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At what point does the burger use the second amendment?
every day the united states gets pushed closer and closer to a total revolution.
H-1B & H4EAD visa workers will qualify to receive the one-time 'stimulus check' payments under certain adjusted gross income thresholds. This is because the IRS defines them as "Resident Aliens". F-1 international students on OPT permits will NOT qualify. DACA qualifies.
If we were going to use it we’d have done it by now
>I just got off of a conference call with corporate in which they told us that if the U.S. government sends us the proposed stimulus checks due to Covid 19, they plan to absorb the money we receive by cutting our hours to reflect that amount. In other words, if each person receives a check for $1,200, $1,200 will effectively go back to the company. Is this legal?
>cut hours
Nothingburger here. It is a free vacation. Sounds comfy to me.
>(company name redacted)
worthless article
waiting for a civil war any time soon. once the burgers realise that they are 2 steps from the door, they'll use the second amendment.
this is my take away as well. they're not taking your money, they're just going to cut $1200 worth of hours. not paying you to not work is a lot different than taking your shit.
They don't. They just like to talk about it while every right we have is slowly taken away and sit and watch a 30 year long invasion at the southern border.
get a load of you kikes. do you bite the pillow too when you invite him to go in dry?
An unpaid vacation!
We've been overrun by these disgusting MIGA guys.
Ok where’s the clickbait in this headline?
Still fucked up, but the company might be cash strapped as well
If you read the directions it says to heat water and then pour it into the cup.
Illegal for them to withhold any of their earnings and the stimulus if from the government directly to the individual.
It would have happened by now we haven't anyone to follow and no common martyrs to encourage change.
A army of lost wandering soldiers itching for a war with a common purpose.
That's because any potential Hitler type in the U.S. is currently busy playing Fortnite, posting cringe on Snapchat, and looking for STD infected degenerates on Tinder. The Jew won permanently after WW2 because with technology there's no way back.
You are paid though.
>no argument
>no argument
yeah kinda, but like you said- the company has to survive too, otherwise no one is getting paid
Who cares anyway? $1200 is like 2 days of work
Look bro, I don't play fortnite.
Post payslip larper
well i mean, if she gets the same amount of money but gets to work less, isn't it all good? Why does she need trumpbucks if she usually gets a salary that's higher? It's not supposed to be free money to blow on hookers and blow, it's to help you not fucking starve to death.
Invoices, you mean? I work for myself.
>1200 is two days of work
>$75 dollars an hour for two work days at 8 hours a day
>approximately 144,000 a year, placing you well within the top 10% of wage earners
>the call specifically references how this will affect low level, non-exempt workers
>low wage earners at $10 dollars an hour, for example, would have to lose 120 work hours, or roughly one month's worth of work hours to offset that 1200
I don't like shilling for wagies, but you're being a disingenuous little faggot right now.
>implying it is all taxed
You sound like a bitch.
This man is trying to make all of you angry. Don't respond to him.
i see no problem
either employ yourself / found your own company, or enjoy the assfucking you get from the current employer
the choice is yours, you're a free man
wage cucks BTFO again, meanwhile NEETs will get to use their trumpbux on things like video games, weed and anime sex toys to shove up their ass
Name the fucking company.
>company name redacted
Why? They figure that management would be lynched?
I did the math without taxes to illustrate a point, you absolute fucking buffoon.
If all this guy has to do is name the company, why doesn’t he just do it?
6.000.000% that these are Jew owned companies.
Guns are nothing but a false sense of agency that's why they let you own them in the first place
Burgers have been systemically brainwashed and disarmed slowly over the past 70 years by the (((media))) and their affiliates. We will never rise up and actually use the 2nd. We’ve been cucked into oblivion since WWII
FUCK YOU KIKE ... they get a stimulus and the companies grabs it by sending them home by force so they wont have to pay them for a certain amount of time. JEW tactics
sadly, this
Imagine if you put that much effort into getting a better job.
Use that free time working on something else.
>We've been overrun by these disgusting MIGA guys.
kys commie faggot
NEET fren, I’m sorry but you aren’t getting any trumpbux, you don’t work so you don’t qualify
Just you wait, sorry "whites" not invited only NATSOCS.
fuck off retard you're the one sheering for a commie takeover wake the fuck up
If it’s an advance on your taxes next year how can they absorb it? I mean I’m sure some filthy kike out there will convince everyone it’s legal but how is your company entitled to anything is beyond me.
any and all attempts have been subverted using the kiked media and the pozzed alphabet soup agencies.
