flates and homes, and then burning them.

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I wish a zombie would bite me ):

>fast zombies

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Wow!!! ONE case among 660000?! Confirmed!

If they are Walking Dead zombies, I'm good to go. If we're talking 28 Days Later then I'll see myself out of the apocalypse right fucking now.

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Let's look at it from a scientific view point

Is there a known organism that actually turns its host into zombies? Yes, the fungi Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, what can corona potentially do? Switch from human to animal, in this instance, it can transfer from rodents to ants.

Once corona is in an infected ant, it is still prone to mutations.

Corona swaps back to rodents, large farm animals and then humans again, now the virus is a mix of fungi and viral organisms, pretty cool, but we Arent there yet..

After the first few humans start going into the streets and sitting down they Will spire into fungi viral spreaders that Will infect anyone going by, in this instance a rural, feral dog with rabies.

The dog bites the fungi spreader, gets corona and the fungi and is then captured by an Asian who fucking eats it, now we have a human with rabies, that is prone to attack others of same race, that can infect on bites and that Will release fungi to spread Even more of the rapidly mutating virus.

Is All this plausible? Yes.
Will it happen? Most likely.

How fucked are we?

Ask My good old friend Joel, and his brother Tommy.

"It's only the people in the cities that get sick, we are safe..."

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>Report unusual behavior.
>Barricade your homes.
>Avoid all contact with infected individuals.
>Wait for official instructions.

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They cannot do shit here they are being cremated
Too bad bodies pilled up don't burn as wood logs

Read the article you dumb zoomer:

>didn't have meme disease
>had a history of mental illness
>his life was fucked after a failed career

Cool , you got any pics?

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Another important question is how intelligent? Can they use cars?

>sleeping elderly woman
>in the streets
is this normal in the third world?

Are you sure he didn't tore his clothes off and run down the street so he could shit as a last action before dying?

>It is claimed he then began running through the adjacent streets where he spotted an elderly woman sleeping outside her own home.
why was she sleeping outside?


is there anything more gay and soipilled than zoomer and millennials obsession with zombies? No, there really isn't

based schizo poster with no knowledge of science beyond the chem teacher that touched him during recess

Yeah, give me an hour I will go down to the crematorium to take some pictures of burning old people
We don't do that shit here, we are not animals we try to respect the dead

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Not yet

Yeh, thats what I thought shit poster.

Because the story is fake and gay. The third rate journalist who invented that shit was probably drunk and under xanax stupor when he wrote it.

wheres that pasta about the virus making you sweat spores


Friendly reminder: niggers are extremely superstitious and terrified of anything related to the supernatural.

Use this sparingly to your advantage.

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Compound bow or throwing knives? I have 99 percent accuracy for both types for first 15m

>Yahoo! News India
This sounds like 100% Pajeet behavior on a normal day

You would be retarded for expecting anything else
Why would anyone even follow up on that request?
Do you animals take photos of corpses in hospitals or crematoriums?

Lots reporting on this. RT has the video liked

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came here to ask the same question

>raced into the street naked before biting a sleeping elderly woman to death
So an old lady was sleeping outside?

they are the Gay zombies

actually if she would have survived she would get infected from his bite are you stupid, of course it doesn't mean she would go crazy too, but maybe this was a mutated strain or a small percentage of people go crazy, oh reminder this virus will ravage the third world no joke, any footage of the worlds most crowded streets being clear. i really doubt its happening all that effectively

top kek

Yeah but she was 80 and had underlying issues

>>Yahoo! News India
>woman woke up and screamed, sending her nude attacker fleeing
not a real zombie
fake news

Sounds like a case of Amuk.

Shut the fuck up dude you wouldn’t be down at the morgue/crematorium either you lying faggot

i heavily doubt that virus and fungi can swap DNA and mix considering it may not have any similarity in its reproductive cycle or method, Also they are just so different one may not use DNA Vs RNA and agronomy and so on.

So that's why they need to be cremated

Did the breaking news of spirit cooking, shortly before the 2016 election, help to tip Florida and/or Pennsylvania away from Hillary, and hence to Trump?

I think maybe ~ maybe ~ it might have.

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That's exactly what a real zombie would say

we need to worry about rabies becoming airborne mother fuckers that would be a real issue and if it mutates and we somehow cant vaccinate for it

I had this cap because two comet thingies happened the other day but there’s supposed to be a big one that’s up there right now too or something. There’s a thread. I’m not a sky stuff boffin but it’s making me think this is the apocalypse for sure.

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NOOOOOOOOOOO FAST ZOMBIES NOOOOOO I always dreamed of an apocalypse but with Walkind dead like dumb zombies not Left 4 Dead fast mothafackas.

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Relax bro, the only people that need to worry about turning into a zombie are ‘at risk’ groups like the elderly


Wow. PCP.

>Hmph. Wait mah ass.


I call my dick machete too.

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