>wake up
>see this
>Hello citizen. We're instructed to confiscate your weapons. Please cooperate and hand them to me. I'm require to inform you that if you make sudden movements you will be shot.
Wat do.
Wake up
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop! Don't touch me there!
that's what the booby trap is for.
Shoot him in the face and then die.
Luckily for everyone this will never happen in reality.
considering half of the cops of every country have already contracted COVID19, I would like to see them try to pull that kind of shit.
My guess is that they'll get filled with holes, and crawl back to where they came from, before dying from the virus.
Tell them the Russians are coming and watch them run away.
"OK faggot you can have what I've got but that is nothing because I lost them in a boating incident."
blow up everything in a blazing inferno
cook the bones
You too? Sadly I lost all my guns in a tragic paddleboard accident.
This one makes me chuckle every time
>owning weapons
Cough at him.
It's harder to get them here because we don't want sand niggers to be even more dangerous, but there is theoretically nothing stopping a normal respectable German from acquiring a weapons license and the license to store them in your home. How the fuck do you think some of our and the worlds biggest school shootings happened?
>sure officer, but the funny thing is that you are female and another funny thing is that my weapons are located in my balls, so you’re gonna have to drain them. I totally get it, you’re just doing your job.
what guns? They sank in the columbia river in a tragic boating accident stupid btw, why the fuck is germany invading us soil?
There is a lot in the way of storing an actusl gun in your house. When you file for a license they will jist tell you that you dont need thsz specific firearm and ammo because youre not s hunter or whatnot. Sure you could get a 22 but you migh aswell just throw pebbles at this point.
Nice nods. I'll give you $2,000 cash to accidentally lose them looking at the boating place I lost all my guns, tragically.
Depending on how serious the situation is in the country If you seriously tell them with a straight face you lost them and they have information to prove that you bought them in a store, you might get shot on the spot. Not I'm saying this. History says this. 1 or 10 million dead means nothing to the elite. There is a lot to be lost by letting people like you live and a nothing to be gained by showing mercy.
shoot them dead just like my grandpa did back in dubya dubya two
Would have seen him from a mile away with those grips.
do as told.
They aren't going to confiscate guns.
I know this because I know the people who would have to do it personally. You'd end up with the nation balkanizing really fast. We'd have military hardware in our hands overnight.
>Teleport behind him
>Unzips penis
Nothing personnel, kid.
>implying the state doesn't already know who owns a gun and who doesn't
If it was coordinated really well and sold as a national emergency against terror or something this could be done withing a weekend. No need for discussion or anything. They simply throw some chemical inside your house which immolizes you and within 60 fucking seconds they have your guns. Don't underestimate the state.
Ask what a krautfag is doing on US soil... Try again with better bait next time sweetie, or should I say moshe.
Wtf why did we give you krauts our headgear??
They can't even track people who are coofing themselves dead or close down a road.
Immediately look concerned, violently jerk my hand towards my waist.
Still wouldn't happen.
We own the military, user.
Don't threaten me with a beautiful death.
Nothing, you do absolutely nothing otherwise you will die
Why are Turkish soldiers trying to take my guns?
>simply throw some chemical inside your house
Ah, chemical terrorism. I hope the prime minister, her cabinet, and the families and sons and daughters of those involved in the decision making enjoys the thousands of radical domestic terrorists setting off fertilizer bombs in their backyards.
One word
Forgot pic
TL;DR it. Ain't got no to time to read all that shit nigga
>see kraut flags
>introduce myself as Hershel Finkelstein
>mention the H word
>keep my guns and receive gibs
To be fair it would work with burger feds too.
Just watch some documentaries on it
TL:DR The ATF is incompetent and murdered a shit ton of people by burning them to death
I understand sir. In these trying times I know it's necessary to sacrifice a few freedoms to keep everyone safe.
This wouldn't happen because my state has private transfer. There are hundreds of thousands of unregistered, untraceable gun owners here. You'd have to have these guys searching people's mattresses and garden beds with a metal detector.
“Yes sir. Thank you for your service.”
>implying the state doesn't already know who owns a gun and who doesn't
You severely underestimate the incompetence of the American government. They can't identify the over 10 million illegal immigrants running around, they have dead people voting, etc. They couldn't organize something as large-scale as confiscating all the guns if their life depended on it.
I bought a few guns cash from some dude in a Lowes parking lot last year. I have a few guns that are on the books that I could hand over and just stash my parking lot buys until they fuck off.
Scream in terror as I shoot at the home invaders trying to steal my liberty.
...And now they know, because you said so on a Native American sundance forum.
I inherited a bunch of hunting weapons like some .22's, a shotgun, and a few pistols from my Grandfather. I never registered them.
You're right. They'll just remove all your other rights, since they know as long as you have your pacifier you think you're still free.
Who is "We"? Jews?
>Wat do.
One round at a time.
I bet the weekend warrior has some primo loot.
>We'd have military hardware in our hands overnight.
Agreed. We'd need an upgrade fast.
German military has no jurisdiction here so I’d laugh in their face and close the door. Send the McDoanlds police force next time.
Why are they wearing their googles in the daytime?
This makes no sense.
Either use FLIR or NVG but why would you use them in the daytime.
I really, really doubt that. Your rights have been continually whittled down over time & you do nothing. If some people fired on the military, you think the military are gonna say "Oh, they're based right wingers, let's flip sides"? Lmao, sure, whatever you say. But no, they don't need to do full gun confiscation because they know the public has no intention of ever using them, merely larping about it.
>Hello citizen. We're instructed to confiscate your weapons. Please cooperate and hand them to me. I'm require to inform you that if you make sudden movements you will be shot.
Shoot me motherfucker
Why are you so retarded? If (((they))) really want to oppress population they are going to use American military for European countries and European military for America. It is easier to kill foreigners.
Wonder who he's talking to since I'm in the tree line 200 yards up a ridge with full view of the only road in or out of my area.
Fuck hr5717
You say claymore, claymore, claymore and click the trigger
Most of my weapons have been purchased unofficially. I’ve also sold quite a few to friends and neighbors.
There is no record of sale for most firearms pre-1990’s. Good luck finding them all. Haha
Only in America would they be able to look at this bearded moustache'd individual and correctly identify them as female. Congratulations.
based and screamingeaglepilled
Literally nobody is afraid of the German military, by the way. Nobody.
what political discussion are you attempting to have here
>t. Poland August 1939