Looks like a form from the IRS
for its employees
there is absolutely NO minimum requirement for earned income so nope, you're wrong, BTFO. fuck you, idiot. NEETs get trumpbux while you get to cuck for your equally fat and retarded manager lmao.
If this a backdoor way for Soros and Rothschild types to commandeer the entire 2.2T bailout?
Either way, whatever Jewy companies do this will be in for a shitstorm of boycotts from both left and right.
Do it individually on a regular basis
No doubt americucks will continue to work here. Not even surprised they still have employees after announcing this
>Not even surprised they still have employees after announcing this
Good luck finding a job right now
There needs to be a COVID-19 Corporate Wall of Shame. A permanent record of grievances people have against companies that pull shit like this and just in general fuck their employees, and do absolutely nothing for their employees despite making billions of dollars a year.
Lol literally never. Remember that Virginia spring shit? Boomers always talk a big game but bend over and stretch their cheeks when the government wags its finger at them.
I'm not buying it until the corporation is named.
>At what point does the burger use the second amendment?
white american males are utterly pathetic...cowards, idiots, retards, lazy, shortsighted, greedy, christcucks down to the last man. white americans deserve to be the goyim slave they are.
before this people were under the bribe of prosperity and stability. thats going away.
CoinCounters literally seething at the fact the GOYIM can get their own money back.
Is there a more assblasted people in existence?
This is definitely cheesecake factory
>every grocery in the country hiring
>hospitals probably need extra hands
One early bill said "citizens and lawful permanent residents". No mention at all of H/L visas. And they pay the same income taxes as citizens.
>every day the united states gets pushed closer and closer to a total revolution.
you won't do shit. I bet you're too fat to fight, not to mention a coward.
moar of pic related
But you can also apply for unemployment if your hours have been cut on top of the stimulus. All they're doing is cutting hours just like everyone else.
what company is it?
Focus on H-1B abuse.
Focus on H-1B abuse
Clickbait. The company doesn't gain anything out of doing this. The only way it makes sense is if the company was going to keep employees on despite a lack of work in order to make sure the employees can continue to pay their bills.
there will never be a revolution.
american "men" are gutless little pussies.
Never. That should be clear by now. It's a pacifier, nothing more.
The right answer. I actually love the whole idea of the 2a, but there's no chance of an uprising ever happening.
>instead of quitting this shit job i should just shoot people!
>a yellowfever faggot AND posts jailbait
Ahh yes, the essential wignat "real man"
Most sane people wait until there’s no other option.
I read Ask A Manager semi-regularly. Lots of the stories on there are Tumblr-tier fabrications that get published and a serious response. The blogger is a leftist kike, but has some good advice on resume and cover letter formatting, as well as decent interview advice.
I lost my job last month, and was making enough to get the max unemployment benefit from my state, which covers my monthly bills. The extra $600 from the Feds replaces my salary 1:1.
If you have any kind of decent paying job, you're not going to ragequit right now. It's better to get laid off and collect unemployment, and there's no reason to take a low paying job at a grocery store that pays less than what unemployment does.
>inb4 nigger
Of course I am, but UE lasts 26 weeks. There's plenty of time to look for something that pays $50k+ between now and then. Taking a grocery job is a final resort thing.
He never said he'll do anything either. Neither would I. I'm just tired of hearing all the "Murica, defend muh freedumb with muh guns" larping. Just fucking stop already, if you were going to revolt you'd have done so already.
>american "men" are gutless little pussies.
>except for me!
That is illegal. Suits need to be filed. I don't usually say this, but government needs to step in
>cutting our hours to reflect that amount
How do they know what amount you receive? They can't confirm you received the full $1,200 since it's based on your adjusted gross income for 2018 or 2019. How would they know if you've filed your 2019 taxes yet? How would they know your AGI? They may have a good idea of your taxable income if you worked there in the prior year, but what if you worked somewhere else? What if you had another job or an inheritance that put you over the $75k and into phaseout territory.
This is retarded and illegal for many reasons.