/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2672

► Detected: 660,151 (+63,784) ► Died: 30,642 (+3,298)

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 202 countries and territories infected —
— 66% more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —
— 2,084 different strains have been sequenced —

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

Coronavirus spike already visible in mortality rates from Italy

Spain mortality rate goes up 17% due to coronavirus

South Korea leading expert recommends wearing masks

Survives up to 9 days on different materials

In France, half in intensive care under 50 years old

N95 masks can be reused if dry heated at 70 °C for 30 minutes

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves

H1N1 only had 18,500 DNA-confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China


22:20: 327 new cases and 13 new deaths in Colorado, United States.
22:16: 1,017 new cases and 9 new deaths in Massachusetts, United States.
22:10: 897 new cases and 162 new deaths in Spain.
22:07: 122 new cases in Utah, United States.
21:50: 233 new cases and 6 new deaths in Connecticut, United States.
21:34: 249 new cases and 11 new deaths in King County, Washington state, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>664446 infected
>30661 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

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Stop making these threads over a fake as fuck hoax meme.

Is reading from a kindle really like reading a real book? When it comes to feeling on the eyes, I mean.

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Finlan will rise unscathed

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Im getting bored of this virus, hurry up and do something.

frens, I haven't been to a /cvg/ since #23 or so back in January but I'm seeing a lot of normalcy bias and ignorance shills on Yas Forums lately

What's up with that? This is the greatest happening in over a century and people act as if it's a huge nothingburger, are we being invaded?

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>its just fake bro look at the mortality statistics no more people died than usual

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China is the Middle Kingdom. Everything and everyone revolves around it. China's superior system of governance is the way of the future. It's technology and science is unmatched by any civilization. It's people are proud, strong and intelligent. The Han Chinese are the Gods of the real world.

While average IQ westerners care about surface level knowledge, like "GDP" and "elections", the Chinese care about maintaining and advancing civilization. We balance the natural shifts of world power. Without China, the Earth would fall into eternal chaos.

Australia? You mean 澳大利亚. America? You mean 美国. It's Chinese autonomous territory. Hope you know Mandarin, subhumans. Start practicing Han culture instead of your barbaric one. You'll still be a Class-B citizen, but at least you won't be sent to the Sino-African vassal states to do hard labor. You are merely pawns in China's rightful quest of world (and eventual space) domination.

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Godspeed Corona chan!

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I've been telling people for weeks I had this crazy weird deja vu style dream of watching Mike Pence announce something on April 1st, and that that the day America really goes crazy, bonus points for April fools Day confusion.
I'm not some hippie faggot, but I've had this happen before, but never with anything important.
All I know is April 1st, not sure if Aussie or burger time, something big is gonna be announced in America and people are gonna freak out.

Walk right into an infectious ward of a hospital then

The flu kills 2.3 million people per year

STOP making these threads

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sorta but theyre not as nice to hold



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You guys duck at the stuff you said you do well.


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clapping for shit is cringe now.

book cunt here from last thread, i've tried it and it just feels wrong idk, gave my kindle to my mum and forgot about it

wait a moment
I just read some news, that my state just received 2.8 million masks from China.
Though they said, that it was a delivery of ~6000 boxes.
So that means ~467 """masks""" per box.
I don't think FFP2/3 masks come in boxes of several hundreds. Did China just send us a bunch of pieces of cloth with earholes as well?

Bill I know you post here, go back to twitter

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absolutely based

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does the flu leave you with infertility? lung fibrosis? 50% chance of being on ventilators for the rest of your life if you go into ICU? cross blood-brain barrier and turn off your breathing?

c'mon bruh

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What's that sign say?

third worlders aren't real people

>they had other health issues bro they shouldn't be counted as corona victims

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Reminder to look at facts and ignore hype. Follow scientists not pundits. This is a large ruse, and a very creepy display of power on the part of the elite.

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heres your (You) faggot

Keep coping

>nooooo its fake they are all crisis actors
>the nurses and doctors as well they are all in on a global conspiracy

Great investment, you get basically everything from libgen(remember to download calibre), soft on the eyes, good battery, comfy and easy to carry around.

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Yeah, guys. Nothing to see here. Everything is perfectly normal.

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King of Thailand for reference

If up you have yet to feel the divine presence around you yet you are a lost soul, accept the sacred names into your soul and you may be spared by the storm that Yeshua , Yahweh and the Choir of Angels ave brought to punish the sinful.

