It used to be reserved only for criminals and sailors but now it seems like people from every political spectrum gets it nowadays. Thoughts?
Is having a tattoo a sign of low IQ?
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I don't know if attention seeking and low I.Q. are synonymous but tats are often a cry for attention. Also some user posted about his mom who worked as an oncology nurse at the Mayo clinic. She said lots of her leukemia patients were heavily tattooed.
Some tattos are amazing pieces of art where the artist puts as much time effort and dedication as any other form of art, Most are stupid impulse buys you cant remove by immoral ink monkeys.
Mine is more a family tradition all of us up to my great grampa are Scorpio we all have a scorpion tattoo in an easy to cover up spot when needed
Yes almost always. I can understand being young and dumb, but if you got a tattoo past 16, low iq.
I dig getting Band tattoos like Type O or something similar. Don't see how that's a cry for help, face tattoos maybe. Most sensible people get in in spots you can hide for work.
God you degenerate island trash are all the same
Yeah. Especially the ones who do this:
>i'd like a little butterfly / bunny on a place where nobody can see it
I have low iq. Got tattoo of names of my kids and wife.
Op might be onto something here
Tattoos are on people's skin. Some are retarded, some are good. What is the actual question? Get one if you want one.
Tattoos infringe on the whiteness of skin.
A tattoo has been the symbol of the Warrior Caste among Whites since before the beginning of recorded time.
It was a mark of the Warrior. A man who could kill. A man not afraid to sacrifice his life.
Today, that meaning has been lost. Whites have sacrificed that meaning. It no longer means what it once does and it makes me sad. White men should reclaim their warrior markings from the pussies who have appropriated it.
Tattoos are always degenerate. Defacing your body in any way is low IQ.
Here's mine.
>Is having a tattoo a sign of low IQ?
Yes. Definitively.
t. loser who got a tattoo at 16
Wow very cool Kanye!
It's still the same. Tattoos in the modern West are a symbol of low impulse control.
Is this art?
lol for a moment I thought it was his head lol
I hate tattoos but when im finally successful I will cover my body in tattoos and then all the trashy gash will be mine too
I have a few tattoos, and want to get some more. I get them because I want to attract women, and I like the way they look. If that means I get Auschwitz'ed then oh well.
Yes. They're for morons and slaves.
>muh astrology
Point proven.
artist or gang: no
to be cool or from peer pressure: yes
female for any reason: yes
You're about to get the tattoo from the Beast come April with your complementary "vaccine"
And whats your family tradition besides get in a big circle, jerk each other off while eating burgers and complain about minorities and blacks
Nine times out of ten, yes. If you permanently paint the culture of someone else's race onto your body, you are degenerate. If you permanently paint symbols that you don't know the meaning of onto your body, you are degenerate. Unless you were in the military and want to memorialize your service by having your ship put on with your rank/unit, or if you want to memorialize a lived one who has died, like a parent, sibling, or child, you shouldnt get one. Fucking tired of seeing hipsters and wannabe greasers running around with nautical stars, anchors, koi fish, chinese dragons and wording, fucking "lucky 13" with cherries... I wish these people were erased from existence
99% of tattoes are ugly
That doesn't matter. Tattooes are unaesthetic, and aesthetics are fucking important.
If you got to ask then no
Based Type O poster
The worst part of that tattoo is the unironic hashtag. Fucking cringe. Reminds me of out of touch boomers who use hashtags in commercials to look hip.
I'm a scorpio too you don't see me busting a nut about it.
most of it is dumb, that's OP's point you retarded Maori faggot
Most tattoos are trash and most 'artists' are idiots who can't draw better than me
I'm pretty heavily covered but all mine can be hidden by wearing a shirt and pants.
got one on my ass that says exit only
Military tats are gay ass fuck.
Honeslty, it depends. Skin is marketable real estate. So if you have some gay ass tat of something you would normally shill for enthusiastically, then it makes no difference. It's just another dimension of shilling. And your doing it for yourself instead of 2 cents per post which actually makes you better than the typical shill.
