Yas Forums will defend this

I have no words for this powerful statement. Why can't Americans learn that their country was built on immigrants and that Trump's current stance on immigration will cause the U.S. to lose their edge in technology die to lack of immigrants.?

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>Yas Forums will defend this
Why do shills keep using these same catch phrases?
>pol BTFO
>built for BBC
Yas Forums IS LOST

why would I go to canada to escape a Chinese virus?

didn't answer the question. You are another shill on this website, same type to ignore topic and type "built for BBC" on coomer bait threads. Fuck off, you people ruined this board.

Americans aren't cowards that "flee" their country. No refugee deserves to be an American. Fight and die for YOUR land!

Wasn't it obama's measures that implemented the 'caging of children?'

Same bitch will call you racist if you call Mexico a shithole

and stay out you filthy mutts

A real American would have guns and use them to defend what's his. They wouldn't run away and ask for handouts from fucking Canadians.

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Lol what kind of pussy would abandon his homeland.

What if you wanted to take refuge in Israel?

How come these people were silent when Obama literally started and implemented what he's talking about?
This is why even normies dont take their fake outrage seriously

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>you decide to flee and leave your country to ruin.

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Only a pussy coward would run away.

because OP is a faggot

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yes, except the immigrants that built america were white.

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whoever let those faggots back on twatter should have their kids locked in a cage

exactly. canada is full of chinese!

>I have no words
>please read the garbage I post

So this person is saying that Mexico really is a shit hole country?

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>be American gang member
>break in to someone's house
>get shot
The end.

exactly it would like...
like going to LA to escape street gangs

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this isnt the situation in which you post that. Lurk moar.
Glad to see Yas Forums is capable of defending their backwards beliefs. Nobody has provided a valid argument so far. The right can't argue...

You can sit in a refugee camp in North Dakota under the protection of the Canada military. Not the entire USA wouldn’t be in flames. Order can be maintained near the border, yet still on the other side of the border.

My ancestors fought to create America. They did it for whites only.

>Fuck off, you people ruined this board.
>Posts a twitter

>know Canada is going to do this
>decide to do it anyway

and by whites, that means no fucking mongrels

Did you know that there were people living in America before those "immigrants" showed up? Today we call them native Americans and there aren't a hell of a lot of them around for some reason, if they'd had immigration controls they might have faired much better.

typical retard liberal no forward thinking argument.
Imagine instead that you get free passage into canada, they give you a house and welfare. what is stopping the gangs you're escaping from also going to canada?

>gangs roaming the streets

2a is the soluton to this problem. We arent negros in america so law and order prevail.

Mexico has the 15th best economy in the world.

Form your own gang and shoot back retarf

I like how his retarded hypothetical has Canada enforcing it’s border. Maybe, just maybe, borders exist to protect a nation’s citizens.

That's the kike that got banned from Trump's twitter feed for posting so much lies and BS

>flee lack of law and order
>get upset when you enter an country unlawfully and experience law and order being enforced.

Are mexicans really this stupid?

And whites are not the ones who built this country and advanced their stem fields. The black women, Jews, and Asian Americans all have contributed more to STEM than any white could dream of. Immigration and diversity breeds strength...

So he's admitting America has a nigger problem?

ok nigger

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I’m pretty sure they’d give you the option of turning back with your child. The cage only comes into question when you’re detained because children can’t be housed in a jail with adults.

Great argument. Just resort to racial slurs. Proof yet again that the right can't back their shitty opinions.

It must be nice to get paid some overtime to ask irrelevant questions on issues that aren't even pertinent and were hashed to death months ago on Yas Forums.
No one here is under any obligation to answer your stupid fucking questions or troll bait, you stupid fucking faggot.
Seethe, cope, dilate, and kys, you incel. There, I hit your buzzwords first. Now take your (you) and fuck back off to reddit. We're full here, nigger.

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All spics need to be exterminated, worst race on earth.

>be burger
>spics invade for jobs
>lock spics in cages
>niggers infest and be niggers
>gib gibs to niggers
this whole country should suck start a shotgun

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nigger is a behavior, not a race. it just happens to align with a lot of negroes.

spic is a language, not a race.

Why did Krassenstein get banned from Twitter again ? Oh ya cause hes a pedophile

You deserve Corona

I would stay and stand my fucking ground instead of running like a bitch.

>let krassenstein back
>don't let alex jones back

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Yeah built on the back of European immigrants you stupid fucking faggot, just because a bunch of white immigrants came to America and made the country great doesn’t mean a bunch of illegal spics and poos will do the same thing. In fact they have done the complete opposite by lowering wages for everyone and making the original standard of living in America that much harder to a achieve. Any business that is found employing illegals and h1b visa workers needs to have its assets seized and distributed to American citizens. After the first few businesses got shut down I bet you everyone else would comply pretty quickly. America doesn’t need more stupid dips and fucking poo niggers here doing what American citizens can already do. Fuck off and go fix your own country, stop coming here and shitting up mine.


All Amerindian mongrels need to be thrown in gas chambers, is that better?

You know this kike is a dwarf right?
The twins are like 4'10".

I bet you said all that to hide the fact you had no argument. newfags like you ruined the board, no actual debate is allowed to occur, only adhominen attacks according to you. Fuck off shill.

That would never happen in America

Fuck off, kike.

I wouldn't flee my homeland like a cuck.

>What happens here threads
>Who was in the wrong here threads
>Is x good for you threads
>Yas Forums will defend this threads
you posted a slide thread
its the appropriate response to it
get a job

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>goys, why won't you waste your time endlessly debating me in my slide thread!
Your handlers need to eat a shotgun.

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>You decide to take your 2-year-old son and drive up to Canada for refuge.
That was a bad decision.
The good decision was to use your 2nd amendment rights and fight back, returning the country to Law&Order, Mr. Brian Krasseneverytime.

Pretend a billionaire kike bankrupted your country and jewish intelligence agencies flooded it with drugs abd drug addicted rapist mercenaries and you go to israel to escape and they drink your blood and eat your child in ritual sacrifice after raping it for hours.

And then another kike posts about it on twitter mischaracterizing what happened to make white people look bad.

That's kikes for you.

well yeah unless the injuns want them after they're relocated to south america, but i doubt they want an automatic ruling class. mongrels have no place in this world, which is why they have such high miscarriage rates to begin with.

unless you're an injun or an anglo-saxon, cuck is in your blood.

Imagine being a violent criminal who runs gangs, steals and murders and you go to America to escape from gangs, thieves and murderers.

Yes we're the bad guys for saying mexico is a shithole.


it's already ruined

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Not an appropriate response. That image is meant for sexually provocative images next to unrelated text.
Ok you have no argument. It's fine and there is no need to sperg out buddy.

neither is your thread

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Ok but you used the image incorrectly. Stop posting and lurk moar...

>newfag telling me to lurk moar

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