Native Americans / Alaskans / Hawaiians / Feather Indians

Have you ever interacted with Native Americans?
I want to hear your experiences.

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I smiled at a native American who was chanting in my face and I dominated the American news for a few days.

Yes I knew a girl who's Dad went to court for breaking into people's homes and filming while they slept. He also filmed himself fucking his dogs - the Mom found the VHS's tapes and took him to court for divorce. The people whose houses he broke into were never contacted and he was given a slap on the wrist by a native tribunal and divorce favored him.

Generally speaking they're subhuman filth and the one's who aren't are desperately aping whites and I wish them all the best luck in doing so.

I'm assuming it's probably in part due to the fact that these people were still basically cavemen when we first met them.

I work everyday on a reservation. Most interactions are them driving drunk on the road or passed out near a water pump as I check fields. I feel bad for them to a degree but they get so much gibs so idk lol. The steadier ones manage the casinos and don’t remotely look out for the others.

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I guess most are alcoholics just like white people so there's not much to say.

They get drunk and pass put in the snow and freeze to death.

Yes worked with many fucked a few, Minnesota montana, wyoming ND

Firewater is bad for them not a meme

They're a lot like how the average white male is nowadays. Powerless, cordoned off, desperate to recapture some bit of their heritage but the best of them don't care about it anymore and just pursue money. It's no wonder they turn to apathy, drinking, disconnection.

ey mun ye gotta dart, i pay ya back

>major inferiority complexes
>will not court / marry another native if they can help it
>chip on their shoulders about the white man, even though a huge majority of them are mixed and aren't full native
>rails against white culture, while using all of the spoils (and handouts) of said culture
>not especially smart
>prone to alcoholism
>prone to poor choices
>prone to infidelity

This. I second the drunk driving part, but it’s hard to tell sometimes because they drive like shit on the white man’s roads whether they’re drunk or not.
They also have substandard laundry habits. Dirty clothes with massive stains, but that was the ones I dealt with in Oklahoma. Driving through New Mexico, there are billboards every 20 miles on interstate 10 telling the natives not to do meth, so I’m glad I didn’t stop more than twice on my way through. You can tell that the alcohol does something to them on a genetic level that it doesn’t do to other people. For that, one can pity them.


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1/4th native I'll share my dad's story who was half native and put up for adoption.

>Sister took DNA test because dad was adopted to learn what we are related to
>DNA test came back related to 5 peoples tribe a tribe made up of 5 smaller tribes
>DNA test network connects you to others you are related to so lost family can be found
>sister gets contacted by different native American millennials trying to find their lost family
>turns out a lot of native American kids are put up for adoption
>father was put up for adoption
>sister learns from his real family his father beat his mother and broke her neck while she was pregnant with him
>she put him up for adoption to save him
>he was a alcoholic native american and it turned out alcoholism was common in the native American community.

Natives have a pretty interesting DNA too. It comes back in DNA tests as half Siberian and half East Asian. Archeology findings show Siberian tribes were pure whites and did not mix until after they arrived in north america. I was pretty proud my ancestors walked across all of Asia from Europe without breeding with any foreign races till after entering the new continent. Any native reading this should remember that they are closer to whites than any race. When you tell whitey to go back to Europe, you belong on the boat heading back their too.

I generally don’t feel the need to put Natives in their place, but I’ll file it away on the off chance.

Met one, was friends with him until he got into meth and became angry at the world

our IT guy was one. cool dude. he would tell stories all the time, usually about growing up in California in the 60s and 70s. he worked in silicon valley around the time apple started up and also did military work for the navy. I could never tell if he was making shit up half the time. he played this big ass native flute in his office and you could hear it down the hall. he was all about disciplining kids with Indian allegories like this one story about a man who stole jewelry and was haunted by an owl spirit for days which forced him to return it. or a story about going to sweatlodges and hallucinating to find himself. I miss him. he was cool to hang with

yes. 2 friends of mine are brothers and are ojibwe. i hang on the rez on occassion. both are super cool but don't go drinking on the rez even if your friends with someone living on the rez. it's a real jeckyl and hyde shit. also, shit can go south real quick.

I wanna live in Alaska with a native cutie.

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Many of my friends are half or quarter anishinaabe. Raised off rez and not full blooded they can just be like you or I. Rez indians coming into town the first of the month are garbage though

what's wrong with new zealand women?

I've native american ama

Don't know. I can't really tell them apart from South Americans.

yeah, im one.
proud 100% native american BVLL

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What are the most interesting and positive things about living on a reservation?

