>Downing Street says China faces a 'reckoning' over the coronavirus and risks becoming a 'pariah state' as Boris Johnson faces pressure to scrap the Huawei deal

>One senior Government source said: ‘Of course, the only priority now is to deal with the crisis, but everybody knows that there has to be a reckoning when all this is over. Ban Chinese business, ban Chinese tourists and academics, whatever is needed to show them we are serious about their failures and lies.’

>Writing for The Mail on Sunday, former Tory Party leader Iain Duncan Smith says: ‘For too long, nations have lamely kow-towed to China in the desperate hope of wining trade deals. But once we get clear of this terrible pandemic, it is imperative that we all rethink that relationship and put it on a much more balanced and honest basis. China can no longer be allowed to think of itself as a superpower. The West must isolate and contain the threat posed by Beijing.'

Attached: download.jpg (298x169, 19.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Downing Street says China faces a 'reckoning' over the coronavirus and risks becoming a 'pariah state'
fucking hate chinks hope this ends in no one doing business with them and a huge chink famine

The belly of the dragon will drip water

China should be glass right now but our leaders are fucking cowards that value money more then lives

>china is facist
pretty based
unlike the jewnited state that think their model is to be followed as their filling their country with ever more so third world subhumans

Attached: 1585418652824.jpg (1080x2280, 933.17K)

I've been spamming my MP with all the shady shit China has been up to, but have had no response from her. She's useless.

I am looking forward to the paper dragon finally getting its comeuppance

>daily mail

whats the real story though

evil nazi virus

>Boris gives China the 5G deal instead of America.

>Sudden virus spread through the world starting in China.

>Mass panic and hysteria

>America gets the 5G deal.

America did it again.

Attached: tumblr_p1lkmbr71s1usyygio1_500.gif (480x352, 2.77M)

these imported workers are going to the front lines to work while we stay home and collect neet bux

they will all get sick and die while we wait this thing out

Attached: images.jpg (222x227, 5.85K)

We should nuke china.

also, aint china communist?!

3 Gorges dam, I wish a nigga would.

pick one. but anyways that's enough of "da democrats r da reel nahtzees"

Attached: israel and china confirmed jewish communist allies.jpg (1608x1200, 1.08M)

Already to stage 5. Ahead of your classmates across the pond who are between 3 and 4, with the retarded ones still on stage 2.

Attached: stages.jpg (1644x1290, 307.3K)

meh if china simply revamped some regulations we could go back to business as usual maybe. But the thing about china is they never follow rules. they will go back to the wild animal markets in a year. These wild animal markets are all over SE asia, not just china.



Or steal their rain and let the fuckers eat each other.

>3 Gorges dam, I wish a nigga would.
is falling apart.

Attached: Three-Gorges-Dam-20092018.jpg (3000x2000, 943.49K)

>Pick one


Meanwhile britcucks shut everything down whilst the Chinese continue to prosper.

China created the coronavirus to spread communism, we should nuke china instead of japan.

capitalism and communism are the exact same. fucking ancaps...

Attached: capitalism and communism are the bestest of allies and on the same coin.png (576x566, 357.8K)

Don't use the term "chink."

Fuck China, I pray for them to be isolated and banned from trade with heavy sanctions. I hope they send these chinks back to the stone ages

China is personally responsible for not only attacking our populace, the world's populations, and sinking the world economy and throwing everyone out of work and education, they have attacked our own leaders. I seriously hope anti-Chinese sentiment sky-rockets--it's a long time coming.

>China can no longer be allowed to think of itself as a superpower.
This is funny coming from Britain.

chink detected

They will slowly prime the public in preparation for the big reveal: CHINESE BIOWEAPON

Attached: biohazard-warning-symbol.jpg (648x648, 71.43K)

Your problem don't come from China, it comes from your greed. You outsourced everything to China to make your jewish overlord rich. Just a week ago Boris wanted to keep the status quo but now that the inevtibale plague is decimating his people, he wants to find culprits. What prevented him from cutting UK from China and even the rest of the wolrd? Nah you got to keep business running, how are bankers and landlords going to make money otherwise?

China is leading the fight against the American Virus. The west is trying to destroy the world.

go eat a bat chink

>Fuck China, I pray for them to be isolated and banned from trade with heavy sanctions.
the chinese manufacture everything. So you want manufactured goods to be 300% more expensive? I don't.


All it takes is a submersible unmanned vehicle with a charge or 5. It would cripple the country spread disease, destroy houses and crops and suck up loads of PLA man power.

Most importantly it's fugging cheap and deniable


yellow Insect will work then

A world war is coming where every nation unites to bring down the CCP. They're too dangerous to everyone. Russia will of course will see what's coming and betray their best friends in China and pretend they were always on the West's side.