Clear your mind, soul and body of poisons and emrabce them all at this time of dire need.

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or what? :)

United States 121,043 (2,020) Italy 92,472 (10,023) China 81,394 (3,295) Spain 73,235 (5,982) Germany 57,695 (433) France 37,575 (2,314) Iran 35,408 (2,517) United Kingdom 17,089 (1,019) Switzerland 14,076 (264) Netherlands 9,762 (639) South Korea 9,478 (144) Belgium 9,134 (353) Austria 8,271 (68) Turkey 7,402 (108) Canada 5,576 (60) Portugal 5,170 (100) Norway 4,015 (23) Brazil 3,904 (111) Australia 3,635 (14) Israel 3,619 (12) Sweden 3,447 (105) Czech Republic 2,631 (11) Ireland 2,415 (36) Malaysia 2,320 (27) Denmark 2,201 (65) Chile 1,909 (6) Luxembourg 1,831 (18) Ecuador 1,823 (48) Japan 1,693 (52) Poland 1,638 (18) Pakistan 1,495 (12) Romania 1,452 (35) Russia 1,264 (4) Thailand 1,245 (6) Saudi Arabia 1,203 (4) South Africa 1,187 (1) Finland 1,167 (9) Indonesia 1,155 (102) Philippines 1,075 (68) Greece 1,061 (32) India 987 (24) Iceland 963 (2) Singapore 802 (2) Panama 786 (14) Dominican Republic 719 (28)…

United States +16,917 (+324) Italy +5,974 (+889) Spain +7,516 (+844) Germany +6,824 (+82) France +4,611 (+319) Iran +3,076 (+139) United Kingdom +2,546 (+260) Switzerland +1,148 (+33) Netherlands +1,159 (+93) South Korea +146 (+5) Belgium +1,850 (+64) Austria +574 (+10) Turkey +1,704 (+16) Canada +819 (+5) Portugal +902 (+24) Norway +244 (+4) Brazil +487 (+19) Australia +257 (+1) Czech Republic +352 (+2) Ireland +294 (+14) Malaysia +159 (+1) Denmark +155 (+13) Chile +299 (+1) Luxembourg +226 (+3) Ecuador +196 (+7) Japan +194 (+3) Poland +249 (+2) Pakistan +122 (+1) Romania +160 (+9) Thailand +109 (+1) Saudi Arabia +99 (+1) Finland +126 (+2) Indonesia +109 (+15) Philippines +272 (+14) Greece +95 (+4) India +100 (+4) Dominican Republic +138 (+8) Mexico +132 (+4) Argentina +101 (+5) Peru +36 (+5) Serbia +131 (+2) Croatia +71 (+2) Qatar +28 (+1) Egypt +40 (+6) Iraq +48 (+2)…


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We're gonna make it. And hard lockdown only started last night.

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>can be used for 40 hours.
Non-disposables are useless when you don't know how to disinfect them or wear them properly which 90% of people don't.

Boomers coping with the fact that they will all die to an invisible enemy
Also schizos

I normally can’t stand reading on screens and prefer actual paper, but if you get the “paper like” one from Amazon I didn’t mind it as much personally.

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>posts bill mitchell
yikes bro, imagine filling another kike's bags while you leave yourself and your family vulnerable and in perpetual poverty

lol based, here's the audio


kys retard

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I just pirate everything onto the kindle app


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Comfy Corona Research Stream, come hang out with me, I'm figuring this corona shit out...

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I literally dreamt about an empty Asian city/End of the world about a week before the lockdown in wuhan.

rate version

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some people in denial, others just trying to have fun at this point. then there are the actual chinese shills but dunno why they would bother with Yas Forums considering we usually hated chinks even before this

what causes magapedes to be like this?

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that's a cute kit

The chinese are a curse upon the Earth and I hope half are eliminated

I feel like we're taking it more seriously compared to other cunts


>Press P to praise.

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>When it comes to feeling on the eyes, I mean.

This is what the boxes apparently look like. Not sure how one box could fit 460 N95/FFP2 masks.

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If thats true, then this virus will kill more than tripple that number per year.

You have a president telling his boomer base they should expect things going back to normal around Easter.

