Yas Forums is such a hypcritical bag of faggots

So which is is Yas Forums?

Are you against landlords, or are you against the right to rent one's own property out?


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fuck landlords
fuck OP
fuck kikes
fuck niggers

pay your rent scumbag.

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I am a landlord, so....

Why rent if you hate the idea of renting?

Under my rule as god emperor property being rented/leased for business uses is fine, but homes should not be allowed to be rented unless you are also living in that same home. Renting your rooms/suites in your own home would be okay.

But owning a seperate property just to rent it out would be illegal.

Read the Bible. Being a landlord isn't biblical. We don't have a jubilee as the Lord intended.

>Why rent if you hate the idea of renting?

Because they're losers who have no idea on how to manage their personal finances and must have the new iPhone instead of saving.

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>but homes should not be allowed to be rented unless you are also living in that same home

I get a job in a new state and have to move. I cant sell the home in time and cant afford two own two homes and besides its illegal under you so god emperor what do?

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Because the FED fueled bubble ecounraged landlords to take out leverage to buy as many properties as possible in hopes of earning a return without working.

I don't object to you owning multiple houses, nor do i object to you voluntarily renting them out when you're not there. What is an objectively a bad idea is propping up asset values and having ZIRP, which pushes up home prices for those who need them and offers an outsized benefit to those who speculate on them, until the whole fucking thing goes pop, and then bailing out the faggots who created the bubble in the first place.

>I cant sell the home in time and cant afford two own two homes

Should have planned things out better honestly.

Under this type of system the price of homes would drop drastically, meaning homes would be affordable for all. You would be able to afford buying the new house and waiting to sell the old one. There would be systems in palce to assist people do such a thing.

Which one leads to a devestating civil war the quickest? I support that one.

>Should have planned things out better honestly.

I see you are a compassionate god. That will get you far.
>Under this type of system the price of homes would drop drastically, meaning homes would be affordable for all. You would be able to afford buying the new house and waiting to sell the old one. There would be systems in palce to assist people do such a thing.

Price drop = loss in personal net worth. Great you've fucked your populace.

>faggot, brainlet god

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No one except the raiders are against landlords.
Yas Forums is a natsoc/libertarian right board

No it's because you don't want to live anywhere but a big city. Only 37% of people rent

>Great you've fucked your populace.

And now a home for a family of 5 can be bought for $100,000. Thank me later.

>pol is one person
Fuck off retard

Do you know about the jew? Because everything you just splattered across my screen is really the jews fault.

>lurk moar

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What about vacation rentals ? If I had a nice camp on a lake could I rent it out a few weeks a summer ?

I side with landlords. I hope they raise your rent you fucking, loser

>And now a home for a family of 5 can be bought for $100,000. Thank me later.

I would if I had the 100K but that was the equity in my home you lost for me.

>you are the single most reterded person on this thread right now.

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>Yas Forums is one person post
Kill yourself

That would be extra illegal, and would be preventing a person who lives in the area year round from owning a home.

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>>pol is one person
>Fuck off retard

Well, if I had your set of teeth and dialect and bong brain I would thin what I posted meant that.

Where the fuck did this landlord bullshit fucking come from? Are leftypol cockroaches raiding us?

I already own it. I just want to earn a few buxx to improve the property.

There will be some losses during the changeover, but in the end its better for everyone in the longrun.

Cityfags have invaded user.

>Where the fuck did this landlord bullshit fucking come from?

Their shit non-essential job got anheroed because of caronachan so now rent is coming due and they need to evnt their panites out

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Fuck retarded Marxists

Let’s start with banning jews from owning property.
Then we revisit the landlord issue for further improvements.

Maybe different people on Yas Forums have different opinions

How about an exchange of services with barter system? I let the roof guy use it for a week in exchange for a new roof ?

You can fix it up if you want, but you cant rent it out.

Residential ownership should be restricted to 1 domicile.

>Should have planned things out better honestly.
Yeah fuck productive people am i right?
>And now a home for a family of 5 can be bought for $100,000. Thank me later.
Noooo not the poor reproducerinos. not the hecking litter-poppers

You could put 30,000 down and take out a mortgage. You'd still be paying less than you would renting


Only poorfags hate landlords. All these cunts quit their jobs to sit inside scared of a virus. They then realized they aren’t making money anymore and can’t pay their landlord. They proceed to seethe that someone smarter than them makes money by just driving by to pick up their money.

Obviously the FED is a jewish organization. I don't post here much anymore but I figure user could read between the lines.

No retard. Zirp inflated property values everywhere. It's literally priced in.

user you're a fucking retard

Don't like landlords?
What, there are none near your place of work?

I'm paying my rent cause its my american duty to keep the economy going. GOD BLESS TRUMP! GOD BLESS AMERICA! GOD BLESS YOU!

>Residential ownership should be restricted to 1 domicile.

Apartnement complexes are commercial so that's cool right?

Your two buttons are not antithetical to each other you fuck nugget

No state = no tax payer funded police = you have to defend your own property with your family = a technical limit on how much property you're able to defend before it becomes a liability.

All ancaps MUST agree that landlords are parasites because in an ancap society there are technical limits on property without a state to defend it. Elsewise you end up with literal landLORDS that control their own military forces to lower the liability of their holdings by levying taxes on their peasantry and becoming a new totalitarian government.

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>Your two buttons are not antithetical to each other you fuck nugget

Landlords can only exist if there are property rights.

>think moar

>t. Russian with US vpn
>tryna start some shit
Give it up, asshole.

It's a commie raid.

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>Left wing trannies from reddit try to push the landlord parasite meme
>They fail
>OP is a shill being paid overtime to slide is now telling us we're hypocrites despite the meme not taking hold here.
Tell your handlers they fucking suck at their job and need to eat a shotgun.

Answer the question nigger.

Over the target. Holding firm.

>fuck off moishe

>be landlord
>collect rent
>use a portion of the income to hire security and enforcement
>raise rent as more guards are needed
It's that easy.
>NOOOOO you cant just own property and charge people for the privilege of using it
Each of my family members would live in a room of the quad at a discount so I can continue owning your poor ass.

dude just get a house

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>dude just get a house

goy, just get a loan for a house

>fixed it for ya

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I literally said I find it prefectly acceptable in my first post. I was perfectly capable of buying a home outright for the last 5 years. I didn't because this is the most obvious bubble in the history of mankind, fueled by nothing other than cheap debt and retards taking out loans to rent property to other people.

I will buy a few properties in a year or two when they all get fucking rekt. Metals for now. RIP to all leveraged landlords out there. Sorry for your loss.

Find the nearest oven and crawl in.

>fueled by nothing other than cheap debt

Regurgitate, then aspirate

Being a landlord is technically being a parasite on par with usurers. You only exist just because you buy most of property and refuse to sell it, inflating the prices of the real estate market. You own more houses than you need and extract value from them without producing anything for society (except schlomo's bank). In a sane one you would've already be forced at gunpoint to sell most of them to provide access to property to more people and heal the market. I am not a marxist and despise them as much as you. I live in the house of my ancestors which i own. Get fucked, nigger

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Presumably, if there were no property rights, then landlords wouldn't exist. Am I retarded for reading this comic in this way?

Just remove the right to offer a loa-i mean rent.

No, you are correct, if you want property rights, then you will have landlords. It's just how things work.

EMBRACE THIRD OPTION, OWNER SHIP OF HOUSE........... god the left cant meme for shit.

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Why cant you limit people to purchasing two houses?? why LANDLORDS WITH 200K HOUSES/???

I’m against faggotry. KYS fag.