Wwyd if you are forced to take the vaccine?

wwyd if you are forced to take the vaccine?

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I'm legit worried about them pulling this shit.

You don't need the vaccine if you've already had the illness. Get yourself infected ASAP

take the vaccine because im not some sub 110 iq retard who believes vaccines cause autism

imagine having such a shit immune system some dead cells give you autism

Its happening, and it will probably sterilise us. Only the elite will be having children from now on .

Not take it. There's no legislation in my country that would force me to do so and if there is, I would expect mass non-compliance.

The gpvernemnts have the power to change the laws whenever they want. They can do it so quickly noone can keep up with the changes and even if you could you have no moral standing ground without being labelled a conspiracy nut

I am a conspiracy nut. The fuck do you think I'm here for? I don't trust ANY new vaccine. One of the HPV vaccines has intact DNA from the virus, enough to make people test positive for it after being dosed.

Sorry didnt see this thread

>I am a conspiracy nut.

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The Mark of the beastarino is here fags:

FUCK THOSE LEGO NIGGERS, that's inhumane. What will they force people to take next?

This proves that they have ultimate power, everything leading up to this point has all focused on over population and how overpopulation is bad for the environment. They have created a lifestyle that pepple need in order to be successful in life and business and then blamed us for ruining the environment. Every comedy special on netflix mentions over population. The cities are crammed full while the country towns are dying. Everyone refuses to spread out geographically

The USA Supreme Court rendered vaccine makers unaccountable:

"The Supreme Court today gave vaccine manufacturers greater protection from lawsuits by parents who say vaccinations harmed their children, ruling that Congress had blocked those types of claims against drug makers. In a 6-2 decision, the justices said Congress had effectively shut the courthouse door to these lawsuits in 1986, when it created a special vaccine court designed to compensate victims of vaccine injuries."

Why do people uncritically insist that all vaccines are intrinsically good. The following questions spring to mind:

1. Why does profiting from vaccines rather than anything else magically make a corporation intrinsically good rather than presumably greedy and evil?

2. How can one justify vaccines for non-lethal and non-communicable diseases on the basis of historically lethal and highly communicable diseases?

3. If vaccines are not capable of causing serious harm to children, why is it necessary to set up a system to compensate children who have been harmed and immunize vaccine makers from financial responsibility for those their products have injured?

4. How can anyone rationally claim that science uniformly supports vaccine use when no empirical studies that actually utilize the scientific method of experimentation and observation are utilized in testing vaccine safety?

5. Why do pro-vaccine advocates attack those who don't vaccinate their children according to the vaccine schedule when doctors specifically tell parents not to vaccinate their children according to the schedule if an older sibling has had a negative reaction to a vaccine?

6. Why do pro-vaccine advocates assume that vaccines which are proven to be safe for adults are also safe for infants and toddlers who weigh a fraction of what an adult weighs?

I wont't take a vaccine and I will not get chipped.

Some vaccines do cause problems:

All trials of the vaccines were done on children aged 15 and above, despite them currently being marketed for 9-year-olds. So far, 15,037 girls have reported adverse side effects from Gardasil alone to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (V.A.E.R.S.), and this number only reflects parents who underwent the hurdles required for reporting adverse reactions.

At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines. The reported side effects include Guillian Barré Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently — sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots, and brain inflammation. Parents are usually not made aware of these risks.

44 dead. Notice how the trials were completely unsuitable for proving the safety of the vaccine for the age of the girls to whom it is being administered.

Vaccines are not magic, like everything else, they need to be subjected to a basic risk/reward analysis. But the scientific community has not only failed to due its duty to provide the public with the necessary information to perform this analysis, it has clearly failed to inform the public of the risks even when they were known, and known to be potentially fatal.

Some vaccines are necessary for certain people at certain times. Gardasil and Cervarix are not, and no parent with a teenage daughter should permit her to receive them.