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>Have dealt with more natives than anybody should ever have to. Ran several major businesses in a remote community. Firewater is banned for a reason. Many have moved on to fentanyl caps. Will kill, beat, burn, attack anyone in their tribe who tries to improve their lives. Young girls are squawed out by their uncles and cousins - most of whom are pozzed pieces of shit. People have unbelievably terrible anger and substance abuse issues. The girls really do tan red in the summer, not a meme. Most of the chiefs and rez higher ups have side businesses running drugs/etc in from whitey land.
If for any reason our society ever collapses, the racial hatred you will see coming out of those reservations will fucking terrify you. There are very good reasons we waged Indian wars for a couple centuries. These people are fucking savage. Normies have no idea. NO IDEA.

Are you drunk?

I'm white and have interacted w them a lot.

They're....meh. always salty about da hwyte man. love to get drunk. not very useful or productive. That said, they are peaceful for the most and have some admirable pride in their heritage.

What is your opinion of the closure of a Mashpee Wampanoag reservation?

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>Squaw slices your balls off after she comes home from drinking all day. Sobers up in cells and then tries to apologize by blaming you for provoking her.
Have fun user. They are the most fucked in the head people walking around. Blacks have a better grasp on slavery issues than Indians have on colonization.

I remember you, you are the Mixtec.

They aren't bad people honestly

I work in one of their casinos. I have no negative or positive experiences with them. I never even see them


I fucked an Alaskan native once. She was a bit big but so were her milkers.

there arent enough mauri for you there?

Live near reservations. Shitty people. Like maybe 10% aren't but there ALL alcoholics and greedy as fuck.

We can get extremely obliterated and not have hangovers the next day, so we start drinking again because why not?

Average IQ of 84. Leads the world in wife murders

They are a people and hold their traditions. If you are open minded you can learn the Navajo way.

The only true Native Americans were the Solutreans and Clovis.
These are all mongoloids from Asia and Oceania. they are not and never were indigenous here and they never owned a whole continent simply for having mongoloid genes. They are ALL racists and today just a big cult. They wont even admit they are mongoloids and preach turtle Island Creationism. Now the federal government violates church vs State by mandating this asshat belief system.

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No you dont.

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I went to school and played hockey with native Canadians AMA!

say something nice about them

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Haven't you been told that eskimo pussy is mighty cold?

I was a truck driver some while back. scariest place i ever drove through was on the Navajo res in New Mexico. had to roll through a weigh station. that's the only weigh station I ever saw with bars and wire mesh over the windows.
town was filthy, trash everywhere. half the businesses were boarded up. couldn't get out of there quick enough.
that was in broad daylight.

Cool Filipina

My supervisor works a side job with some natives and told me that they get so many handouts, he doesn't give a fuck about their history anymore.

They don't have to pay taxes on tobacco on reserves.

Native Americans are depressing to be around and have NO sense of humor. They have this victim complex that would even impress the jews

I have worked on reservations and for native owned corporations.
Its all a scam. Politicians rent sovereignty from indians like Scott tucker did. the most toxic mines, trawler draggers and clearcutting done today is by "natives.
Japonski, hawaiins, and anyone brown skinned with slit eyes can claim to be a native american.

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built for bbc


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Always positive.

Have you been to the Mdewakanton Sioux reservation? That place is like a paradise because they get gibs from the government and crystal lake casino. The whole reservation is like one big rich private neighborhood.

New people coming in doesn't mean they aren't then natives. Modern Germanic/Celtic/Italic/Slavic/Baltic people weren't the first in Europe but they're native now.

I lost my virginity to my N/A gf when I was 19. She died in her sleep at 36 somehow.

Good people who feel torn between various cultures and have a genetic propensity for alcoholism. Actually care when an elder dies.

technically they are neo mongoloids. Basically Asians that crossed a whole 50 miles to a new continent. there is no actual race like a native american

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The Red Earth Festival is a huge gathering of native art, music and dance. Its funded mainly by guilty old rich white people who wine and dine the artists and buy their crap art so they have gas money to get back home. The entitlement attitude among the Native Americans is nauseating

To be fair you can't just chase buffalo herds across the prairie and scalp the heads of rival tribes from horseback like they did in the olden days :^)

My uncles (moms half brothers) are Mojave. They’re okay but everyone they’ve introduced me to is a nigger

The next to get wiped off the map.

And that hurt the men the most. The women chase rich guys (as they should) and that usually means not native.

Were those homes of other Indians?

>be in vegas at the greyhound station sleeping
>been on the road for weeks, feet reek
>i feel them flung wake up wtf
>navajofag rabbling ur feet stink rabblerabble
>u wut m8
>was so tired didnt cared bout dying
>keep glaring at him
>he's like u arent scared, i respect that
>offers me some bowls

they are fun

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Oh, tribes don't have to report anything and often don't. Suicide? No news about it. Drug bust? No news. Nothing happens on a rez.

