What went wrong with IDUBBBZ?

What went wrong with IDUBBBZ?


Cont from:

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Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=idubbbz sex worker&src=typed_query



>Socialism for the e-thot
>Rugged individualism for the incel
Seize the means of reproduction.

literally who


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reposting cause older thread was deleted

I have 37 pics and 3 vids

Should I post each 1 by 1 which would take a while or rar and upload the folder somewhere?

Please post them.


Idubbbz GF Leaked Discord Master Post:

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LMAO idubbbz trending for being a simp.

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Upload somewhere before faggot jannies del the thread

twitter.com/search?q=idubbbz sex worker&src=typed_query


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why are jannies so gay ?

Ugly bitch with fake tits. Nasty as fuck.

The fake tits ruined it.

Notice the trend of her revealing more and more slowly over time, full nudes soon

I'm on nofap and this doesn't even trigger me.
Bitch needs to lose weight

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>makes video about idubbbz drama
>gaslights audience and makes the subject about e-celebs and not the hypocrisy of idubbbz being a simping cucklord and having a literal fame leech whore as a girlfriend
What did critikal men by this?

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>watching Critikal still

What for?

>I'm on nofap and this doesn't even trigger me.
if anything it helps, jfc she's nasty

>chicken legs

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>ever watching critikal
guy has always been a huge faggot

This is just idubbz big picture to content cop himself for his last video

The knee of her left leg looks like a stoned babies face

>fake tits
>weird fat distribution
>gross face
>odd skin tone
>stomach covered in moles
Wtf was he thinking?

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isnt this guy a homo, he sure looks like a faggot one of those trannys

no u. hes content was cool before the gay face reveal

Can someone explain this zoomer buzzword "simp", feel like it's been used so flippantly that it almost has no meaning

this guy is fucking lame

Incel -> Coomer -> Joomer

Well, I only watched a few vids of his since they were constantly rec'd. Bored me, so I stopped.

He PAID for her tit job

I did some research
she didn't become like this one week and opened an onlyfan

idubz was a cuck all along, it just wasn't on his channel/twitter like this has

maybe when you were 9, but go and watch it now and you'll realise it was trash

he stole bogdanoff's cheeks!!! kill him!!

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wtf is this photoshopped?

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It's the new 'cuck'. It's not new per se, niggers have been using it for years. A simp is a white knight coupled with a paypig. Gives women money and defends them for nothing in return.

Stop spamming this nobody gives a fuck about your e-celeb, sage

>$12 a month for this
What is wrong with simps?

A sim puts pussy in a pedestal and does literally anything for the pussy, even if he never gets to touch it.
A cuck puts the pussy that he claims to own on a pedestal and jerks off while others touch it.

>What went wrong with IDUBBBZ
pic related.
he got mesmerized by that stare.

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Its not the new cuck, see

hey youre pretty cool for a kike

I think so
I just went through all the discord history and saved the pics, might have some doubles because some users reposted or those weird photoshops sims did for her tips, grabbed everything regardless

beta men are drawn towards sub-par women. It's a symptom of their attainability complexes.

A man that either financially backs ethots or publicly thirsts over them.

you might be right

>is this photoshopped
Yes, can't you tell the nipple is fake? You absolute mongrel.

S ucker
I dolizing
M ediocre
P ussy

How long until women just start selling themselves as a "girlfriend"?

An extra $50 a month for her to not mention her other custome- boyfriends

Don't EVER underestimate how low a man will sink for a woman.

>He PAID for her tit job
God is dead.

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It is the new cuck in terms of usage. 2015 cuck cuck cuck cuck, 2020 simp simp simp simp simp

Read my post again, Mr. I failed reading comprehension in the 7th grade.

obviously i suspected it and wanted a second opinion you industrial cock inhaling memeflaggot, fuck off

bitch looks like my cousin with a wig

How long? They already do this? There are multiple websites with catalogues of e-girls that will act as your gf for the hours that you pay.

Charlie's a manlet supreme, he's gotta worry about saying anything that could be construed as "anti-woman", or his girlfriend might leave him

>"""Cuck""" fucks thot while random virgins online wank off to her

Incels literally cannot see the big picture or the irony here.

Imagine if they break up in a few years which is definitely going to happen
god I can't wait

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Becoming successful turns people to shit. So many examples.
They get money, a golddigger life, and suddenly they have everything, they have to keep making videos or whatever to keep the money flowing in but they dont really WANT to anymore. It's turned from a hobby/outlet into work.

