HAPPENING: Jews are suddenly heading towards jerusalem en masse!


they just started walking towards jerusalem for no reason!
Jesus has returned.

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imagine the smell

Legalized voluntary expulsion

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another country they're going to get kicked out of

Why do they look inbred?

Built for BBC

why would jews celebrate the return of jesus? i think hed prolly be pretty pissed at them

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Oh shit. Is there a Jewish holiday today maybe?

>Built for an ICBM

the holocough. put the jews on ventilators and let the gas do its thing.

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Uninformed Muslim

Didn't Israeli gov close all synagogues because of Covid-19? Orthodox not happy.

What a sick and evil looking people.

Bc they are.

where is hayarkon park?


cough to cause second holocaust

Attached: 772e149de804e22df4ccfbc3fe353699955db83dr1-707-740v2_uhq.jpg (707x740, 63.64K)

This. Wait for all of them to arrive. No more unfinished jobs.

Gefelte fish and unwashed beard.

Global pandemic and a flock of jews out spreading disease. Every. Single. Time.

>unwashed beard
they don't even wash what little receding hair they have left from their inbred genes
it's absolutely rancid

We are fucked

zombies coming soon

You guys bring it upon yourself.

dont jews live in Jeruslalem

Kikes hate Jesus.
They probably got the message on their kike pager that tells them their kike vaccine is ready

its in Tel Aviv

Are those guys retarded ? There is the fucking Cornoavirus in Israel ?
Do they want to get holocausted ?


I mean, can you fucking imagine if 10 of those guys have the virus ?
It's the holocaust all over again...

Yeah, you are. I think you're fucked mate..
Stay in your house for a while because, i think your country is going to go to Auschwitzland oon.

that pic looks like the end of V for Vendetta lol

implying there was a holocaust

Is it me or are Orthodox Jews basically Christian-tier, yet dumber.

what are they up to

Tell me how to write Coronacaust in heeb

They are protesting for some media / political bullshit

Yeah, but the video is from today.
Check on twitter.

Watch out Anons, HIGH ALERT, not a dril! They will start global sacrifice of the goym to their gaylord satan.


idk what's going on, I just want Palestine united and reinstated asap.

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I dunno if this is bullshit but I don't believe it

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oh no its the jidf shill again, what have i told you yesterday young man?

They should be quarantined but some jews believe the virus only kills goys.

i aint shilling


dont let me catch you lacking or else daddy n*srall*h will start spankin

>Jesus reborn in Israel

im sowwy im sowwy i hate the jews! kill all the jews!

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>Changes his IP
>i aint shilling

Attached: jidf 8.png (640x600, 111.69K)

>That image...

The thought of standing in front of all those kikes with a Tommy gun and a gym bag overflowing with loaded 30 round magazines makes me fucking HARD!

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my router resets and it changes my ID for some reason

that's better

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They are there for some Jewish Rabbi who died

Like kosher meat and baby dick breath.



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God jews are fucking disgusting, should never be allowed in America

la ayre fik w fi sara7a l dawle kela 3a ayre w israel kamen

Or jews know its just a hoax...


>jews leaving
Wtf? Now i love CoronaVirus

>Nazis are too lazy nowadays! Let's move our asses back to home then!

Don't worry, you can ask for reparations to China when you turn 70

sorry baba feyit nem hala2 :/

Nope, I don't think saw the Orthodox are actually getting some heat for that by the atheistic population of Israel for that.
Pic very much related.

Attached: Israel is fucked.png (1912x384, 68.61K)

On the contrary, it means the Antichrist will reveal himself. Watch the news & skies on Easter Sunday.

That's horrible, but I hope that it weakens Israel to a point where they can be broke, beaten and kicked out. But then again this could be a blessing and they could use Hydroxychloroquine, proving to the media that it works on a massive scale.

I have, but I'm in California under lockdown.

I got some bad news for you, the Antichrist comes back first. Its all in the book.

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So these idiot Orthodox are pissed that it's passover and Israel is telling them not to congregate in mass numbers?
tfw they all die of Coronachan

someone needs to mod the lemmings game