No you don’t. Trust me.

Lmao I'm in Alaska and part Alaska native. Don't. They don't look like that. They're mostly fat and ugly.

they are same faggot. that chines chick though.

I was in the boonies of New Mexico off an interstate looking for a place for my girlfriend to piss. I stopped at a Burger King. I got out of my car and some old Indian guy who smelled like booze came up to us and asked for a dollar. Without thinking, my girlfriend gave him his gibs. We went in and out and were met with of band of old ass crusty drunk indians each asking for a dollar. We got in the car and got the fuck out.

Its really just a giant cult.
Science has proven the Solutreans were first and the YD event happened. The oldest sites are on the East coast not Alaska or California.
Actual science gets ignored to appease this cult, and the federal governments deep state makes billions off "native " corporations.

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Unironically, despite being a britbong, I know and was friends with a family of native americans here, well mutts.
Long story short, native american came to england in WW2, fucked an english woman, she had a baby, baby put up for adoption, that is my friends mother, but she fucked a white guy.
We used to call my friend mogli, as he looked like mogli from the jungle book

Depends on the reservation. I'm from one in Oregon and the best part was growing up in the woods. Learning hard work at a young age.

My mom is full blood Ojibwe, was given to a white family in the 60s. She ended up getting molested by her adoptive siblings, getting molested at school, getting in first fights to defend herself. She was a criminal and hard as fuck because she had to be.

My dad's dad was the Attorney general of Canada and a member of parliament for 20 years. My dad being the youngest kid ended up a mommies boy with no ambition. While at community college for Jazz Bass he gets my 20 year old mother pregnant in hopes that his dad will pay for his existence.

6 years later I was born a half breed

Basically like niggers; lazy, low IQ, drunk all the time, and get free shit from taxpayers.

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My half sister's grandfather was part injun but I didn't know him well. I met a girl who was half Hawaiian at school and she rejected me.

I do work on the res sometimes. The women are hot as fuck. The guys range from nice to indifferent. Of course, they're getting everything paid for by the federal government and they have to be at least a minimum level of tolerable since they're at work when i deal with them. I imagine it's different if you move in next door to them.

Do you know what kinda Alaskan native? I've fucked a few athabascan broads.

>cheap gas
>no seatbelt law
>just a warning for going 15 over

No, I wanted to know if it was outside of a reservation. It's not completely clear because it was just videotapes and the main case seemed to be the divorce.

nice try toothpaste. but thread is meant for north america

They have really weird medicine socieites that spread lies and stereotypes all over the internet. Bunch of shapeshifter worshippers trying to rope you into some kinda spiritual gotcha moment. Wouldnt be surprised if half of you are in one. Wouldnt be surprised if half of you are the same person. I know for a FACT the shapeshifter copypastas spread here was part of a ritual. Dont trust anything in this thread.

t. Federally Recognized Mongrel Certified By Blood Quantum

>t. using the money he got from suing the entire American media to do psilocybin in Amsterdam

Fucking kek. You British always give out the best nicknames

The women listen to rap and kinda try to look black. Like I said above, some massive culture tearing.

Canada here, but we have lots. Some are based, some aren't, some are cunts, just like everyone. Most are pretty generous with what they have, and good or bad they are different than us for sure. Modern clocks don't usually mean as much to them, they can be really early or late without even thinking about it.

Majority are pretty poor, but there are exceptions to that. There's some pretty successful bands mid-province that gave figured out the modern game and do pretty well at it, as well as some very wealthy urban bands. Musqueam for instance own a lot of metro Vancouver area, and have a share in YVR.

Yes. I was friends with a few in high school. They were pretty cool. I'm not a fan of the Oklahoma prairie niggers though.

I was pushing my POS car when it broke down and a gigantic 6'5' Native American helped, then asked for change, so i gave him the contents of my ashtray and he thanked me.

Employed one. Had free college, said she wasnt going to go...why? Didnt feel like it. This is 100% typical.

My best friend while I was growing up was Indian. All of his relatives were pot heads and drunks.

the Indians in Alaska have joined with Antifa and use Chinese money to sabotage equipment. Canada was just shut down by terrorist Indians. An Alaska yupik just shot two troopers.
Injuns are too communist today, and dont deserve any respect. They should be defunded.

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I'm a timbernigger. Born and raised on a reservation. Grew up with a father. Had to help with woodcutting at young age. Learned to butcher an animal at 10. Moved to Alaska. Make a decent living. Drive a big truck. Get sucked off by white women in said truck. Listen to country, drink whiskey and avoid local natives from the village and hang out with whites. Whitest Redman you'll ever find. Dick is 6 inches btw.