Massachusetts is about to be fucked by CoronaVirus

This what we get for being ruled by a bunch of socialist and a fake republican.

over 1000 cases and 44 deaths...

Transitioning nursing homes into CCP Virus treatment centers. WHAT THE FUCK.
we just going to let the old people die moving them around.

Why not use all the empty dorms around the entire state.

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correction over 1000 cases just today. 4000+ cases lmaoooo.

best part is the surrounding states will pay for this the most. thanks baker...

NOO... I can't afford to lose my job

t arlington

we'll be ok

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What makes you think that. All the New Yorkers that escaped there state for maine and nh made it 10 stopping for shit fast food and gas in our state

Mass has so many fucking hospitals. We'll be fine desu.
Only essential businesses will be open for a while, such as liquor stores and pet stores.
Also no reusable bags you dirty hippies.

It will be okay. The economy is fucked anyway rich people will lose all there money when the dollar halves

cause i work for the vyss institute.

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>vyss institute

you guys working on an antiviral or vaccine?

ya we have a bunch of hospitals great for research. not the greatest hospitals for treatment though.

Why recreational weed stores not considered essential?

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They're world-class you fearshill.
You're just butthurt because this nothingburger hasn't gone anywhere in the past week.

yes and yes

Because we need to only keep the real essentials open such as convenience stores so we can get medicinal slurpees.

Massachusetts like Rhode Island are getting invaded by New Yorkers with Corona virus seeking medical treatment.

i swerve into on coming traffic to spook people when I see they have a mass plate and they're heading north

t. nh fag

have you ever gone to MGH. only really good for larger scale operations. This is a basic virus... that is complex to find a vaccine or anitviral for...

i mean im sure hydroxiecloroquine use is rampant but all the fucking heroin addicts spreading that shit.

do you think remdesivir and the hydroxychloroquine are working?

You fucking shills never stop with the disenfranchisement bullshit, do you?
fuck you
saged and Jew-pilled

finally someone said.

NYC is full of human rats too. hope that place burns to the ground boston has always been superior

You should like a liberal faggot.

Cuomo to CNN: “RI’s Policy Is Reactionary - I Am Going to Sue Rhode Island”

probably one of the people from NY spreading this shit in my state. shut up rat. this wouldnt be so bad if it weren't for NY

We're making serum now but it was budgeted to be done in 2011 and the work wasn't done money gone


and cuomo will lose. he single handedly destroyed New England. fucking fagoot

If you go to Massachusetts and Rhode island hotels and Hospitals you see lots of New York license plates.

Charlie Baker won't address the issue but Gina Raimondo is getting ready to admit that the 200 Corona patients in Rhode Island are New York residents that traveled to Rhode Island for medical treatment.

Dont use ibuprofin with coronavirus, 3 strains right now, bovine one is worst

so youre telling me you work for a disorganzied shitty bio tech firm.... next

We're gonna need the wise guys on the streets

It's getting to the point even CNN is aware that most Corona patients in New England are resident New Yorkers that traveled for treatment.


is it true different blood types are more susceptible

New York hospitals are minority and Jew run

It's why New Yorkers are traveling to other states for treatment.

No man I read all the stuff coming out of the Gao and various aerospace industry trades, war policy etc

exactly what happens when shit hits the fan here and there are no beds left for people that actually live here.

i gotchu sorry for the assumption.

Man...since when did states have that much power?Haven't you guys learned anything from the civil war?Hopefully Zognald uses this to federalise some powers away

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Charlie Baker is a weak fag. And he is going to bit in the ass for not banning the treatment of individual that have traveled to Massachusetts just for treatment.

well when you are the leader of a state you will do anything to avoid destruction to ensure re-election moron

Yes I heard that all the deaths involving type a- and a bad reaction with ibuprofin which most hospitals distribute as standard, us army probably keeping Corona patients away from ibuprofin, having success with a combination of hiv medications but the real deal is pnumonia, the more you get the more likely you will die from it, most people getting 6 infections in a lifetime, we will see how serious this is but anybody with pre existing condition, you at greater risk

No actually. Massachusetts hospitals are more likely to hurt you than help you at all.

17 yrs in Boston, in NH at the moment.
Its been getting real..bout to get fn bigly
real now.

And a complimentary go fuhk yaself.

so the more viral infections you have had in your life makes you more susceptible. so since i have only got the flu seriously 1 or two times in recent years and have no preexisting conditions Im fine?

why the fuck would you escape to NH. they have like zero hospital beds up there and mad old fags

He should declare hunting season on NY plates

Fucking NY niggers go away

in agreement next new york plate i see on 95 Im tailgating to the NH border

they were the ones affected by 9/11 terrorists.
now they are the terrorists

Boomer? Arlington is kinda zogged, next to PROC

Pnumonia specifically, this thing invites it in, it's in drinking water, it's super mutated because of contaminants in the water table like pbb, it mutates the virus to make a super virus, 3 strains and the worst has the bovine rna, it multiplies so fast you can go in 24 hours

No the more often you get pneumonia the likelier you are to die of it. Same goes for me, I don't recall ever having the flu, maybe as a kid and I don't remember? Based immuno-chads will inherit the Earth.

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Whatever, last time i went to boston all i saw were coal burners, tyrones and miguels walking around. Fuck boston and massachusetts, stay out of maine.

Coos County will inherit the Earth.

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Yo you boston and providence guys, are they installing more 5g while the city is on lockdown?

Gardnah fag here, can confirm, local hospital is PACKED to the gills on a daily basis with several NY plates.

It's already fucked.
I was RE-infected of corona this Tuesday, just by going out for grocery.
My city has only about 20 detected cases by then, there are like 100x of them were undetected.

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>'s super mutated because of contaminants in the water table like pbb, it mutates the virus to make a super virus, 3 strains and th

so I have been inside for the most part. aside from going to the grocery store and my college dorm to get my shit last week. Aside from that me and my family have not left the house in 2 weeks. would you say we will be okay?

bruuuuunh one of my good friends gets pnemunia all the time. fuck RIP.
guess the state is just left for people like us.

They're considered essential in California.

because they want you to get a card user, hit up your old contacts to see if you can relive the swinging 2010s

your state is going to be fucked by all the communters that live in southern maine.
sincerly the economic hub of New England,

California is full of weak retards that is why.
go a week without smoking god damn


which county?
And ya obviously cases are 100x actual number.
people are over confident in the healthcare system and New Yorkers are making this a shit storm.

Only time will tell, but this shit has been spreading asymptomatically since at minimum late Jan-early feb.
Your entire household might be infected, we might all be and you wouldn't know for a few weeks.
Your friend better be bunkered up hard. If this isn't a giant ruse by the media, then we're about to be fucked very hard. The fire hasn't even truly begun, we're still sparking.

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only 3 week incubation though pretty sure my dad has it. has a cough but keeps saying it is allergies. Honestly might just bite the bullet and be a dick and try and get him to go get tested.

And also N95 respirators work, I went out for grocery yesterday with it and guess what? I wasn't infected. (already "recovered" from the re-infection)
The media would rather let everyone get infected rather than telling people to make masks with kitchen tissues themselves.

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do you think you actually recovered?