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Other urls found in this thread:

Oumuamua was space probe. A piece of meteorite broke off of it and crashed in China, C-19 is the aliens who launched Oumuamua

>Comet C19

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This must mean something. Digits and I'm right

Rolling for apocalypse:
"And the second angel sounded the trumpet: and as it were a great mountain, burning with fire, was cast into the sea, and the third part of the sea became blood."

Attached: mandy-theaters.png (250x264, 104.1K)

Do you faggots not coordinate amongst your shill cubicles?

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Go be like Heavens Gate retards. A comet has a UFO hiding behind it's trail.


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Can't wait.

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they're practicing social distancing
they have to heat their miserable lunches in shifts now

>China, C-19
China COVID 19


NASA also photoshops a ton of their images

So this is the April surprice, 2020 is wild ride

y u do dis

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The new meme is to say that meme on stupid shit so the original meme gets ruined.

I want that comet to BLACK this planet's WHITE PUSSY

i sorry I am destroying the world

that is no comet. it's the ayy's. alien declass coming boys

Aaayy Lmao coming to save us ;_;

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>Chris Cia c Cia

Oh, come on now....

>>Comet C19

look who the article is written by.


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The star will gorge itself on clay.
This is what they have been preparing us for, why we are all indoors. The real fun is just beginning.


I fucking hope it's a direct hit on my fucking house. Fuck this gay earth.

Oh fuck this is it, this is the sign...


Fucking shit always happens for Northern Hemishpere fags. Why can't we have cool sky shit down here for once?

Happening fags deserve to be boiled alive in a bronze bull

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Nooo u can't do this bill Mitchell told me to buy the dip

he's built for bbc

Shits been on it's way for years.
Follow some fucking astronomers faggots; it's not hitting.

The real punishment is the fact that we have to all stay in this hell together and watch salvation pass us by.

>I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

Crown = Corona

>Under another interpretation, the first Horseman is called Pestilence, and is associated with infectious disease and plague.


This is it! Christ is coming back!

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first Contagion
now Melancholia is this a crossover episode?

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i don't want to die alone, not like this

>not like this

are you quoting the matrix for clandestine psychological effect?

The judgments in Revelation have not yet come. They won’t until after the rapture of born again believers in Christ. Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24 that there would be earthquakes in diverse places, pestilence and people would be as during the times of Noah before He returned to deliver the believers from the coming judgment. This is all a prelude to what will be coming during the Great Tribulation

Matthew 24:6-8
“ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. …”


Just call it by its real name, "wormwood".

Was checking the Vedic astrology and it is strongly recommended to stay inside completely from March 31 to April 1. I'm gonna stay anyway-but wonder how that coincides with this comet? The dust tail could be full of stuff that can hit earth. Massive and invisible until it isn't anymore.

This will be nice to watch. Will be visible to the naked eye in the Northern hemisphere starting mid-late April through mid-May, if I have the dates right. I do recall comets coinciding with plagues in the middle ages. Maybe a sign?

Based Atharvar.

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and I sharted


so they can take a photo of a rock 10 feet wide from their camera but we cant see pluto with the hubba bubba telescope?

and if anyones reading this, any idea if the keiber belt is the destruction of an ancient planet system? in fact, im going to go to another board and see if they know

2020 - 2021 will be the end times

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That painting is so insolent, and I'm not even a pagan. Makes me want to murder you for posting it.

Yes you can, because it is brighter than Pluto.
Pluto magnitude +14.40
ATLAS +4, soon to be -4-6 or more. Brighter than Venus, possibly the moon. It will get very bright once it nears the Sun.
>any idea if the keiber belt is the destruction of an ancient planet system?
Yes it is.

Zombie apocalypse would be way more fun

thats no comet

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>>any idea if the keiber belt is the destruction of an ancient planet system?
>Yes it is.
Or a bunch of dust and rocks that failed to accrete into a "true" planet. The asteroid belt was definitely a planet at some point, though.

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Wrong thread, Jamal

Well that settles that. Thanks user sscG

It's headed for China. It's hits them 'like a shot-gun blast' affecting both Beijing and Shanghai. Millions dead.


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Do you know what would be really cool, guys? In the middle of a major epidemic -- massive in scale -- and on the verge of complete global economic destabilization -- a space rock hits us and vaporizes anyone's chance of a normal life ever?

I think I just came.