>Since the emergency epidemic, it is of high scientific significance to use bioinformatics to analyze the roles of novel coronavirus proteins (such as ORF8 and surface glycoproteins). In this study, domain prediction methods were applied to search for conserved domains. The structure of protein molecules such as ORF8 and surface glycoproteins were obtained using homology modeling methods. Molecular docking technology was used to analyze the binding part of viral proteins to the heme and the porphyrin. The study results show that ORF8 and surface glycoproteins could combine to the porphyrin to form a complex, respectively. At the same time, orf1ab, ORF10, and ORF3a proteins could coordinate attack the heme on the 1-beta chain of hemoglobin to dissociate the iron to form the porphyrin. The attack will lead to less hemoglobin to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. The lung cells have extremely intense inflammation due to the inability to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen frequently, which eventually results in ground-glass-like lung images. Patients with respiratory distress will be made worse. Diabetic patients and older people have higher glycated hemoglobin. Glycated hemoglobin was reduced by the attack, which made patients' blood sugar unstable. Since the porphyrin complexes of the virus produced in the human body inhibited the heme anabolic pathway, they caused a wide range of infection and disease.

COVID-19 proteins bind to glycated forms of hemoglobin rendering them inactive and preventing O2 and CO2 absorption. Diabetic patients and older people have significantly higher levels of glycated hemoglobin, but anyone who regularly eats carbohydrates will also have high levels.

How do you lower your glycated hemoglobin levels? Stop bathing your red blood cells in glucose, ie stop eating carbohydrates.

Attached: What-Is-the-Carnivore-Diet-722x406.jpg (722x406, 90.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>put your body in starvation mode
>that sure will help your antibodies do its job
your education is just as bad as your teeth

>I won't give up my candy even if it kills me!

bump 4 safe frens

i feel like fasting whenever i get a bad cold. no appetite. maybe a clear broth or anything else high nutrient / low calorie that's about it.

normally i would leave all the fat in the broth but I prefer it scooped out if i have a bad cold.

Zero carnivore dieters have had chinese virus symptoms. These are the facts they dont want you to know.

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Keto sucks. Any diet where you have to go out of your way to supplement shit you are missing (like drinking fucking psylium husks for fiber since keto makes you constipated) is bad. Just like how vegans have to take vitamin supplements in order to not die of vegaids.

Humans are omnivores. Go Paleo if you want a fad diet that actually works and is healthy. You are still cutting out processed sugar and carbs but you eat veggies and fruits, along with meat, and you get every vitamin and nutrient you need.

So vegans are safe?

>give up pizza and tendies
>or die

Oh well, this place sucks and I hope reincarnation isn't real.

Just drink beer you dumb faggot

Ive done Keto and i never had to supplement wtf r u talking about

Keto is indeed an anti-inflammation diet, and your body's own immune response is what does you in with SARS-2.

Attached: keto milkies.png (540x903, 418K)

Not entirely without Merit... in fact, user Believes!

Sources: Published Medical Papers
DOI: 10.1111/ejh.13248
DOI: 10.1186/1479-5876-12-32
DOI: 10.1016/j.cyto.2004.02.004
DOI: 10.1097/00024382-200406002-00093

One study suggests that to get the most benefit from the Vit. C (for cytokine storm help)
that you should avoid glucose spikes while taking it.
(so perhaps a short Fast, or Low-Carb meals, while sick)

Vegans are all carbohydrates retard.

>put your body in starvation mode
Whew laddy. Go start a thread on about starvation mode

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in the modern world, almost nobody has ever starved.

close, but carnivory is where it's at.

keto here and nearly 40. ripped, 12% BF. Prior ipa drinking fatty just 3 yrs and +50 lbs ago. Which mode do you think is healthier?
Stay fat.

I don't need to starve myself to be healthy because I have self control. Your excuse is because you couldnt put down the booze, you decided to stop eating healthy altogether? Regardless of any of that, I don't believe you for a second.

vegan is even healthier

Virus started from carivores.

You don't starve yourself on keto dumbass

This is wrong. COVID is based on adrenalized meat so if you eat any meat products you are more at risk. This shill wants you to get infected.

I would do keto if I didn't have dairy protein intolerance. Too hard and inconvenient to get enough calories from meat alone.

>he fell for the "starvation mode" meme
You probably think that you have to "eat 5 to 6 small meals a day" (to avoid going into so-called starvation mode) and that breakfast is the most important meal.

unironically take 5 minutes of your day to search the positive effects of fasting newfag

This british dumbfuck thinks carbs only exist in candy and not in other rather healthy stuff such as rice and chicken. Just stop fucking talking you dumb chav.

Keto doesn't make people constipated.
Your issues were because mohammed was packing your shit in.

Ok ketoanon, I don’t ALWAYS eat carbs, but my typical breakfast is potato and onion hash with an egg fried hard. Is that carbs?

I’m making bread for this epidemic but it’s sourdough, basically the yeast has eaten all the wheat anyways so isn’t that kinda like carb neutral?