Attached: Sick chink2.png (385x386, 75.74K)

>China is fascist
>implying thats a bad thing

>shady shit China had been up to
Like what?

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 NOT MUH TIBETINO 六四天安門事件 MY HECKING CIA STUDENTERINOS 天安門大屠殺 NOO MY PRECIOUS COUP USEFUL IDIOTINOS 反右派鬥爭 NOT MY RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADINOS 大躍進政策 MY CHINESE PUPPERINOS 文化大革命 STOP BEING PROLETIRINOS 人權 MUH HUMAN RIGHTINOS CIARINOS 民運 DEMOCRATINOS 自由 FREEDOMINOS 獨立 INDEPENDINOS 多黨制 MULTI PARTINOOO NOOO 台灣 臺灣 TAIWANINOS 中華民國 REPUBLICERINO CHININO 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 TIBETINO 達賴喇嘛 DALAI LAMAMINOO 法輪功 NOT MUH SWASTIKA SECTERINOS 新疆維吾爾自治區 MYY HECKING MUSLIMINOS NOOO 諾貝爾和平獎 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE OBAMA 劉暁波 HO LEE FOOK 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 WINNIE MAN BAD PRAISE ORANGE MAN OK 劉曉波动态网自由门

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Fuck china. they are fucking commies that need to be nuked. fuck them, they make nazi germany and the confederacy look like great countries.

>we should nuke them
>send them back to the stone age
>we should abolish communism

that's because se china culture is just Chinese culture

Lmao, this is image distortion right?

>Everyone is responsible except for China
How much is Xi paying you?

Those distortions look fake, I'll check out google maps tomorrow, I'm going to bed soon.

>Largest economy in Asia
>Second largest economy in the world
>"paper dragon"

Im glad cianigger propaganda isnt working and everyone is able to see whos who on the contemporary world stage

You worthless nigger.
Never compare china to fascism or national socialism again

true, but we understand the transition they’re doomed to make

the only thing worse than a commie is a meme flag

Attached: 1537279181985.jpg (684x1024, 165.75K)

Quality post Euro.

No, you shouldn't nuke China. Also China isn't communist.

>they make nazi germany and the confederacy look like great countries.
tbf the modern west does that anyway
but agreed with the rest of your post

>daily mail
please don't post tabloids as factual sources of information user.
Still, I was waiting for the racial propaganda to start, which it will.
This will in most likely cases, start a war, the war to end all wars.



Amerimutts are getting desperate.
Now they're telling their colonies to stop trading with china so they can still be numba1

Attached: mutt.jpg (474x392, 29.94K)

Its not the "UK" government, its one of two rabidly pro-US and pro-war MPs.

>A world war is coming where every nation unites to bring down the CCP.
yeah I've thought about that for years now. We should all unite against china and end the CPC swiftly. Sooner rather than later. They are really dangerous and evil and really believe in totalitarianism and poisoning the world with totalitarianism. They supported pol pot, north korea... imagine what horrors await the world as the CPC grows more powerful, many genocides will happen under the watch of the CPC.

lines are being drawn.
WWIII is around the corner.

>Chinese communist party
>n-no it's a fascist country n-not my g-giommunisms real gommununisms never been tried

ok yellow nigger insect subhuman faggot.

>That file name
How about you post the $70,000,000+ America send Israel every month. Or the town in Israel dedicated to Trump.

Why did hitler kill jews instead of Chinks?!!

Hahaha yeah.

Enjoy more expensive telecom and massive retaliatory tariffs as your economy crashes and burns even faster and your entire family is forced into prostitution.

Attached: 0063ZB6wly1gd3vfeettaj30hs0hs74x.jpg (640x640, 34.59K)

Also your a chink

It'll collapse within 5 years. They have cracks almost daily, and fulltime repairs. Some cracks have been a metre wide at the face.

China would fuck NATO up easily.

This is a tremendous opportunity my Western Brothers. A chance to unite and slay the Dragon for good. The CCP’s plan to dominate the world are bad for us all. At this critical moment in history, let the West stand together and stamp out the commies for all time.

Okay, mutt.

Attached: japanese pepe.png (719x489, 140.43K)

give me one reason.

>Lmao, this is image distortion right?
nope. dam wasn't built on bedrock. It was built on mud.

So we aren't getting that Huawei 5g now lol?

I had a good laugh. You're a funny guy. Nothing made in China would last after the first day of the war.


Attached: serveimage.png (200x308, 43.32K)

So are you gonna use th opium again?

Most boomer post I've seen in a while.

Bug nigger is magnitudes more appropriate

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I'm not Chinese.

no we want to destroy china because you want to destroy the world.

