Holy crap, this is intense!
Holy crap, this is intense!
Other urls found in this thread:
Actors, am I right?
he is a pretty brave guy
Seriously ive never seen this "actor" before in my life, why the fuck should i care?
This is what 90% of America thinks about Trump right now
i think i saw this guy somewhere, must be steven segal movie or something
because it's part of someone's program here. same threads for days during the same shifts. pathetic really.
lol isn't this the guy that larped as his own son on Twitter?
Alcoholic shills losing it lately, love it.
Weird how every movie role this guy plays is the annoying sleazy douchebag that everyone hates.
Complaining about Trumo does not make them relevant, it makes them look out if touch with reality
>I said fuck, so people know I am serious
Someone who gets paid to lie is saying stuff! Quick! Listen to him!
He's a kike that wishes he was black.
Trump's retarded opposition is handing him a reelection.
I really miss the "HOW DOES THIS MAKE YOU FEEL LIL DONNIE?" Threads.
This guy played Remy and it must have felt so right he's dedicated his life to virtue signaling it away. Deep down, he is your average/pol/ack. And he hates it so much he has dedicated his life to hiding it.
What a fucking loser.
He just says fuck a lot because he has no real points to make except the baby blood withdrawal is getting to him
I can tell you're a nigger
What an annoying meathead
>be faggot irrelevant actor
>make tweet
>post on /pol
>no one gives a shit, 7 replies
This thread will not last another 30 mins. KYS faggot, and you were a whiny bitch in Copland, the only good movie you were ever in
Oh this guy was Phoebe's cop boyfriend on Friends
I fucking hate wiggers like Rapaport
"He is Ashkenazi Jewish; his family is originally from Poland and Russia."
Damn, I guess you can say Ron is a “shitty” friend. Boom! Nailed it!
pretty sure there was one like 5 minutes ago
ching chong
Lmao I am not him, like any actor who has been in any movie would post on freakin Yas Forums. I am just a basement dwelling virgin like the rest of you except I dont like Trump lmao like what
why are all people from boston such fucking inbreds?
His approval rating is the highest it's been since he took office
>rich Jew
Seems about right
I mean it's kind of hypocritical to call trump out for never working when your father/step dad set you up with your career via their connections and covered your needs entirely.
My boy Shatner posts here all the time
its l;literally so fucking obvious these shills cant even see their own fucking horrible tactics, landlord hate, china good, muh president quomo, now this nobody actor. Shit is there a fucking updated filter list? im so tired of these cucks.
nah im good.
Fuck this jigger.
Motherfucker wishes he was Drake, a nigger kike.
Lol, no. His approval rating is actually at it's highest. Suck on that, bitch. Trump should leave Melania and start fucking Pelosi, could you imagine? He would be fucking invincible.
This man will go down in history as the defining face of the 90s era wigger. In 100 years, when someone asks what a wigger is they will use this man as an example of a wigger... One might say a white nigger...
Your attempt at a thread would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
This place isnt for you
Monsters live here
The kind that can really scare the life out of you
Now that's the face and skull dimensions of a Top Irish Intellectual.
That is a turkey dude
Imagine having gray hair and still being a Whigger.
That nigga will do 4 years in Rikers prison just to prove a point.
How do you feel about that guy being the internationally recognized Top Irish Intellectual?
i laughed at that pic, then went to the twitter post
your post is accurate
he's jewish
>implying shatner isn't a regular on Yas Forums
say that to his face. what you finna do when michael rap comes after you?
Stick a bat up your asshole
he's irish
>kike goes REEE on Twitter
>Blumpf btfo
Kill yourself
Not clicking your video, kike.
>Into the oven you go kike-a-rino!
He's an ashkenazi polish jew
> from Russia
Letting in all those Russian Commie Kikes was our gravest mistake
hey cuck, show your flag
jews are mentally ill
that's what happens when your iq goes over 250. you wouldn't get it.
Reminder: This guy made a virtue signal video that I'm sure was the same as this new one where he ripped Nicholas Sandman a new asshole. I went to his youtube channel everyday to troll his faggot ass. I watched as his views dwindled. Eventually he devolved to drunken rants from his lay-z-boy on twitter. What a colossal faggot.
these people are literally schizo
Is that the guy from Boston Public?