>American """education"""

yeah, eat a ton of fat like a good goy. You might as well just go to a liposuction office and ask them to pump fat INTO you. Fat fucks

are you confusing keto with carnivorous diet?
Even that doesnt make you constipated, if anything gives you the shits.
Also what exactly do you think you are doing by eating vegetables as a source of fiber? oh right, a source of fiber, how is that different from psyllum husks? which are husks of a fucking grain, not processed.
its not comparable to "taking pills"

Chicken is not a carb.

fat is critical for correct function of your body. Carbs are a nice source of energy but not essential.
You need fats to make hormones and so forth. your brain is 99% fat, as is your nervous system.
Fat is literally good for you, dietary fat has no effect on cholesterol levels and the deposits in cardiovascular disease are there to protect the body, its a reaction to damage caused by simple sugars, this is why diabetics die, too much sugar in the blood not being taken away by insulin. the fat isnt the culprit, its just a defence mechanism to plug the damage done by sugar.
Everything in moderation, im not saying to go eat all the fat you can, but if you want to cut anything from diet, its not fat, its carbs.
Look for Glycemic index/loads if you want, some carbs are fine, most arent.

Wait wat?
The last thread said stop eating meats, Ameriburger


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this is literally the most jewish post ever

You know potatoes are pure carbs right?

Bro, it's literally the other way around. They want you eating sugar.


Based I fast twice a week since I no longer really need to be on Keto as I'm a healthy weight and keep my carb intake incredibly low. Almost no refined carbs or sugars at best 10gs a day, but most days I consume zero. Basically you need to focus on an alkaline ph for your body. I haven't been ill or had my immunity compromised in over 4 years. Its also great for retaining muscle mass while you cut and lean out. I feel like a god most of the time. OP is correct. I'm also Master Race cold fresh jucier as well. Mostly green vegetables with a little fruit as well

pic related

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Nah the jews want you to eat fat because they want to make you fat

Lmao no its not vegan is terrible. Clean cuts of meat is still needed for a complete profile. You simply can't get enough from plant sources

No... It started by disgusting chinks who don't cook their food like the civilized word.

Nigger the only meat at my store was a package of chicken "paws".

This. Sugar is the culprit for most peoples physical and mental problems. Fat is required so you can actually absorb vitamins properly

you can eat veg on a keto diet, just keep the carbs to a minimum but plenty of greens

Its amazing how those mongoloids don't understand how keto works. Keto master race 100%. No shit I can hit ketosis in about 14 hours

>eat plenty of greens

oxalates have not made it into the popular consciousness yet, but it will. greens are not innocent

Their teeth are bad from sugar. You played yourself retard lol

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Fucking embarrassing us mutts, should have posted about black cocks instead. Now you HAVE to kill yourself.

Eating fat doesn't make you fat retard. What is digestion?

American education once again. Fats don't make you fat, it's the combo of carbs/sugar with fat

read up on oxalate accumulation, brainlet. it's likely why people who go carnivore get digestive issues and complain of fatigue for a short period after beginning the diet

>starvation mode


>Raw meat.
>Low carb.
If it's a diet, it's bullshit, and fueled on placebo effect.

this is literally the most jewish post ever

>(((starvation mode)))
>eat your sugar cereals, goy
>unoriginal teeth bong joke
I hear they're saving Israel for last.

Keto is a dangerous diet that lazy fat fucks use to lose weight because they're lazy and/or dumb. How many fake cures are you retards going to push on here?

i poasted similar hypothesis that eating carbs was making goyrona stronger, thus high rate of infection among pastaniglets and riceniglets but my poasts were dismissed.

fuck i just had 2 litres of root beer this weekend

K. Saturated fat is still strongly correlated with heart disease, so you should have more avocados and nuts. Eat hemp.

>fat doesn't make you fat
Holy shit what a retard

>Fats don't make you fat
Another retard.

False, people get fatigue from keto because their diets aren't full of garbage sugars anymore and the body needs some time to re adjust. I've read about it you're full of shit.

imagine needing a restrictive diet to even live. embarrassing.

>amerilard thinks fat makes you fat because it's called fat
Big brain

They don't, but sugar sure does, its a trash energy source where as fat is superior.

>it makes me uncomfortable so its dangerous

lol weak faggot, the human body evolved and adapted to periods of hunger/lack of carbs which is why the ketogenic state even exists

OP I can't tell if the people here are shills and want everyone to be unhealthy or are just fucking retarded.

>remove carbs, the thing that fuels your body, making you feel tired
>hurrrr sugar
Try again you fucking downy

You've got that backwards retard. When you're in starvation mode your body stores fat for later, when you're in regular mode you burn fat for energy.

now shut the fuck up and butter your bacon.

This, periods of cutting carbs is show to increase testosterone and human growth hormones while still retaining muscle mass while you lose weight. Its just hard to maintain so fat losers suggest its not true. Zero self control

>let me make something up and put words in your mouth because i'm a retarded nigger
Kill yourself

>carbs fuel your body

iv been keto eating 1 meal a day for over a year and iv not been ill once since

I will never understand why people think this board is smart

Maybe im retarded, but could someone point out where in the article its written that the virus only attacks glycosylated hemoglobin?

Whilst what OP quotes outlines that HbA1C is one of the targets of the virus, it doesnt make the claim (anywhere that ive seen) that its the only target or that HbA1C is even targeted at a higher rate.

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No you are the moron. You don't need carbs to fuel your body, fat is a superior energy source. The tiredness comes from retards gorging themselves on sugar with spikes of energy and then crashes where as fat is doesn't do that. Unlimited energy all day long its honestly incredible but you are probably too much of a loser to get to that point. Sugar that isn't burnt off as energy becomes fat and low quality fat at that.

You’re either new or a shill

>caloric intake is starvation mode
literally kys

>You don't need carbs to fuel your body
I never said you did you dumb ugly cunt

Fucking massive bumb. This man knows his shit. I have researched and found the same.

protein can be converted to glucose

net carbs =/= total carbs

High carb low fat is always superior
> Don't listen to the keto kike