Denmark to imprison those who refuse coronavirus vaccine

And deny citizens access to grocery stores and public transit if they don't submit to being tested for the virus.

How are they going to check at the door of the grocery store if someone has been tested/vaxxed? Wrist band, tattoo, micro chip?

Attached: gates.jpg (450x345, 17.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck this gay life

is this board all bots now or what? how are people not concerned about mandatory vaccinations and the requirement to show proof of vaccination to enter buildings

lol, tell us how it works out denmark.

This should start the big igloo off nicely. Idiots.

what if u already had the virus and are immune, isnt that bad to get

Are they enforcing vaccination or testing?
Is there a vaccine already?

I made a thread about Florida sneaking in mandatory vax and testing into their "emergency court procedures" and didn't get one reply. Sad!

>Are they enforcing vaccination or testing?
Both, from the article:

>Denmark's parliament on Thursday night unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law which gives health authorities powers to force testing, treatment and quarantine with the backing of the police.

>As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus.

There is not yet a vaccine, but there are over a dozen organizations saying they will have one soon, which is suspicious given they could not develop a vaccine for SARS after 20 years.

What vaccine lamo

Yeah. Side effects anyone? Just remember what happened in your country some years ago...

why would danish citizens allow this to happen

could you link me to info about that user?


>be our guinea pigs or else

You better start believing in New World Orders.

You're in one

Attached: india.jpg (624x414, 50.1K)





Attached: 1073AB51-2C3C-43BD-AAD1-CDE61F0A0B2C.jpg (1024x697, 60.42K)

Never come here, our health care is horrendous because of socialism, trust me, I have to wait 8 months to see a GP for a cold. Also it rained 80% of the year, we makes the lowest average salary in western europe, shitskins everywhere, its awful.

Never come here.
Never visit.
Never work here.
Never study here.
Fuck right off, this place is awful and you would do yourself a favor to never even say the name Denmark.

Fuck you.

the average dane is a sub human trogolodyte squinty eyed with a short uptilt pig nose may they all burn in hell

there is no vaccine.

>inb4 this happens in US and the boog starts

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.png (1022x731, 642.76K)

got your finns and danes mixed up there, m'bogo.

Wallah habibi jeg knepper hele din familie hvis du siger bare et enkelt ord mere mohammed forstår du?

Here you go, this is the thread I made.

>there are over a dozen organizations saying they will have one soon
soon = 12-18 months

Attached: 1572819010202.jpg (937x927, 162.57K)

If this happens in the US I'd rather start dropping hard redpills to niggers for a week or so than take some kike poisons


isnt this unconstitutional? I guess any person or group in the country can denounce it to the supreme court.

>lowest average salary
No way? I figured you were better off than most in that respect.

That would be a human rights violation.

Guberment said the constitution is invalid during a pandemic
Not even meme’ing

Time Magazine Man of the Year "DR. ANTHONY FAUCI" has made Trump into a vaccine cuck (even though they turned Trump's own son into a literal retard) and Trump is bragging at his press conference how they're coming "very, very soon".

Attached: JewishVaccination.jpg (1920x1469, 1.11M)

It probanly will be volontaty here kf it happens user, still don't do ot, drop the fact thepat they take years to come out too

If the vaccine works then why would you care if the person next do you has a deadly virus?

You're partially right:
The Jews don't gaf about middle age men.
They want to sterilize white babies and children.

Attached: Vaccine_Torture_3.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

A feature, not a bug ;)

Hong Kong is undertaking a major surveillance operation to keep tabs on the thousands of passengers arriving at its borders amid fears that travelers will unleash a new wave of coronavirus cases.

Starting Thursday, the local government enforced a mandatory 14-day quarantine followed by two weeks of medical surveillance for all arrivals coming into the Special Administrative Region (SAR). The government is also aiming to slap tracking bracelets on all entrants to ensure no one breaks containment.

Check this out anons

THE feature.

Attached: HPV_Infertility_Sexless_SMALL.jpg (1280x1262, 377.17K)

and the system in place here restricts what posts real people can see from other real people

this is glowniggered from the top

fake news. its bullshit. its impossible.

tourists and sand nigger refugees will blow that away in no time.

sharpest one in the toolbox huh...

Good Goys will bend over and let Dr Shlomo put that injection in your bunghole, and thank their G-d for Jews.

hej Mohammed

They don't gaf about YOU.
They want to get white CHILDREN.

Attached: Ant-Vaxxer_Family.webm (640x360, 1.04M)

>and the system in place here restricts what posts real people can see from other real people
I have suspected this for some time.

The source is right in the op, it's real.

thanks user

every other post is about wanting war with china russia iran....

"good goys" includes every single public white nationalist

Attached: AltRight_Vaccines.jpg (1807x1440, 1.47M)

Vaccine-free families are far, far, far healthier than the vaxxed:

Attached: Vaccine.Free.Family.jpg (1147x766, 521.22K)

>le based far right pro israel government begin the mandatory goyim vaccination
colour me sourprised

Europe is doomed.
The absolute fucking state of this socialist bolshevik shithole continent.

What the fuck? That is going to screw that kid up mentally.

Did anybody else in NY just get this message?

Attached: PHONE ALERT.png (1275x1650, 2.02M)

Quantum dot migration into your lymph nodes is a feature not a bug.

Attached: 1581686395244.jpg (350x327, 19.22K)

So basically, they'll be giving people yearly injections with God-knows-what inside under the pretext of having 'found a vaccine that will kill the coronavirus for sure this time, goys!'

if you refuse you are a white supremacist

the fact that shit from the bible prophecy is actually happening only confirms that you can't stop it, RIDE THE TIGER AND ADAPT
come move to yakushima the island where we can all cultivate our small white community and make it through "the end times"
not some orania shit, let's use our brains and the islands resources to build a fully functioning independent society

Attached: yakushima.jpg (426x640, 113.9K)

Eat shit, mutt.

This is fucking insane. We can be sure they already have something like this in the works here too. Why isn't this being talked about anywhere but here?

It's getting worse too. Whether it's bots or just shills, any good info is getting slid hard or outright beleted

Thats smells like human rights violation, but human righties will be silent on these

Because it's not going to happen, at least not here.

Its going to be here too soon aint it bois, I refuse, molon labe etc

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I'll start worrying if Israel and Palestine agree to a peace deal and the third temple is built. This is baby stuff.

Trump is skeptical of vaccines. He would not let it happen.

If you've taken the vaccine what do you care if there are unvaxxed spreaders walking about. You're immune.