Of course, nothing like this unfortunate little incident of gene-swapping viruses could ever possibly occur with human vaccines. Because scientists have performed all sorts of scientific experimentsstatistical reviews and so they can assure you that no vaccine has ever been scientifically proven to harm anyone ever.
Three vaccines used to prevent respiratory disease in chickens have swapped genes, producing two lethal new strains that have killed tens of thousands of fowl across two states in Australia, scientists reported on Friday. The creation of the deadly new variant was only possible because the vaccines contained live viruses, even though they were weakened forms, said Joanne Devlin, lead author of the paper published in the journal Science....

The viruses emerged in 2008, a year after Australia started using a European vaccine along with two very similar Australian vaccines to fight acute respiratory disease in poultry. The illness causes coughing, sneezing and breathing difficulties in birds, normally killing 5 percent of them. The two new strains, however, were far more harmful, and since they were created have killed up to 17 percent of chicken flocks across Victoria and New South Wales, the two main chicken rearing states in Australia.
Of course, if these Australian scientists utilized the system presently used by the U.S. vaccine reporting system, their reports would show that twelve chickens had died for reasons that were inexplicable, but definitely had absolutely nothing to do with the vaccines they received the previous day.

the mark of the beast.


All rational points. The most troubling factor is the easeof our everyday lives and how as a people we have beej moulded to be susceptible to these radical changes.
Everyone is so concerned with their own comfort and morally, physically, socially not taking a risk of speaking put or taking action against supreme overriding power.

As a people we have been rendered useless and powerless. Unable and unwilling to defend ourselves against tyranny. The morale would be so low against an invading governemnt force that people would rather surrender immediately than put up any kind of resistance.

The wall begins to crack:

The federal government continues to deny a link between vaccines and autism, but the U.S. Court of Federal Claims has ruled in favor of a child alleged to have regressed into autism as a result of vaccinations. Several of the vaccinations included the controversial mercury-based preservative thimerosal, points out the National Autism Association, which sees the ruling as confirmation of the claims of many parents.

"This case echoes the stories of thousands of children across the country," said NAA President Wendy Fournier. "With almost 5,000 similar cases pending in vaccine court, we are confident that this is just the first of many that will confirm what we have believed for so long – vaccines can and do cause children to regress into autism."

Now cue all of the science fetishists and herd statists squawking about how a court ruling isn't science. That's true, and neither are statistical meta-studies. Notice that it's always the vaccine sellers and the see-no-evil "vaccines are an unmitigated good" crowd that is staunchly opposed to any proper double-blind empirical studies of the matter.

Vaccines aren't inherently bad. But even generally pro-vaccine European pediatricians think that the U.S. vaccination schedule is insane. If the federal government didn't know that vaccines caused harm, they wouldn't have made the vaccine makers and administrators immune to civil lawsuits from the families of the children harmed. And that's despite the applied standard of harm that if applied to handgun homicide would conclude that about 50 percent of gunshot victims died of unknown causes wholly unrelated to the bullet-sized holes that happened to exist in the bodies.

well, they'd have to really force me, otherwise I'd simply ask the administer of the vaccine that I don't consent to getting it and how he/she feels about that, if they keep going I'd simply attack that person, in a violent and vicious way, just because I don't like people who would do such a thing to people...
Bring it on! But if a bunch of guys came to my house and subdued me and gave me a shot, I guess I would take it, but they'd have to go in pretty hard, I don't mind dying for stuff like that, it's a question of principle.

>wwyd if you are forced to take the vaccine?
they cant force you to take a vaccine.

HOW DO YOU KNOW user? what if they fucking just visit everyone in the middle of the night and force you to go to fema? What are all the military vehicles rolling in for and why are there so many military groups going active all across the USA?

We are fucked, m8. It's coming and it's here.

