Why are we like this?
Why are we like this?
What's stopping them from having sex. Don't tell me they are... involuntary celibate.
Where is the thread maybe these normies could link it to validate this claim?
I've never had sex because most of the attractive women have at least 1 STD.
As a volcel I'm not entirely sure where we've been celebrating this. I mean...was there a meeting or something?
>group of people feels bad
>that group wants to mak others feel bad
wow how could this happen im shocked
Yeah it was decided at the last hideous and oppressive male meeting, didn't you get the memo?
Also checked
>casual sex
Absolutely heretical
She still gets more sex than you, you pathetic faggot
FFs, don't you get the fucking newsletters
like we're jealous of yuck lefties having sex
i am worried about this lass
the posture she has with her laptop is not great
i fear backpains await in her future
>Everything has to do with sex or the conversation has no meaning
You cunts are all the same--if you cant make it about pussy than you'll figure out how to make it about pussy.
>Incel: the modern assertion that a man has value according to his access to pussy
>Incel: male purity is weakness
Pathetic. Kikes also love this narrative because cunts are so willing to parrot it.
dildo’s don’t count
What's wrong with STDs?
Why does the msm have to shame people who are not promiscuous fuckboys or sluts as mentally ill werido nut jobs. Virgin/not having sex shaming is peak Weimar.
>Master gives me more treats!
LOL You sound like someone's pet.
> She still gets more sex than you, you pathetic faggot
>Australian flag
This post checks out
Why are normies so obsessed with us? We are literally just fucking virgins, we don't give a shit if you can't have casual sex and don't normies just live with their gfs/wives and fuck them instead? Fuck man this shit is annoying.
False. Also condoms are a thing. I can tell you're coping.
That's a lie, we were celebrating because attention whores are going completely insane just because they have to deal with their own shitty personalities and lack of hobbies in quarantine. Get your facts right, Sarah Manavis.
Why is this worth reporting on? Do they enjoy pissing people off on purpose? Does conflict actually fuel their daily lives, rather than their impossible utopian goal?
> some roastie has an opinion
and the people she's targeting for her clickbait cancer are also entitled to their opinion. she needs to get used to it.
You Yas Forums incels are pathetic. We're all laughing at you.
Pic related is me. I bang more puss than you ever will
>German humor
So, I heard there's a group of lonely alienated young men who are communicating on the internet. Let's slander, insult, and attempt to humiliate them in the press.
Kill you.
ahahahahahahaahahahahahHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA intensifies
Establishment shill right here once again LARPing and trying to project the rampant promiscuity and whoredom of righties onto the left.
Its true but why should I care? Ohhh some loser stuck his cock in her what a crowning achievement of the human race
So do pigs on a farm or monkeys at the zoo. What's your point?
Dont know about you guys but I'm not on lockdown and never will be nor am I an incel but I rejoice these fucking sheep scum being scared of the righteous punishment thats about to be cast upon us all, collapse of our societies is 100% deserved and needed, Hungary less so but it will come nevertheless, prepare bros the happening of our times is nigh
It doesn't take much effort for a woman to convince the average man to put his penis inside of her.
The incel will never know the plight of the beautiful.
>big titted moonface writing about attractive people
of the irony
Retarded faggots that parade as journalists ? Good.Fucking.Question.
It's not an Australian flag you favela nigger. Its a kiwi, they're basically Sweden in the South Pacific. Whole nation of faggots & cucks.
>Pic related is me. I bang more puss than you ever will
One (and only one) of these sentences is true.
actually stole that one
It’s mostly Jews want to change the culture into degeneracy. Make people feel terrible for not partaking in the modern Weimar and having casual sex.
In Weimar Germany girls and guys were shamed for being virgins if they haven’t lost it by age 16. This is the culture we are returning to. Where your entire worth is in the hands of women if they let you have sex with them
This is fake news too. Im sure anyone genuine and not a shill already knew that. You got a thread full of LARPing shills acting like it's real and like they're the people the fake news refers to.
I woke up to my woman jerking me off then went back to sleep, woke up a little later and got a blow job. Meanwhile the sexless loser that wrote OP is trying to make herself feel better about not being able to whore herself to different men multiple times a week by suggesting Yas Forums = Yas Forums
total cope and more salt for the salt mine of quarantine 2020
>Journoniggers come here
>Journoniggers make post
>Journoniggers screenshot their post
>Journoniggers create their own news
>Journoniggers be Journoniggers
Gun them down, in Minecraft!
i would bitchslap that smugface of her, until she is looking at me with terror.
then i would proceed to tie her and put a mouthgag then pour hot wax on her tits and inner legs
after i'd just keep skullfucking/tittyfucking and keep using a vibrator, then just as she is about to climax pull the vibrator our and just break her will.
once her will is broken id hatefuck her for a while then discard as her looks and usefulness diminishes - which seems not much is left at this point, she is hitting the wall hard
Different club man, and as
mentioned, that club is growing.
I don't know, shaming us isn't very effective at turning us in degenerates, it does the exact opposite.
seethe fat roastie
Speak for yourself faggot
>OP is trying to make herself feel better
That's what happens when a whore hits the wall. She blames men now that no man below the age of 65 wants to fuck her.
Rest in peace neoliberal society, its time for something new
Tell her she looks goofy and her floppy udders are hanging out
A silver lining of this entire situation has definitely been the normie egopocalypse
>Also condoms are a thing
Fucking with a condom in between you isn't sex, it's just a kind of masturbation
I’m like that because I got my dick blown off by an ied in Iraq fighting wars for kikes. Thank me for me cervix.
>it's just a kind of masturbation
Fucking with a condom is not even worth your time, it's worse than masturbation in every way.
>Reddit normalfags
Pick one.
>gotg image meaning they missed the entire pedo controversy
why is reddit like this?
>thinking people still aren't fucking every day
kek this article is a load of shit
>has kids
Absolute cringeworthy cope
Sex in general is just assisted masturbation without intent to procreate.
Fuck off young turk fag!
Not really, incel.
>tfw 3DPD seethes at Chadcels being 2Dpilled
We aren’t like this, I think it is a hoax fueled by social media
Because fuck normies
What pedo controversy?
Even though someone makes this joke every time we have this thread, it never fails to amuse me.