Are nurses heroes?

They are literally risking their lives for you

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They wipe ass and follow doctors orders. But do t tell the docs they are hero’s, or their egos will explode their head

My wife is a nurse and I beat the shit out of her whenever she puts a catheter inside a man because she shouldn’t not be touching another man’s meaty hog

*should not

They're literally crying in the break room user, literally crying.

Praise Allah.

A lot of borderline personalities are nurses.

Male nurses are.

Women just do this shit for attention.

it certainly doesn't seem like an easy job

I'm a nurse. I live in NY. I'm not a hero.

How are they risking their lives for me? I am at home with tons food and self defense weapons.

Checked, inshallah brother

nurses are the unsung heroes of the hospital
excellent people, professionals

Overpaid strippers.

Underage retards that think nurses wipe ass in the thread not realizing that's what LPN's and CNA's do while nurses make $30 an hour.

Yes in a professional sense.

>look at me im all beat up from working so hard but im still kind of cute!
fuck women

bless these brave Frontline warriors

now wipe my ass wagie

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No. They chose a high paying career because it's high paying, not because they're bleeding hearts.
Most self-fellating profession out there, right up with teachers.

Who gives a fuck?
>ooohhhhhh there’s a global pandemic, look at how hard us MEDICAL workers must work look at the conditions we have to work in we even have to wear face masks for REALLY LONG TIMES
Seriously, fuck off bitches. You’ve never worked an 80 hour week repairing electrical lines in the middle of winter after an ice storm just wrecked the entire county grid. You have been working 12 on 12 off for a month straight in the mines. You do jack shit reading numbers from a computer doing whatever the Pdoc says. There’s is nothing respectable about being a nurse. They are the equivalent of a mcdonald’s line cook for the medical world.

Nurses not but,..... female police officers sure are heros.
(like this germanic police female from Bèrghem=Bergamo (NORTHERN italy) (Lombardy)

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>fuck women
What else would you do with them? Hold deep conversations?

if that's so why do they still have so much time for selfies

This. These are the same roasties that used to write 'I'm going to marry a doctor!' as a career goal.


My sister is a nurse, I'm very proud of her. It took a lot of education. She works long, hard hours and does her part to keep people happy and healthy and safe.

They're the IT Helpdesk of the medical world.

Based and catheterpilled

There are two wolves inside of you

Sluts all through high school and college that ended up getting abortions because "muh career" all for a job that pays enough to where they don't have to pump out 3 kids with three different dads for the child support income bump.

So I guess it works out.

On a side note because women rarely dates at or below there social economic standing if they don't land that new doctor/resident they end up being the wine aunt meme or settling for some fat dude in accounting when they are nearing 40. (that's after they have "traveled" the world fucking every euro dude from Amsterdam to the czech republic.

>34 year old male RN here that switched to dental hygiene 2 years ago.

You sound mad that you couldn’t make it any further than RN. I guess it’s all for the best though, RNs are a dime a dozen, but it takes real intellect and skill to go beyond to ARNP or MD


The more selfies of attention hungry nurses taking photos of their mask-marks I see the less respect I have for them. Demanding to be worshipped like a hero is a bit weaksauce.


Yeah they do the dirty work.

based and social hierarchy pilled

god i hope coronachan kills off these insufferable losers

what kind of a hell hole monopolistic country do you have to be in where you cant buy whatever drug you need from the pharmacy without a fucking $200 pay off to some jerk off that doesnt know nearly as much as google

Oh noooo, the poor thing has red marks on her face.

what is going on break or right after a shift

>do a job you voluntarily applied for and trained for
>expect to have people kiss your ass for doing the job you voluntarily applied for and trained for
Women in a nutshell. 90% of the time, a nurse's job is just fussing and mismanagement. When they finally do have to work hard, they immediately start attention whoring and virtue signalling.

because their women. They cry when you throw away leftovers.
Men die at work every day and nobody calls them heroes.

No, look at her fucking makeup, it's all over the place, what a damn retard

to add onto this, the bar is pretty damn low for being a nurse. Every shaniqua and juanita that works in fast food is also studying to be a nurse.

It's a high demand field after all so that makes sense, but 90% of the ones you see are community college people, if you know what i mean. Way too accessible for a serious profession and it's had repercussions. Black nurses dancing to rap music during an operation while recording videos. Nursing home nurses letting the poor old people die because they are trump voters. etc.

the easiness of becoming a nurse has made modern medicine less safe

Im not sick so how are they risking their lives for me ?

