*500 people dead in one day in America*

*500 people dead in one day in America*
>It’s a nothing bunger bro

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it's literally nothing.

Don't talk about automobile deaths in florida like that!

America is a joke

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It kinda is.

500 out of 330 million is nothing

it's new yorkers. nothing of value was lost.

BUILT for the BBC

7,000 people die every day in America last I checked, probably more at this point

>out of 330 million
Oh wow
>t-two more weeks

>500 people dead in one day in America
Statistical noise. Literally means nothing.

Wow 500, only a two thousands more days of that until maybe I start giving a shit

500 is nothing. Less than rookie numbers. Add some more 0s and then we'll talk.


Look at that juicy rump.

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>T H I C C

Why do German men have big fat apple asses? is it genetics?

It would have been if they got shot by some nigger gangs

>Trump's got a better ass than I do


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the virus must take run its course, less mouths to feed after all is said and done.

How many die in the US a day during a bad flu season?

Dude stop

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That's just Donald Trumps brap blowing his hat off.

Stob doomer. Is no diseases. Is conspoopery to defund Tromp

>7 deaths per 1M population

Oh no we're doomed

god damn trump got a fat fuckin ass. ponder the whiff

Meanwhile over 3,000 people die a day from car accidents in the US alone.

Niggers kill more people than this daily

I agree completely. This is still below normal Flu numbers. this is horseshit.

Only 500?


Nothing. Burger.

dat ass

Heart attacks and car accidents kill more Americans! Yes I brought this up even though neither are contagious or spread exponentially!

I need to go back to work for Trump and the Economy! Qanon says to trust the plan!

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This is a made up stat.

>it doesnt matter who the president is, they said...

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They refuse to break their posture for any reason unless directed. It's a display of strength. To not be swayed by a mere gust of wind, whether it blows the hat away or not. It includes not scratching an itch, not swatting that bee stinging their eyelid, not wiping a bird shit off their cheek.


Hoes jealous, they wish they were donnie thick

Why must we assume it's from Coronavirus? Most victims are 80 or have other problems who'd die from another flu bug.

500 is nothing.... Are you trying to sound ridiculous?

Built for BBC

500 deaths a day makes it the 6th biggest daily cause of death in America.

Once it reaches 1800 per day, it'll be the #1 cause of death in America per day.

Car crashes kill 109 per day. Flu kills 150 per day.


5 million people die every year

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Imagine still calling America number one when they aren't number one at anything and the worst performing first world country during this pandemic.

More people are dying every day from the normal flu, than the Chink Flu....but sure OP, keep shilling

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you are a bitch

Sucks for you but if you take care of youself, dont smoke, eat healthy and your not a fat fuck you will be fine. too bad that is the minority of Americans.

Good npc

#1 in stupidity and disease.

So proud.

Says the coward runt dna kraut who's entire country is made up of coward dna from those who didnt die in ww2 and foreigners who vote for an openly anti german FEMALE leader over and over. Kill yourself, actual german ancestors would put you and modern germans into the oven before any kike, fuckin runt.

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Around 8000 people die every day in America on average. That's means today coronavirus accounted for about 6% of all deaths in the country.

trump could shit on magamutts and they would call it 4D chess. its unreal how fucking stupid these people are.

When trump shits in their mouth they upload the video to facebook

Why are you shills so uncreative. It's always been his hair or his weight, or his tan. It's been four fucking years. Get a new line. So pathetic lmao

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Damn boi he THICC

I think every leaf can sit down and shut the fuck up about anything involving the US as long as that fucking clown Trudeau is your "leader"

But how will America go on without Jewish bankers and hipsters?

kek... who knew wind could be this funny.

>meanwhile in Germany

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Why are leftists obsessed with Trump's ass?