You're right, it's a really offensive term
Instead, how about sinogger or hanta han?


That doesn't look legit at all, the one above is a single photo but the one below is Google maps, which produces warped shit all the time stapled together from different points in time.

>China would fuck NATO up easily.
china doesn't have strategic nuclear subs yet, as far as I know. They are working on them. They are testing them, but they aren't really operational. Once they have silent boomers patrolling every ocean, it might be too late to stop them.

>He believes the bat soup lie

Based as fuck, but please be mindful, that is blasphemy!
The symbol should be reserved for more noble things.
It is a poor analogy in this case.

Attached: 1585363868773.gif (480x240, 2.57M)

Show your flag or are you ashamed of your failure of a country? You hide it for the same reason China hid the truth about Corona. They sought to save face instead of doing the civilized thing and warning others. There are going to be a whole lot of people with dead parents and grandparents looking for justice. Being called a chunk will be the least of your worries if the world collectively decides to return you to a preindustrial civilization.

Lol, U.K. will have 2/3 of its population wiped out and still no fucks given. And fuck the faggot bitch ass royal family, everyone single one of them. I’m tired of seeing their ugly mug on tv. Fuck every brit scum. The world will never forget the centuries of colonialism. Ever. Just because humans think it happened hundreds of years ago means it should be forgotten but on the scale of earth, it’s just a drop in an ocean. The universe will not rest until England falls into the ocean and never rises again!


world controlled by kikes>world Controlled by chinks.

Enjoying re-education camp, Mohammed bin pig fucker?

are you fucking stupid?! They created the coronavirus to spread communism. Jesus fucking christ. you make africans look like albert einstein in comparison.

>implying a difference

Are the chinks starting to go crazy and attacl everyone because everyone hates them now?

Yeah, the 3 gorges is the biggest environmental engineering disaster in human history waiting to happen
millions will die
Hell, probably no need to damage it anyway, it'll likely disintegrate quickly enough considering the amount of screaming about how shitty the construction was supposed to be

You understand shit. This retarded anti-chinese psyop is just you and other Anglo shitholes seething over your own irrelevance. Nobody else cares. Nobody. Because no matter how much you squirm and bullshit "China this China that" and "muh dogs" the simple fact is everyone recognizes your entire role on the world stage was to fuck shit up for everyone.

There will be no WW3, no retarded anti-chinese measures, no blaming of China and no dumb geopolitical measures - because the world doesn't want to defend you, liberal democracy or your financial interests. Go and die alone if you dare. The rest of us will just continue to lead our lives in peace.

>hey spook. Wanna blow up a dam?

It's over

Attached: 1585417890672.jpg (180x258, 15.41K)

It is dozens and dozens of reinforced high yields strength concrete. You probably need a nuclear device detonated inside it to have any chance of real damage without a huge payload.
You can blow a turbine perhaps.

we should start murdering the asians in the U.S

Want another world war mutt? Go on the front line.
Invade them on their mainland.
You had this change in 1948 when they were weak.
If you want the job done finish it yourself and pay with your blood.

Attached: mutt running.gif (480x228, 262.98K)

>The universe will not rest until England falls into the ocean and never rises again!
Islands...aren't floating.

Except you world will support China against the jewish alliance of America, Britain and Israel. The spread of COVID-19 has shown the world that China is their true ally.

Not an argument.

Attached: kino.png (577x433, 117.44K)

> the fuck is downy street

>What does CCP stand for in China?
>Communist Party of China, the ruling party of China.
>COMMUNIST party of China
Let me guess
>"It isn't REAL communism"
I guess 100+million dead just wasn't enough for you, comrade?

Attached: commie privilege.png (1000x1000, 97.67K)

Come on retards, waking up the sleeping dragon is the start of WW3
Trade embargo, turns into war, any aggression from US, UN, NATO means russia, china, best korea and iran fight it out against EU and burger in the great showdown. Middle east will be the new no mans land and your asses will be getting conscripted to die again in another war the US will lose.
Well at least isreal will be one of the first to get wiped off the map and your dumb asses are wiped from the genepool, so there is a plus.

Pick one.

>That doesn't look legit at all, the one above is a single photo but the one below is Google maps, which produces warped shit all the time stapled together from different points in time.

well take a look at it on google maps, it's one big pic and it's all distorted. the roads around it are perfectly straight and normal looking.

Everyone is expected to play their stupid little games.
Even if I was a world leader with one goal, to eradicate Israel, I would happily play their little games for optics.
Going against them openly is unwise, since they control the world economy and all central banks, media, etc.

Shills will shill as nigs and nogs will nig and nog.

Attached: 1585013148395.jpg (3888x4500, 3.98M)

Not an argument.