Fox10 Virtual Town Hall featuring Trump and more:

Notable timestamps:
>"the problem being obviously the problem"
>what did he mean by this
>flu numbers are much worse and we don't shut down the country over that
>car accidents are even worse and we're not asking factories to stop making cars
>we've had 1293012380123 flu victims per year and didn't shut down
>muh economy
>muh gdp
>we've had flus before
>we've had viruses before
>just socially distance and work harder lmao
>just clean your hands five times more than you're used to bro
>"a recession will have more suicide-related deaths than an unleashed pandemic"
>never closed country
>we've never closed the country before and we've had some pretty bad flus and viruses

“I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go into major hospitals, sometimes they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they’re saying, ‘can we order 30,000 ventilators?’

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The cunts have no self awareness.

Yawn, troll harder.
China was built by, and is controlled by, western investors and (((bankers))). It was purpose built since the 60s to serve a purpose for the globalist revolution. Like many, they let China feel like they are autonomous, but at the top they know they are controlled by the same people that control the west, and middle east.

Are they waking up?

Attached: maybe its not just a flu.png (629x408, 36.72K)

Keep Going Bill. GO GO GO... People will wake up to the truth, eventually... it may be too late by then, but they will awaken.

peak clown world

United States (-4.22%) Germany (-5.29%) France (-4.84%) United Kingdom (-5.76%) Italy (-4.53%) Switzerland (-3.51%) Spain (-3.92%) Austria (-1.99%) Poland (-0.94%) Netherlands (-4.35%) Hungary (-1.99%) Russia (-5.73%) Greece (-4.52%) Brazil (-5.68%) Japan (+0.93%) Hong Kong (-0.48%) China (-0.29%) Australia (-8.82%) Singapore (-0.43%) India (-1.87%) South Korea (+1.78%) Taiwan (-3.70%) South Africa (-4.87%)

Sydney (0%) Tokyo (-5%) Beijing (-3%) Wuhan (-3%) New Delhi (-6%) Dubai (-15%) Moscow (-6%) Rome (-14%) Milan (-11%) Berlin (-10%) Munich (-8%) Brussels (-10%) Paris (-17%) Madrid (-11%) Barcelona (-10%) London (-22%) Johannesburg (-3%) Sao Paulo (-31%) Buenos Aires (-23%) New York (-38%) Washington (-24%) Miami (-18%) Toronto (-30%) Chicago (-14%) Houston (-19%) Mexico City (-29%) Los Angeles (-37%) Seattle (-2%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) Pakistan (211m) United States (196m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (70m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Poland (37m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m) Romania (19m) Netherlands (17m) Ecuador (16m) Belgium (11m) Tunisia (11m) Czech Republic (10m) Dominican Republic (10m) Greece (10m) Portugal (10m)…


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Damn, where's mine?

you aren't gary

Anyone got the updated "deaths per day" comparison chart for corona?

>there will be a niggerchild born in america this year named coronavirus

No doubt. Full lockdown with only 20 deaths.

I don't understand this, doesn't every American have a chest full of guns and ammo? Why don't you just shoot your landlord? Or at least coof on him?


What is the source for this? I'm pretty sure more than 51 doctors have been infected. I've seen other sources saying thousands of Italian healthcare workers have tested positive.

Shut the fuck up. We do not determine the threat of an exponential threat by its current numbers - but by its potential.

The Coronavirus is an exponential threat that has already surpassed the flu in daily deaths, and it is far from done. As it continues to spread exponentially, it will leave the flu in the dust. Do us all a favor and kill yourself when that time comes.

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Chances are bull mitchell is a fuckload more informed than you. Keep shilling for shareblue. Hillary will never be president.

Maga, bitch.

N95 masks can stack, like pringles. They really don't take up much volume.

I love you, Corona-chan.

Pleass be true


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>tfw sitting comfy in california

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It is actually useful

wtf mutts !?
Why do they explain why they need to pay and also offer support to help them pay?
> missing the "pay or leave/get shot"

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This is just another hit job by the Dems to make Trump look bad in an election year. Remember Russia, Ukraine and Kavanaugh?

coof coof coooooof


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Russian government should quarantine Moscow as soon as possible desu

Got a webm of the progression

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I love you Corona Chan

90% yes

This is not a bio weapon. That would target our working and fighting age people. This is a bio-economic weapon. It targets those not useful to China (the old & sick) if it got out of control and boomeranged back on them while creating global economic panic.

10% death, 90% fear.

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On March 7, the Coronavirus only killed 105 people in a day. On March 27, it killed over 3,100. That's the power of exponents, and there is no reason why its growth should slow. You're a fucking retard.