Have fermented cod liver oil, olive leaf, anti biotic buy from aquarium, fish oil, turmeric, garlic, boost your immune system, then weaker people around you will die

pay a homeless guy to pretend to be me and take the vaccine for me

>imagine having such a shit immune system
having to take a vax to stay alive from the flu, whats next? you need immunization from allergy's and pollen too?

I'd cut the chip out. Don't care if it kills me

Harvard told me vaccines cause auto immune disease

*laughs in second amendment*
Leafs, ban state fags, and emus btfo. Americans can handle this


this fucking "virus" is not the point
Yas Forums this is the most you have ever been behind


They want to fucking track everyone and push it as "MAKING SURE YOU ARE KEEPING YOUR SOCIAL DISTANCING". They also want to give you a fucking vaccine to who knows what the fuck is in it.


rig propane tank into an IED
take at least the two cops and one government traitor doctor with me to hell

even should that ever happen the least of your worries should be a stupid fucking vaccine. why are you scared?

normal vaccines are fine.
There's a good chance this wouldn't be a normal vaccine is what anons are saying.

Funny, you fail to mention the aluminium, Mercury, and formaldehyde in vaccines. Stupid shill

I would fucking kill whoever tries to chip me

Everyone watch this fucking video and realize that the elites don't give a shit about anything other than taking advantage of your fear. This virus doesn't exist. It's all bullshit.
This is why in Dean Koontz book,he said "a wuhan virus will come, then it will vanish as fast as it came...then 10 years later it will return"

This fucking thing is either a test for what is coming in 10 years. They are TESTING us to see how we react to a situation like this. They are studying us, they are gathering as much info as they can. ID2020 is not ready to mass produce a shit ton of chips for the world yet, but they ARE working on it; which is giving credit to Dean Koontz, because he said it will return in 10 years. 2030 is when they may go full fucking retard, or it may be this year. We will see.

>wwyd if you are forced to take the vaccine?

be a good goy and take it.

do you even fucking trust what is in that vaccine? I don't even believe the virus fucking exists. It's the same fucking thing as a pnemonia with a different name on it, and it isn't this fake virus that will kill you, but this fucking vaccine. A lot of doctors on youtube are sharing that they don't understand what is going on. This is a globalist attack on us and people need to wake up.

40 years ago, a kid got around 8 vaccinations, now its around 60---including boosters and autism rates have wen thru the roof.
Pay no attention to this Goyim, be a good boy and do what Uncle Donnie tells Jew to!

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Just groove with me for a minute lads, if you jave a song from your country that you feel is suitable then post it up


Spanking kids is bad. But apparently chemical lobotomies are nothing more than good parenting:

The researchers found that doctor visits between 1993-1998 and 2005-2009 that involved a prescription of antipsychotic medication for children jumped sevenfold -- from 0.24 to 1.83 per 100 people. For teens, 14 to 20 years old, the rate rose from 0.78 to 3.76 per 100 people, and for adults, it just about doubled, from 3.25 to 6.18 per 100 people....

Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist from Ithaca, N.Y., and an outspoken critic of widespread antipsychotic use in children, said these drugs damage developing brains

"We have a national catastrophe," said Breggin. "This is a situation where we have ruined the brains of millions of children." In controlling behavior, antipsychotics act on the frontal lobes of the brain -- the same area of the brain targeted by a lobotomy, Breggin said. "These are lobotomizing drugs," he added. "Of course, they will reduce all behavior, including irritability," he said....

Between 2005 and 2009, controlling "disruptive behavior" accounted for 63 percent of the reason antipsychotics were given to children and almost 34 percent for adolescents, the researchers found.

To say nothing of what they do to long-term cognitive capacity. Between widespread chemical lobotomies and ubiquitous vaccines, I'm amazed that anyone still believes that medical "science" is genuinely focused on attempting to help children grow up to live healthy and productive lives.