No, the true heroes are the people who post on this board everyday, inseminating vital information

Nice recovery Mohammed


- NEVER EVER date or marry a Nurse, they often work overnight shifts, they work Holidays, they deal with the lowlife trash of society (drug addicts, crime victims, drunk drivers, obese/diabetic folks...), they live in a tiny bubble of chaos, their coworkers all live chaotic lifestyles, high rates of alcohol and drug abuse and easy access to prescription drugs.... in addition to high rates of infidelity and they encounter lots of abuse from patients and supervisors...

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>the easiness of becoming a nurse has made modern medicine less safe
I’ve thought about this a lot and it sucks. We could have such a much more
impactful and serious medical industry that is less restrictive if we didn’t have niggers and wiggers to ruin it for the rest of us.

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Boo fucking hoo

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I love these photos. I get so hard from these sad sweaty terrified women and whenever I see these selfies i just want to barge into whatever grimy hospital bathroom they’re infesting. I want force them on their elbows and rip off their masks, I want to break protocol and tear their blue scrubs down. I want to force fuck them until they drop as they look in the bathroom mirror and tears roll down their goggle-marked faces. I want to leave them quivering in a pile, infected internally by the virus that mixed into my sperm when I tore open their protective clothing. And two weeks later as they lay hooked up to a ventilator drowning in their own mucus, they’ll feel that thick burning bubbling pus inside their throats and all they’ll be able to think of is my cum.

So yeah, in that sense I would say that these lovely ladies are heroes.

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This. Am a nurse, can confirm.

God damn. What a bunch of angry assholes. So what some nurses are receiving a bit of attention. It will pass and move back to the gays, trannies and niggers again.

There are nearly 3 million registered nurses in the US and suddenly everyone acts like they’re working 16 hour shifts just because of 100,000 extra flu cases

There are no more hero’s anymore.

>On a side note because women rarely dates at or below there social economic standing if they don't land that new doctor/resident they end up being the wine aunt meme or settling for some fat dude in accounting when they are nearing 40.
so fucking true

Fucking based and true

I'm a retail fag and I make $31 an hour and I bet my bonuses are way better than hers not to mention I get $5k in stock gifts every year. Also... No student loan debt.

Focker, please...

They are women, you faggot. What did you expect... Go suck a tranny.

Hahahahahahaha thank you for the laugh larper retard. You’re that faggot that keeps making those anti-landlord threads aren’t you? Stay mad and poor

Yup, they are heroes
This is also true, but id say for all Healthcare professionals. Medics (both men and woman) do cheat a fucking lot is inevitable honestly, is a profession that really requires you to have some kind of relief after going through lot of shit

I work in construction. I had face masks on for days without them bruising my face. I’m not sure what that hoe did wrong but that ain’t normal.

it applies to all other industries. People get put in positions they shouldnt be in. Like the woman engineer who made that bridge in florida. or any kid studying engineering to get a job.

it really isnt that big of a deal to get 4-6 years of schooling because every class with content can have answers regurgitated and not understood deeply. Same with doctors as well but they have 15 years to fake it and theyll get weeded out.

as long as people can get away with minimum effort required then this will happen. And that's how a lot of people are nowadays. "I just want to pass" "I just want to graduate" "I just want to get through work so i can sleep tonight"

this is why im reluctant to go to a doctor or hospital unless i absolutely have to

The Based Department is making the call. Suggest you answer your phone.

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>They are literally risking their lives for you
In the medical world, that distinction goes to EMTs and paramedics

Checked. Based and blackpilled

>go suck a tranny
when are you available?

>I'm a retail fag
You were a retail fag. Enjoy unemployment poorfag

i think they sprayed it with like bleach or some shit to sterilize, and fucked up their face. nurses are fucking retarded


Who are doing a professional job that they chose, and they get paid money. So no, much like every profession, they are just doing a job and they’ve already been rewarded with money.

What? You sound like a flat out fucking idiot.

It's their job, who gives a fuck? I don't get this whole portraying people as heroes who haven't even stepped outside of their normal line. Surely bus drivers have a higher chance of mortality than nurses but where's their fucking fanfare?

Can confirm, worked as a medic in an ER while getting my Masters. These RNs are literal carbon copies of each other. Just attention whores looking for praise and acknowledgment. Marrying a doctor is always their end game, a very select few actually achieve this though.

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I think the nurses are, they are not even in control, just slaving away all day under some moron "doctors" whose only talent was being good at memorizing latin names and now they get to kill thousands of people with their incompetence

A profession dominated by women is bound to try to guilt trip everyone into thinking they are owed somethings.

Cunts never change, it’s so predictable it’s vomit inducing.

Fuck these women bullshit.


they get paid. that's all the thanks those fuckers need.

As she snaps a selfie. Lookie me lookie me im making myself useful for once. Might as well be a roastie

Sounds like a nice young lady.

No, most women become nurses or baristas. They know they cant do anything else. It's their job