>China sends out it's goons to every nation on earth to buy up every decent mask in early January and ship them all back to China. then China donates millions of literal cheap gauze do nothing masks to the nations they've fucked

it's insane dude, i can't get it through people's heads and i sincerely believe some of Yas Forumstards finest have fallen by the shills and chicoms propaganda

can't wait for Jim's stream tomorrow, tons of redpills gonna get dropped

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100 chips in this one tube? I'm calling bullshit

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Shit like this is what causes riots

Landlords are going to get day of the roped in like 3 weeks.

I have these masks, anyone know if they're good?

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Gabatte! CORONA CHAN!!!!

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How hard to clean properly??

>Double the P double the praise? Big if true!


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>Feb. 10: “Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do — you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases — 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.” — Trump at the White House.

This thing is blown way out of proportion.
Call me when it gets as bad as spanish flu, otherwise it's fucking nothing.

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Are they shipping them to China?

thats not even the gary format retard

as long as you're wearing your goggles, your noseplugs and your earplugs.

its expected that as the number goes higher the growth rate slows down by percentage. its easier and quick to infect the first half then the second half.


They seem better than a cell phone screen. Nothin beats a book... but if you like reading, its handy stuff.

>does the flu leave you with infertility?
show one person who has been diagnosed with infertility from this virus
>lung fibrosis?
show proof of this occurring
>50% chance of being on ventilators for the rest of your life
this has not happened, show proof.
>turn off your breathing
sounds like CPC propaganda

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How's it going over there for you guys?

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only gary is allowed to shill

>King of Thailand
>Harem of women
>women (male)

>doesn't give it time
>gives demands
>is retarded

Whts the timecale from
0-100k cases
600k-700k (we are essentially there)

>1/4 of the world on lockdown
Colgate being a retard as always

better than nothing

just wear'em

wear glasses too if you got'em

Lead paint.

I dont believe you are a real mushbrain boomer, good bait tho

>pretending saudi arabia and brazil don't exist

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If you are the Russian user who gave me an update on Russia a couple of threads ago, Thanks. Stay safe.

kek, reminds me of that scene in coming to america

this is harem
welp wait in 2 yrs, when the final estimation comes.

I would like to know the source of that coofergirl for research

>fact: china shut down as soon as it realized the virus true origins (investigations happened in early january if any of you fuckers were here with me during the first cvg)
>fact: no country would've shutdown to such drastic measures if they didn't know something the public wasn't aware of, ie. escaped bioweapon
this is most definitely a bioweapon, fuck dude don't you remember the early january research reports we dug up on the chinese researchers who studied how to make a chimera virus?

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You’re me two days ago.
Wake up.

You should add an , I’ve heard, or a some people say to all the news you hear, remember that bran cures cancer is a fact, everyone agreed.

>In 5 years there will be twenty rappers with various corona based names such as Wuhan Killa, Cee-Vir and Airborn D.

if you look at it from the bright side, maybe it'll look like this soon. If Bill isn't dead by then, you know he's going to tweet something like
>@Bill Mitchell
>Zero deaths in Bergamo for an entire month now! Are liberals still trying to use Italy for their #fearporn?

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You probably get asked this a lot, but what the FUCK is going in Italy RIGHT NOW?

Oh but it’s already slowing down, sorry doomie


Yeah, I'm looking forward to that steam too

this will backfire

Blonde corona-chan is gross.

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We will be at 800k by Monday.


Lockdown based on media hysteria

the "only xxxxxx dead" meme has been here from the start stfu meme flaggot

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Apparently VW purchased them from China to donate them to institutions in Germany that need them.


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I love you Corona Chan

Yes, that was a chink hoax just like everything else

You know what magic is? When the media convinced us a pandemic which has killed 31,000 is more dangerous that one which killed 575,000 (H1N1).

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lurk moar, newfag

Pathogen X

This will play after you survive and obtain your own home living like a boomer.


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Please let the congregation of my local church know about (((things))) they should know about.
Live stream starts at 10am

Russian government should quarantine all the regions where at least one case has been detected.

How are the Italian numbers?

yeah it was all planned, they are Saturday morning cartoon villains
they also planned to harm their economy too just to spite the proud Americans

>Oh but it’s already slowing down, sorry doomie
Where have I heard this before?
Seriously, you're fucking retarded if you believe this is slowing down.

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Nice VPN Bill

How many deaths in Europe by H1N1?

ok bill mitchel, go outside and eat pasta

oh wait