It would be informative to know how these children on antipsychotics do on IQ tests before and after their brains are bathed in chemicals for years.

the vaccine is for dropping the population to 500 M

Georgia Guidestones

Be prepared to falsify documents that show you've already had it

Deadly plauge type disease

Fear, panic, indecision

Everyone is seperated, not allowed to get into groups, everyone must be individually quarantined, locked up and forced to do whatever is necessary to overcome the problem.

Pretty obvious. In the 50s, how many people thought it was a good idea to eat laundry detergent for social clout

how many people thought "let's make a tv show about trannies going on tour with a child"

fucking irreversibly fucked up, man

I'm not taking it. I'm not anti-vaccine normally, but something fishy is happening here.

I want to be vaccinated willingly after waiting a month or so to see if it kills anyone like the Sars vaccine.

i'm not scared of death and you shouldn't be either. all these things must come to pass before the return of our lord. coronavirus is just a distraction, and a vaccine isn't anything you should be worried about. just don't take it. they don't need to force it on anyone because the world is asleep and waiting for death. most will be happy to take their chipped vaccine even if you wont. it's only going to get worse from hereon out so just make your peace with God and free yourself of worry. this world needs to be cleansed with fire, and nobody can stop what's about to happen.

Ive made a decision after listening to a few songs


Post it everywhere, if you are ready for armed revolution

I'm gonna take it

Fight back viciously. I'm not taking any vaccine or any chip.

>laugh and walk away.

hide it under my tongue then spit it out into a napkin later





Like, with a gun to my head? Otherwise I'm not taking it.

I only get my kids the vaccines I had growing up. Also you do not have to allow them to give your kid all vaccines in one day, you can spread them out. As a parent you need to know this. Also they have combo and triple vaccines now, where three diseases are getting shot into them at once, you can request the individual vaccines

My body will reassemble the viral fragments in the vaccine and then mutate it into a real plague.

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It’s private

hey bong, got some where to be?

>forced to take the vaccine

*super saijan*

with the force of 1000 suns

a new cosmos is born

>trusting your shadowy overlords in this time of history
Never gonna make it.

I'm going to take it. After a few thousand others do, of course. No microchips either.

this should be a new marvel backstory for some cosmic mutant hero. 100% better than memeboy, dora and safespace or whatever garbage ideas the current talentless cadre shit out

I’m not going to take the vaccine, therefore, I will probably die by their hands.

It's not kosher, goyim.

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You idiot shill!

Research Rabbi Dovid Weiss
Just a quick video to understand it better
Religious jews are the ENEMY of radical zionism and totalitarianism

Pee on the nurse.

Did a bunch of you take pussy pills this morning or something? If they start forcing people to take vaccines, that's when revolt happens, idiots. There will be nothing left to wait for. Wake up and stop being a pussy. If you let them push you around now, it'll never stop.

this is what I'm talking about, if anyone's wondering

true, user. True, but you know what the Bible says...nobody may buy or sell without the mark. If we are close to these days, eventually we will be hungry, friend...I trust in God though. The way the world acts towards God and how the elites want to defy him only prove is existence stronger.

No one cares, Mr. Homosexual who won't stop with the stupid comic books for one day.

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you're mom cares. i was going to care in her ear but she said it would make her deaf. I said, "bitch, I cum in your mouth all the time and you never shut the fuck up.".


>der vaccines is bad lol
>always conveniently ignore diseases that vanished when vaccines for them were introduced

Let me guess, getting polio is better than getting the polio vaccine because something something jew mind control poison autism drugs?

How are the elites defying him if the elites are pushing us to all have the mark?


Had we only listened to this Bosnian guy

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Spoken like a brainlet NPC who knows nothing about vaccines
Show your real flag,cutiepie

Kill anyone who tried.

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thats what the microchip will be for retard. pay attention

There is no vaccine. There never will be. There isnt a single vaccine for any corona virus. If they could make one, they would have cured the common cold.

Get the vaccine because I want to protect the people around me and not be a schizo selfish fucktard. People who say no are the equivalent or worse than the bug eyed noodle niggers.

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