Jesus christ the guys in these discords are fucking lower than cucks

>men are just mad they have to pay for women

well not really I just realize I've gotta wait until I'm like 40, where you'll also be 40 and nobody will be buying your nudes or fucking your stank hole anymore

A screencap from the comment sections of iCuckkkz from the last few threads that I found amusing.

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Nigga needs to learn that if she's willing to cheat with you, she's willing to cheat on you.


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he'll become a real cuck sooner or later, she'll convince him it's cool to let her have some fun with her other friends from time to time

See this She will definitely leave him.
And he will make a video about how it was a "mutual" decision.






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bottom one has to be satire

my sides

4, fin

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>in a few years
Id say a few months is more accurate especially given how much money shes making off of simps

>only boomers don't let their gfs fuck other guys.
based retard.

Charlie has always been pretty beta, dudes like 5'3 and built like a 10 year old. Hes pretty honest that hes a beta though so whatever.

i think youre mctrollenstein (cringe) and you just got taken for a ride by an actual troll

Said this point last thread but jannies.
People project and try to live vicariously through Ian is absolutely why it blew over. He's skinny anemic white trash who plays games, says nigger, and makes money voicing his opinion on the internet. Literally every rural white guy's dream.

its not about eceleb drama you dumb fuck. we care because it shows the new generation waking up to weimar shit. same reason why there were threads about the pewdiepie adl fiasco. zoomers are based. you are not. kill yourself.

judging by the number of comments I'd say some people do

No need to thank me
>I stayed up till 3am for this
pic related

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Wtf is this zoomer shit? Get it off my board. Nobody even who the fuck those people are. Kys op


Thank you merchant you are truly our greatest ally


I love how cucks are trying to paint having self respect as being bad. It really makes them seethe that normal people dont let their bitches fuck other men. Also this whole "it's ok to be a cuck" shit is all coming from white dudes.

What is it with people with small dicks having a cuck fetish? Vaginal orgasms aren't a thing, the majority of pleasure comes directly from the clit. Just jam that fucker against it and go wild. In fact, the fact that you can actually FUCK the clit with a small dick makes it better for both you and her. For anything else, there's strapons and dildos.
A small penis isn't the end of the world and it definitely isn't a reason for you to bitch out and let someone you love fuck other men.

>Also this whole "it's ok to be a cuck" shit is all coming from white dudes.
Gonna need sauce on that faggot

Not me, saw it in a janny nuked thread, was fishing through the comments in his videos after. Half are basically roasties and guys like this, the other half are mocking him.

Imagine the impact of onlyfans of society
More relationships will be ruined?

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Gotta love when the high road numorals approach backfires. When will they learn?

>Vaginal orgasms aren't a thing
Uhh, buddy...

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Why are you brainstorming faggot?

I doubt it's a fetish, they might lie to themselves and tell themselves they enjoy it but deep down cucks just go with it because they know their bitches will leave them if they dont let them fuck other dudes and they dont think they can find another woman so they cling to the whore and degrade themselves to keep her around. It's pretty much mental illness.

>all these people seething when their internet hero does something they don't agree on
lmaoing at you

>the new generation is waking up because they care and engage in eceleb tabloid tier drama bullshit about faggot youtubers being degens
Wow you're right. Thats actually so based. You totally are the first ones to give a shit about celeb shit. Based zoom zoom.

It's the effect of porn coupled with loss of self worth. Weak willed idiots think a big cock is what keeps your girl faithful.

I have never seen a non white with a cuckold fetish, I bet you've never seen one either.

They aren't. What's happening is you're stimulating the clit while you're banging the shit out of her. You know you can actually do surgery inside the vagina without anesthesia or any kind of numbing agent, right? It's because it's devoid of nerves. The G-spot is just the inner part of their clit.

>caring about a manlets opinion

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Making fun of betas isnt seething.

because the media are training whites to be victims for decades.

>You totally are the first ones to give a shit about celeb shit
what are you even trying to say? dumb leaf go back to spamming bbc shit

this is just related to this thread
I hate the fact idubz is a cuck and that a site like onlyfans exists

That could be it honestly.

That’s actually completely based

Bunty King, if you consider Arabs non-whites.

stop looking for a new dad on YouTube you failure

Oh you clearly haven't seen the previous threads about this or twitter comments. There are huge number of ian's fans seething for real. It's fucking hilarious.