But if it's just to be 'in' or achieve a specific (((non)))aesthetic, then you are utterly lame and in need of laser treatments stat.
>t. failed boot camp
>Is having a tattoo a sign of low IQ?
Only tattoo I've been alright with were Samoan family tattoos, given its history and context. Other than that, opinions range from no opinion to mild distaste for distasteful modifications. A lot of people attach fads to their skin and it rarely ages well.
>t. no tattoos, no reason to get any
Yes, it is trashy.
Not busting my nut just an example, still thought about it for years before i found one i liked
I have the argie flag in my shouler. I use to be in the army but know I regret it. I hate my homeland with all my heart.
I don't really care if people get tattoos or not. I just can't think of anything that I would want to be permanently marked onto my skin for life.
It's especially weird if you tattoo someone's face on you. Imagine humping someone and you see Steve Jobs staring back at you because someone thought it would be a good idea to get his face tattooed on them right after Jobs died.
Not having a tattoo is the new tattoo.
it's based
Once office trash started getting them they became permanently uncool.
>I use to be in the army but know I regret it
Im sure you are
>that pic
Ever seen a prison full of murderers dumbass? They're all tatted.
that is very high i.q.
If you never served, yeah. Most military get them and you never see them because theyre hidden. Those numbskulls who get sleeved up with military shit even when they pushed a fucking broom in a mess hall and never saw combat only do it for attention and ruin it
That's cause they're small time. Real mass murderers wear suits.
It's cultural appropriation. Now it's permanent DLC.
I love my tats, I understand people who hate them though. Some are trades, others are just pussies afraid of pain, then they hide their fussiness behind the "bible" or some other bull-shit. Make no mistake. The faggots who hate tattoos are just pussies ; punch them in the face
Kek well played.
I joined the army to avoid being homeless (my father is a commie fuck). I love the army but I hate Argentina. Does that makes sense to you?
Also the falklands are kelper's lands. If they want to be british, british they are, and so the land
I would say so.
People with tattoo's are either low IQ, mentally ill, or both.
One or two is ok but people that have them all over their bodies is obviously a subliminal cry for help. They define themselves by how individual they are and how different they are and there is no limit to how far the individualist will go to prove to you how different and better than you he is.
everyone always says how military tattoos and the like are acceptable but I'd like to add to that, it's also acceptable to get a tattoo with no other purpose besides making everyone laugh
tattoos are overrated
I have one tattoo which represents a sacred covenant. I consider it to be the greatest sacrifice I've ever made and most likely will ever make, lest I need to put my life on the line. Not a day goes by where I don't think about it and how humbled I am before God to have surrendered my body to truth. Ever since I got it, I have felt a newfound physical sense of self-love and completeness that grounds me into reality in a way I never thought possible. I chewed on this decision for months and ultimately, after a providential set of circumstances, some of which involving scheduling, knew that this was a necessary part of the path God put me on: not something that was a matter of want.
That said, most people who get tattoos are low-IQ attention seekers who are incapable of comprehending the divinity of their natural bodies. Shit like pic related, pop-culture references, or anything with language/words is an immediate red flag. If you're unsure, two good indicators for differentiating the dumb hipsters from people who've swallowed the tattoo pill are number and flaunting. Multiple tattoos signal masochistic, emotionally unhealthy people who are willing to destroy themselves for the sake of feeling pain. Those who openly flaunt their tattoo(s) or have them somewhere on their bodies where it's all too easy to see are selfish, conceited, and/or narcissistic to the point where they value aesthetics over their true selves.
I'm going to ruin this thread! Fuck you faggots
I remember watching a navy seal interview where the navy seal instructor basically said the more tattoos a guy has, the less likely he is to pass seal training. In other words most tattoo fags are pussies. Not all but many
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Tl;dr you asshole
Pussy ass_faggot, enjoy being bayou pussy